Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?

The only people losing their shit are those who are butt hurt over the Supreme Court once again giving ObamaCare some legs, and the Supreme Court acknowledging the rights of homosexuals.

Ever since those two decisions, the racists and bigots like Trump have been totally losing it, showing the true colors (no pun intended) of the modern day GOP.

The foam from the retards' mouths has been flowing extra heavy and thick these days.
The left is batshit crazier than I've ever seen them. Fucking loons.

Or.....we've had a few great weeks and some rather impressive victories. And your ilk are simply having a hard time dealing with it.
Millions of Americans would LOVE to know where is that SEVEN TRILLION we owe China. YOU say we have it so where is it?

And who says we owe China 7 trillion?

Let me citing yourself?
External debt by country.
Rank Country External debt[2]
US dollars
Date Per capita[3][4][5][6]
US dollars
% of GDP[7][8][9]
United States 18,540,448,667,000 20 June 2015 58,437 106
United Kingdom 9,590,995,000,000 31 March 2014 160,158 406
France 5,750,152,000,000 31 March 2014 86,317 222
Germany 5,546,869,000,000 31 March 2014 68,720 145
Luxembourg[note 1] 3,472,282,000,000 31 March 2014 3,696,467 3,443
China 3,000,000,000,000 31 December 2013[10] 2,220.57 37.5
Japan 2,861,488,000,000 31 March 2014 24,000 60
Italy 2,651,413,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 43,621 124
Ireland 2,639,672,886,310[11] 30 September 2014 52,227 103
Netherlands 2,526,895,000,000 31 March 2014 226,503 316
Spain 2,305,648,000,000 31 March 2014 52,045 167
Switzerland 1,610,897,000,000 31 March 2014 154,063 229
Australia 1,395,638,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 52,596 95
Canada 1,337,445,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 29,625 92
Belgium 1,286,918,000,000 31 March 2014 113,603 266
Hong Kong
1,231,233,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 105,420 334
Sweden 1,145,785,000,000 31 March 2014 91,487 187
Austria 820,010,000,000 31 March 2014 90,128 200
Norway 737,118,000,000 31 March 2014 131,220 141
Russian Federation 599,819,000,000 31 March 2014 3,634 23
Denmark 593,221,000,000 31 March 2014 101,084 180
Portugal 548,800,000,000 30 June 2011 47,835 223
India 455,900,000,000 31 September 2014 est. 364 22.795
Brazil 428,300,000,000 31 December 2012est. 1,608 15
South Korea 425,353,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 7,567

You may notice that Greece AND Mexico are NOT on that list. THEIR world debt is SMALLER then ours. For a complete list here...
List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And where in that list is the '7 trillion that we own China'?

And do you ever get tired of pulling stats sideways out of your ass?
The only people losing their shit are those who are butt hurt over the Supreme Court once again giving ObamaCare some legs, and the Supreme Court acknowledging the rights of homosexuals.

Ever since those two decisions, the racists and bigots like Trump have been totally losing it, showing the true colors (no pun intended) of the modern day GOP.

The foam from the retards' mouths has been flowing extra heavy and thick these days.

Insane murder fantasies that tell us exactly how the 'Leftists' would be killed, how their heads would be removed and placed on pikes, how their cities would be burned?

Is that normal, conservatives? Or new?

I'm rich. Really rich. And yet all my money can't get this stick out my ass. Those damned Mexicans and homos! And my made in China neckties! D'oh!

I'm rich. Really rich. And yet all my money can't get this stick out my ass. Those damned Mexicans and homos! And my made in China neckties! D'oh!
you can smell the fear of the lefties when Trump appears....hahaha
The only people losing their shit are those who are butt hurt over the Supreme Court once again giving ObamaCare some legs, and the Supreme Court acknowledging the rights of homosexuals.

Ever since those two decisions, the racists and bigots like Trump have been totally losing it, showing the true colors (no pun intended) of the modern day GOP.

