Is it possible to be "banned" from Quora?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Quora is a website that facilitates the asking and responding to questions, often controversial and sometimes in a real quest for information.

I like to "argue" on line and have been floating questions and answers on Quora for a couple of years.

I recently insulted a poster* (which I don't usually do) and the fukker apparently took offense. Now the Quora links don't work (for me). Whether I go directly to the site, or click on a link (many questions are directed to me, now that I am a regular poster), I can't get back into Quora.

Is it possible that I've been banned?

Why would the link - or even a Google search - not work?

Would they censure me without telling me about it? And if they have, why would I continue to get inquiries?

If the Site wasn't working, then the inquiries would not still be coming.


* I called him gullible for believing in the Social Security "Trust Fund."
Looking for you I found this in the microsoft community someone else recently asked as they had the same problem-
well since you mentioned you had the same problem in Google Chrome, i think the problem is caused by an extension that you happen to install on both Chrome and the new Edge. can you check that?
also which version of Edge insider are you using?
I've read some Quora postings when I've been researching something. I've never seen people arguing or personally addressing a previous poster, although their information might disagree. I have no idea if you've been booted off the site, but I think you used Quora in a manner for which it was not intended.
I've read some Quora postings when I've been researching something. I've never seen people arguing or personally addressing a previous poster, although their information might disagree. I have no idea if you've been booted off the site, but I think you used Quora in a manner for which it was not intended.
He thought he was on USMB
So now I find that I CAN get to Quora on my Chrome-Book computer, but I can't get there on my MAC or my PC. The MAC uses Safari and the PC is Internet Explorer - although obviously I could switch the PC to Google Chrome.

The web browser seems to have something to do with it, but why did this happen all-of-a-sudden?

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