Is it safe to say Trump regretted the Palin endorsement during her speech?

You could see the forces smile on his face as she sputtered on.
When he remembered he was on camera too.

I LOVED that deer-in-headlights that looked glued onto his face.

What's safe to say is that he didn't know how drunk she would be.

That's his own damn fault cuz the whole entire world knows she's a lush and likely hasn't been sober for some years or several pregnancies, whichever comes first.
Liberals will never forgive Sarah Palin for being so well liked. Po hilly got six people to show up for her, then she blew them off for pakis.
She gives that same rambling speech for everything. It's like a magic 8 ball of shit that rubes Get in a tizzy over .

Gun grabbers
Apology tour
Fat cats
Washington insiders

You could make a drinking game up easy .
Trump thought, "Iowa, ka ching" and "we'll worry about the rest later."

Very good move.
She gives that same rambling speech for everything. It's like a magic 8 ball of shit that rubes Get in a tizzy over .

Gun grabbers
Apology tour
Fat cats
Washington insiders

You could make a drinking game up easy .
True. Sentence structure is not really any base repub's strong suit
Some libs have problems as well.

When Truth Matters got going, we needed an interpreter from Uranus.
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He is overjoyed. She put him way ahead of Ted Cruz.
Yeah you're so right. After watching her speech the repubs holding out on supporting Trump just felt bad for him that he had to endure that speech from 4 feet away.

Fool. Doesn't matter how you knock her.

She mobilizes the base like no one else can to come out and volunteer in droves.

Trump knows her value. He knows her teams. The Donald values that.

Remember she turned out campaign workers for Cruz like crazy and he's sitting in the Senate now isn't he?
Now the idiocy of Trump is one thing, but Palin's hilarious word salad makes even him sound like a Harvard law professor. You could see the forced smile on his face as she sputtered on. Priceless lol

The Most Insane 6 Seconds From Sarah Palin's Wild Endorsement Of Trump

'Um that was, what was Sarah Palin meaning to say again, sorry :confused-84: It was pretty crazy.

Have you read the whole transcript of her speech? Vintage Palin.

I'm very aware that libs hate her and so do many Republicans, but make no mistake. She moves the ground troops in during campaigns and basically elections these days are a hand to hand combat mission consequently her people are very effective getting voters to the polls.
Trump and Cruz are neck and neck in Iowa and the caucuses are just over a week away so why don't you wait and see how that turns out then you will have a much better idea if getting Palins endorsement was good or bad. I know doing this might mess the typical partisan bullshit but think about it anyway.
He is overjoyed. She put him way ahead of Ted Cruz.
Yeah you're so right. After watching her speech the repubs holding out on supporting Trump just felt bad for him that he had to endure that speech from 4 feet away.

Fool. Doesn't matter how you knock her.

She mobilizes the base like no one else can to come out and volunteer in droves.

Trump knows her value. He knows her teams. The Donald values that.

Remember she turned out campaign workers for Cruz like crazy and he's sitting in the Senate now isn't he?
Your blind partisan, knee-jerk propensity to defend all and any republicans/conservatives, including a true loon like Palin, is as pathetic as it is ridiculous.