Is it safe to say that the reason why republicans get elected is because the average American...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...doesn't understand specific issues?

I am reminded of a clip from Real Time with Bill Maher that showed a clip of everyday people being asked about the upcoming election. Many people had no idea an election was even happening. Many couldn't even say who represented their district. One person was asked how he felt about gay marriage, unemployment benefits, and raising the minimum wage - he supported all 3. When asked which party he was going to vote for, he said republican!

It makes you wonder if people even know what they are getting into. See polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage

Now granted republicans have 75% disapproval ratings so on some level Americans do understand how shitty the party is. However, why do republicans still get elected?

I think the average joe republican is ignorant on the most basic of issues. They either watch the purposefully distorted Fox News, or they watch no news at all.

The majority of republicans don't even know who John Boehner is. Can we trust that any average ioe American who votes republican simply has no idea what they are doing?

Obviously we know why most rich people vote republican. That part I get.
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sounds hopeful to me , mostly YOUNG dems that are unaware of whats going on in the country so maybe repubs will really take the Senate in a big way . SO , thanks fer your impression on the upcoming elections BILLY , I hope that dems [college stewdents] get all buzzed up , turn up the miley cirus and Justin Bieber tunes and remain unaware of election day !! By the way , I'm not rich but am forced to vote repub because the dems are dems !! By the way , yer list of 4 issues sound funny to me !!
sounds hopeful to me , mostly YOUNG dems that are unaware of whats going on in the country so maybe repubs will really take the Senate in a big way . SO , thanks fer your impression on the upcoming elections BILLY , I hope that dems [college stewdents] get all buzzed up , turn up the miley cirus and Justin Bieber tunes and remain unaware of election day !! By the way , I'm not rich but am forced to vote repub because the dems are dems !! By the way , yer list of 4 issues sound funny to me !!
...doesn't understand specific issues?

polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage
A majority of Americans favor free health care for all, unlimited unemployment benefits, and a minimum wage of $20 / hour. The polls show why Plato said oligarchies degenerate into democracies, and democracies degenerate into tyrannies. Lets face it, a majority of Americans are idiots. Those 4 ideas are all bad, but it takes too much time to explain it.
I'm not single issue voter but I only care about a few issues like defense , security of borders , immigration but that's about it !! None of BILLYS 4 issues are of any interest to me OldSchool !!
I'm not single issue voter but I only care about a few issues like defense , security of borders , immigration but that's about it !! None of BILLYS 4 issues are of any interest to me OldSchool !!

They aren't even on the radar except for the moonbat left... you know, like Billy.
...doesn't understand specific issues?

polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage
A majority of Americans favor free health care for all, unlimited unemployment benefits, and a minimum wage of $20 / hour. The polls show why Plato said oligarchies degenerate into democracies, and democracies degenerate into tyrannies. Lets face it, a majority of Americans are idiots. Those 4 ideas are all bad, but it takes too much time to explain it.
Only a minority of Americans favor socialized medicine.
...doesn't understand specific issues?

I am reminded of a clip from Real Time with Bill Maher that showed a clip of everyday people being asked about the upcoming election. Many people had no idea an election was even happening. Many couldn't even say who represented their district. One person was asked how he felt about gay marriage, unemployment benefits, and raising the minimum wage - he supported all 3. When asked which party he was going to vote for, he said republican!

It makes you wonder if people even know what they are getting into. See polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage

Now granted republicans have 75% disapproval ratings so on some level Americans do understand how shitty the party is. However, why do republicans still get elected?

I think the average joe republican is ignorant on the most basic of issues. They either watch the purposefully distorted Fox News, or they watch no news at all.

The majority of republicans don't even know who John Boehner is. Can we trust that any average ioe American who votes republican simply has no idea what they are doing?

Obviously we know why most rich people vote republican. That part I get.

Same thing can be said about the average Joe Democrat.
Most voters on both sides are ignorant of the basic issues.
...doesn't understand specific issues?

I am reminded of a clip from Real Time with Bill Maher that showed a clip of everyday people being asked about the upcoming election. Many people had no idea an election was even happening. Many couldn't even say who represented their district. One person was asked how he felt about gay marriage, unemployment benefits, and raising the minimum wage - he supported all 3. When asked which party he was going to vote for, he said republican!

It makes you wonder if people even know what they are getting into. See polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage

Now granted republicans have 75% disapproval ratings so on some level Americans do understand how shitty the party is. However, why do republicans still get elected?

I think the average joe republican is ignorant on the most basic of issues. They either watch the purposefully distorted Fox News, or they watch no news at all.

The majority of republicans don't even know who John Boehner is. Can we trust that any average ioe American who votes republican simply has no idea what they are doing?

Obviously we know why most rich people vote republican. That part I get.

The average Republican voter is not really a card carrying Republican. Most are just compliant sheeple programmed by daily inculcation from Limbaugh and other RW talking heads. Driven by the fear that minorities are taking over the country, most are easy prey for the propagandists of the white right. Their own best interests are abandoned as they congregate under the banner of "conservatism" to join hands against the "dark forces" of liberalism. Yes, that same liberalism that built the middle class that card carrying Republicans have been trying to destroy since the days of the New Deal.
defense , a strong offense capability , strongest in the world , best border security is all I want to see done by fed gov . As far as I'm concerned , these 4 SPECIFIC areas mentioned are my only concern !! All this other stuff that's wanted is just silly IMO !!
...doesn't understand specific issues?

I am reminded of a clip from Real Time with Bill Maher that showed a clip of everyday people being asked about the upcoming election. Many people had no idea an election was even happening. Many couldn't even say who represented their district. One person was asked how he felt about gay marriage, unemployment benefits, and raising the minimum wage - he supported all 3. When asked which party he was going to vote for, he said republican!

It makes you wonder if people even know what they are getting into. See polls show a majority of Americans agree with the following issues:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Background checks and registration for owning a gun
3) Extending unemployment benefits
4) Gay marriage

Now granted republicans have 75% disapproval ratings so on some level Americans do understand how shitty the party is. However, why do republicans still get elected?

I think the average joe republican is ignorant on the most basic of issues. They either watch the purposefully distorted Fox News, or they watch no news at all.

The majority of republicans don't even know who John Boehner is. Can we trust that any average ioe American who votes republican simply has no idea what they are doing?

Obviously we know why most rich people vote republican. That part I get.

You've hit the nail on the head.

It's baffling when you see all the polls out there. About 75% of Americans support Medicare and Social Security. That includes more than 60% of Republican voters even.

The majority are now okay with gay marriage.

The majority want the minimum wage raised, even Republican voters.

Even on raising taxes on the rich Republican voters agree that the rich don't pay enough in taxes. It's only when you poll rich Republicans do the numbers tank into the low 30's for raising taxes on themselves.

And yet, a lot of average people out there support all that stuff and now have affordable health insurance from a healthcare exchange because their pre-existing condition had denied them coverage for years and STILL they seem to think that because they grew up in a Republican household that convinced them that all the good things in their life come from the people with the (R) and all bad things come from the people with a (D) next to their names, it's safe to say this kind of average voter, who we've seen in videos countless times in recent years, is a part of that strange silent majority that is totally confused in their own thinking. Which is why America has such crazy gridlock in Washington D.C. The country keeps voting in people that its voters are ignorant about what they actually stand for.

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