CDZ Is it time for "Common Sense" bomb control in Britain?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Every time we have a shooting here in the states...the anti gunners come out and start pushing the words..."Common Sense Gun Control" without ever stating the gun control they believe will effect the mass shooter.....and without ever stating how exactly that gun control measure will actually accomplish what they say they want to accomplish...

So...with the recent bombing of innocent girls in Manchester, England.....I am going to propose the exact same control options for that people can see how ridiculous they actually are .......

These are some of the measures that Britain needs to implement in order to enact "Common Sense" bomb control.....

--a 3 day waiting period for illegal bomb making material

--a background check for the illegal purchase of illegal bomb making materials

--a background check for the private sale of illegal bomb making materials

--a limit of buying only one bomb per month

--bomb makers must get a license to make their illegal bombs

--all illegal bombs must be registered with the government

--(this one is important) a limit on the number of nails or screws in the actual suicide vest....all suicide vests will only be allowed to have 10 nails or screws, in order to reduce the number of people maimed or killed by the suicide vest.

--a complete ban on "Assault" suicide vests.....

If Britain had had the foresight to enact these common sense bomb control, the guy would still have used the illegal bomb to kill 22 people, many young girls, and injure over 60 others....but we would feel better about bombs if we enacted these laws....

This is how the British should approach this issue....right?

Did I forget any?
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it
Is it time for "Common Sense" bomb control in Britain?

Why is a bomb not among the types of arms to which all men have an inalienable right? Isn't the OP part of the "no infringement" strict constructionist/literalist crowd?
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Is it time for "Common Sense" bomb control in Britain?

Why is a bomb not among the types of arms to which all men have an inalienable right? Isn't the OP part of the "no infringement" strict constructionist/literalist crowd?

Actually, you are wrong....even in the Heller decision it is recognized that dangerous and unusual weapons....are not protected.......rifles and pistols of all makes and models are protected since they can be born and are in common use....but explosive devices are unusual and dangerous....

Please try to keep up.
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs

No...they restrict them for people who will not use them to commit crimes....the criminals get the guns anyway, the mass shooters jump through all the hoops.....but the law abiding person has to pay extra, wait longer, and be denied access to guns by all of those points...

And again, bombs and explosives are unusual........and not in keeping with the 2nd Amendment....rifles, pistols, knives and swords..those are fine.
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs

No...they restrict them for people who will not use them to commit crimes....the criminals get the guns anyway, the mass shooters jump through all the hoops.....but the law abiding person has to pay extra, wait longer, and be denied access to guns by all of those points...

And again, bombs and explosives are unusual........and not in keeping with the 2nd Amendment....rifles, pistols, knives and swords..those are fine.
Explain it to the families of 30,000 Americans who die because of guns
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs

No...they restrict them for people who will not use them to commit crimes....the criminals get the guns anyway, the mass shooters jump through all the hoops.....but the law abiding person has to pay extra, wait longer, and be denied access to guns by all of those points...

And again, bombs and explosives are unusual........and not in keeping with the 2nd Amendment....rifles, pistols, knives and swords..those are fine.
Explain it to the families of 30,000 Americans who die because of guns

Why? Most of those deaths are either suicide or gun murder....of the gun murder 9,616 in 2015....70-80% of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals engaging in criminal activity.....

Here ...the suicide number...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...

Non Gun suicide...


Gun murder 2015...

Gun murder....9,616

Gun Accidental death...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


So of all the gun deaths you don't break down by your number......most are self inflicted......while non gun suicide outnumbered gun suicide.....making your point silly.

And the 9,616 gun murders......are no where close to the number of times Law abiding gun owners use guns to actually stop violent criminals.....each year Americans use guns 1,500,000 times to stop violent criminal attack...and save around 25,000 lives....

So any way you crunch the are wrong...completely wrong.....and your point is not backed up by truth or reality...

So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs

No...they restrict them for people who will not use them to commit crimes....the criminals get the guns anyway, the mass shooters jump through all the hoops.....but the law abiding person has to pay extra, wait longer, and be denied access to guns by all of those points...

And again, bombs and explosives are unusual........and not in keeping with the 2nd Amendment....rifles, pistols, knives and swords..those are fine.

I believe your statement is either an over simplification or an attempt to distort the truth. Police officers arrest folks who illegally have guns every day.
So because laws get broken....

There is no justification for laws

Got it

No...actually, you don' never do. We have laws that work....those laws state that if you commit a crime with a gun you will be arrested and put in jail. The points I made above are not laws intended to go after actual criminals...they are targeted to law abiding people who do not use their guns to commit crimes. They create criminals out of law abiding people who fail to fill out paperwork, cross a state line without realizing that the legal gun in his home state, has suddenly become an illegal gun in another state...though he has not used it to commit any crime

All of those points above...are unnecessary with the actual laws against the criminal use of a gun....and all those points above are just as effective against a bomber intent on murdering little girls as for a criminal intent on committing a crime or a mass shooter.....

But...they do allow people like you to punish gun owners...and to turn them into felons even though they did not use their gun to commit a crime.....
Those laws also restrict who can have a gun, what guns you can have and where you can carry them
They also restrict your access to bombs, explosives, hand grenades and RPGs

No...they restrict them for people who will not use them to commit crimes....the criminals get the guns anyway, the mass shooters jump through all the hoops.....but the law abiding person has to pay extra, wait longer, and be denied access to guns by all of those points...

And again, bombs and explosives are unusual........and not in keeping with the 2nd Amendment....rifles, pistols, knives and swords..those are fine.

I believe your statement is either an over simplification or an attempt to distort the truth. Police officers arrest folks who illegally have guns every day. one said the police didn't arrest criminals....the point is that all of the extra laws that anti gunners want...for licensing, background checks, and registration......are not aimed at criminals...since criminals can already be arrested when they are caught, even for simply just carrying or possessing a gun........licensing, background checks and registration do nothing to stop or solve crimes...what they do is create legal jeopardy for law abiding gun owners.....for no good reason. What they do, though, is give the anti gunners a chance to remove the Right to bear arms from a law abiding citizen who hasn't used their gun to commit an actual to register......lose the a background check...then you have to go through hoops, and pay money to show it was a mistake, fail to register a gun...lose the Right.....

We can already arrest people who use guns illegally....we can already arrest felons who have guns illegally....all the rest of those laws are unnecessary...and do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters.

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