Is it fair that Asians make their children ...


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
there have been a few articles lately about Chinese moms who force their kids to do well at school, practise musical intruments, work in the family business, bring honour to the family, etc. is this a good thing or a bad thing? is it just cultural? does it work? is it fair to other children who dont get the same treatment from their parents?
You know what the suicide rate is for these only children in China that are pushed to excel all their lives and then can't find a job in their narrowly focused field?

Pretty high, from what I understand.
I actually meant asians here in western society. but if you have some numbers from China, go for it
The left destroyed family cohesion. They outlawed family discipline , school discipline and society discipline. When I grew up if a child did something bad or wrong, Mom did not have to be there. The neighbors were more then willing to punish you for it and Mom was thankful.

When I grew up if you did something wrong in school a paddling was an option.

Since the 60's the left has steadily destroyed the US family. The worst sufferers are the blacks. Once one of the strongest family groups now young black men refuse to be fathers to the children they create.
The left destroyed family cohesion. They outlawed family discipline , school discipline and society discipline. When I grew up if a child did something bad or wrong, Mom did not have to be there. The neighbors were more then willing to punish you for it and Mom was thankful.

When I grew up if you did something wrong in school a paddling was an option.

Since the 60's the left has steadily destroyed the US family. The worst sufferers are the blacks. Once one of the strongest family groups now young black men refuse to be fathers to the children they create.
Are you trying to say that black men should be beaten?
The left destroyed family cohesion. They outlawed family discipline , school discipline and society discipline. When I grew up if a child did something bad or wrong, Mom did not have to be there. The neighbors were more then willing to punish you for it and Mom was thankful.

When I grew up if you did something wrong in school a paddling was an option.

Since the 60's the left has steadily destroyed the US family. The worst sufferers are the blacks. Once one of the strongest family groups now young black men refuse to be fathers to the children they create.

so you think it is fair that asian families demand higher standards for their children? perhaps even a good thing?
The left destroyed family cohesion. They outlawed family discipline , school discipline and society discipline. When I grew up if a child did something bad or wrong, Mom did not have to be there. The neighbors were more then willing to punish you for it and Mom was thankful.

When I grew up if you did something wrong in school a paddling was an option.

Since the 60's the left has steadily destroyed the US family. The worst sufferers are the blacks. Once one of the strongest family groups now young black men refuse to be fathers to the children they create.
Are you trying to say that black men should be beaten?

should black MEN still be in school?
It has nothing to do with fairness. any caring parent would want the best for their children. this includes excelling in school or anything else that would help to mold them to be independent, successful adults. the proof is in the pudding. asians in general, not only chinese, have the highest college enrollments compared to any other ethnic group, less pre-teen pregnancies and asians commit the least crime in this country. so they must be doing something right.
You know what the suicide rate is for these only children in China that are pushed to excel all their lives and then can't find a job in their narrowly focused field?

Pretty high, from what I understand.

Are you specifically refering to children living in China??

It seems that those with a left-leaning bias in their perspective need to find any and all indications that traditional values result in bad outcomes....

There is very little that indicates what you suggest in terms of Asian-Americans, and even any such is hard to associate with educational upbringing....


"Despite the rapid emergence of Asian Americans in different communities across this country, there is surprisingly little empirical epidemiological evidence about the correlates of suicide in this population (Leong et al., 2007, Noh, 2007).

While research on the general population has shown strong linkages between socio-demographic factors and suicidal behaviors, prior studies have either omitted Asian Americans from the analyses, have included very small samples of Asian Americans, or have failed to disaggregate Asian Americans by socio-demographic factors, especially nativity (Kessler, 1999, 2005).

Nativity or immigration status (US-born or immigrant) has been shown to be an important factor in determining risk for suicidal behaviors and for completed suicide in ethnic populations with a high proportion of foreign-born (Wadsworth & Kubrin, 2007; Kushner, 1989; Sorensen & Shen, 1996; Hovey & King, 1997). Since 68% of Asian Americans are foreign-born, immigration status may be a critical factor to study in investigating the risk for suicidal behaviors among Asian Americans (Lai & Arguelles, 2003)."Correlates of Suicidal Behaviors Among Asian Americans

On the other hand,

"Asian Americans have excelled higher education in the last few decades. Less than 5 percent of the country’s population, Asian Americans typically make up 10 to 30 percent of the best colleges."
Asian Americans' Rising Suicide Rates -- Three Students Take their Lives - NAM
The left destroyed family cohesion. They outlawed family discipline , school discipline and society discipline. When I grew up if a child did something bad or wrong, Mom did not have to be there. The neighbors were more then willing to punish you for it and Mom was thankful.

When I grew up if you did something wrong in school a paddling was an option.

Since the 60's the left has steadily destroyed the US family. The worst sufferers are the blacks. Once one of the strongest family groups now young black men refuse to be fathers to the children they create.

so you think it is fair that asian families demand higher standards for their children? perhaps even a good thing?
I do.

I'm not Asian and I did the same. Why would any parent do anything less?
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What part of children in China did you not understand?

On the contrary, I understood more than, it seems, you did.

Since the OP was about the Amy Chua book, an Asian-American, and the manner in which she raised her American-Asian children...the topic of many blogs and posts....surprised that you misunderstood that....I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Clearly you didn't deserve said benefit.
there have been a few articles lately about Chinese moms who force their kids to do well at school, practise musical intruments, work in the family business, bring honour to the family, etc. is this a good thing or a bad thing? is it just cultural? does it work? is it fair to other children who dont get the same treatment from their parents?

Man that is just so wrong, how can they be so curel to their children?
They should just let their children scrape by in school, and lay on the couch and watch TV while eating Micky Dee's and little debbies. And then play on the net till 2am each night.
Then buy them a new car when they get their liscence, pay for them to take 6 years to get thru college and then let them move back in with the kids when they get divorced.
there have been a few articles lately about Chinese moms who force their kids to do well at school, practise musical intruments, work in the family business, bring honour to the family, etc. is this a good thing or a bad thing? is it just cultural? does it work? is it fair to other children who dont get the same treatment from their parents?

Man that is just so wrong, how can they be so curel to their children?
They should just let their children scrape by in school, and lay on the couch and watch TV while eating Micky Dee's and little debbies. And then play on the net till 2am each night.
Then buy them a new car when they get their liscence, pay for them to take 6 years to get thru college and then let them move back in with the kids when they get divorced.

Who raises their kids like that? and by the way in most countries living with your parents is not considered a bad thing, only in America people look down on that.

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