Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Perhaps God has already left America. Small wonder there appears to be no mention of America within the Bible.
America is only in the history of Native Peoples of the continent now named North America. And they didn't call it America either. I'd guess every religion that has a lengthy history has no mention of America in it. Doubt they even mention refrigerators either.
It's time to throw secular leftist scum out of helicopters and deport the rest.


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Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop being such ridiculous whiners and drama queens.

Have you taken up comedy as a career now Clayton?

It's the LGTB Agenda Crowd who are doing the whining and Drama Queen routine, with all the demanding that men with a penis should be allowed to enter female bathrooms and if you don't agree OMG you're a "bigot" or something :rolleyes-41:

There's no such thing as Gender Neutral, there are only two Genders, there have always only been two Genders....they are male and female.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
It's worth saving but how?

Anyone who mentions "God help us" is either censored or thought of as a religious fanatic.

So when there is a national tragedy the best public officials or news anchors dare say is "our thoughts are with you." (sigh)

Then it's time to doing shocking things like *gasp* mentioning God and mentioning Faith and anyone who has a problem with that tell them to STFU.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
When I saw this, I was surprised. Who would have thought that decency would exist anywhere in California.

I am in California.

I live in a pretty conservative city. Not all of California is San Francisco.

San Francisco is changing and is turning conservative with all of the new wealth.
Where are you in California?
I am in the south bay.
"Is America worth saving or is it too late?"


America is in no need of ‘saving.’

This nonsense about ‘bathrooms’ is a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right.

And this isn’t a ‘religious issue’ – in fact, it’s a non-issue; no need for Christians to ‘leave.’
"Is America worth saving or is it too late?"


America is in no need of ‘saving.’

This nonsense about ‘bathrooms’ is a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right.

And this isn’t a ‘religious issue’ – in fact, it’s a non-issue; no need for Christians to ‘leave.’
You are unable to connect dots obviously. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?
Have things gone too far?
Students, protesters fight outside LA school with gender-neutral bathroom
Is America worth saving or is it too late?
When I saw this, I was surprised. Who would have thought that decency would exist anywhere in California.

I am in California.

I live in a pretty conservative city. Not all of California is San Francisco.

Local religious group suing city to remove outdoor urinals at Dolores Park

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