The foam from the retards' mouths has been flowing extra heavy and thick these days.

Um, what do Obamacare and gay marriage have to do with "racists?" How stupid are you?
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

They are worried sick, but it is not about trump winning the republican nomination, because both sides know he won't.

What they are worried about is that he won't shut up, and people will rally to those who SUPPORT his view on illegals, and that he will bring the statistics forward in the debate.

What that will do is 2 things. Knock Jebster out of the box, along with Christie, and every other rino, leaving Trump, Cruz, and who else?

It will also knock every liberal out of the box with the independents, including Hilly. Illegal immigration is in the top 5 concerns for ALL Americans of BOTH parties when surveyed. They want it stopped!!!!!! And so, what both rinos and libs are trying to do is..............get both candidates to agree not to make this an issue. They need one of the rinos to win the repub nomination, and any lib will do, lol.

With Trump funding himself, this issue is NOT going away, and what will happen is more than likely, Cruz or Walker will win for the repubs. Neither party wants this, so they are trying to cut this off as fast as possible. I have a feeling, that is NOT going to happen!

Make immigration the #1 issue. And PLEASE keep the Trumpster talking!!!

I'm sure all that noise you are hearing coming from the left are screams and cries. Nope, Hillary did not cackle. Nope, that wasn't Sanders or Webb laughing hysterically! Just screams and crying, really........... :eusa_whistle:
And the leftard meltdown continues. It's priceless.

They're pulling out all the oldies but goldies about, OH RUN HIM, YEAH, GREAT IDEA, thinking that pathetic, blatantly obvious attempt at reverse psychology will somehow make us think we shouldn't, and then on to new levels of stupidity and shrillness... :lol:

Progtards CAN be entertaining. Just disagree with them, do what they don't want you to do, cross them and tell them to shut up, you're not going to listen to them, and watch their little bubble heads explode... LMFAO!!!

I'm rich. Really rich. And yet all my money can't get this stick out my ass. Those damned Mexicans and homos! And my made in China neckties! D'oh!
you can smell the fear of the lefties when Trump appears....hahaha

Yes, we're terrified. Please don't nominate him.


he's creating all kiinds of trouble for you lefties without even being nominated....
Oh yes...horrible horrible trouble. Please....protect us from him.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

They are worried sick, but it is not about trump winning the republican nomination, because both sides know he won't.

What they are worried about is that he won't shut up, and people will rally to those who SUPPORT his view on illegals, and that he will bring the statistics forward in the debate.

What that will do is 2 things. Knock Jebster out of the box, along with Christie, and every other rino, leaving Trump, Cruz, and who else?

It will also knock every liberal out of the box with the independents, including Hilly. Illegal immigration is in the top 5 concerns for ALL Americans of BOTH parties when surveyed. They want it stopped!!!!!! And so, what both rinos and libs are trying to do is..............get both candidates to agree not to make this an issue. They need one of the rinos to win the repub nomination, and any lib will do, lol.

With Trump funding himself, this issue is NOT going away, and what will happen is more than likely, Cruz or Walker will win for the repubs. Neither party wants this, so they are trying to cut this off as fast as possible. I have a feeling, that is NOT going to happen!

Make immigration the #1 issue. And PLEASE keep the Trumpster talking!!!

I'm sure all that noise you are hearing coming from the left are screams and cries. Nope, Hillary did not cackle. Nope, that wasn't Sanders or Webb laughing hysterically! Just screams and crying, really........... :eusa_whistle:
I agree with your post.....please! We beg you, GOP! Don't nominate Trump! He would devastate us! Please don't! Please don't! Please don't!
And the leftard meltdown continues. It's priceless.

They're pulling out all the oldies but goldies about, OH RUN HIM, YEAH, GREAT IDEA, thinking that pathetic, blatantly obvious attempt at reverse psychology will somehow make us think we shouldn't, and then on to new levels of stupidity and shrillness... :lol:

Darn! You're just too clever for us

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