Is it a virus, as the media write about it?An orange revolution within?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If we look closely at this coronavirus through the prism of the third month of its spread, there are many questions, up to the main question - and, if so, is it a virus, as the media write about it?

Let us think about it a little. The virus began its march in December 2019. As stated, the incubation period of the virus is up to two weeks. It spreads by airborne droplets, and later it was declared to be oral-focal. The virus infection occurs even during the incubation period of the disease.

Thus, for a whole 2 weeks a person infected with the virus does not feel the manifestations of the disease and infects everyone around him. All those whom he has infected literally immediately begin to infect his entire surroundings. And so on, exponentially...

Do you have any idea how fast this virus should be spreading? Therefore, all doubts about the validity of the official data on the spread of the disease are absolutely justified. In two months in China, given its population density, the coronavirus should have infected tens of millions of people, and the dead tens and hundreds of thousands.

But that's not the point either. The fact is, the Chinese are the most traveling nation today. In two months of their "hangout" over countries and continents, they should have already spread the virus around the planet. And today it wouldn't be a question of 5-10-25 infected people in other countries. That's even ridiculous.

Well, one more thing. Many people assume that the virus is supposed to infect the Chinese and other Asians, so in other countries because of the small number of Chinese, there are few infected. That's not a bad argument, but... Cherry, so to speak, on the cake.
A comment from a guy, who has long been forced to live and work in Thailand and, moreover, in the most tourist city of this country - Pattaya. Now, .

"In Thailand, according to official data, the population of the country is 10% ethnic Chinese. But, in fact, the Chinese are so mixed with the Thais that in reality it is considered these Thais at least 30%. Therefore, in Thailand, the field for this coronavirus is more than extensive, as the carriers of DNA of the Chinese - tens of millions of people.

In addition, he lives in the city, which is the tourist center of the country, where a huge number of Chinese tourists, which literally fill the entire city just between December and February and March months. And this year there was no exception. There were a lot and a lot of Chinese people. As they say - "not to push through and not to breathe a breath".

And what would you think? After two months of coronavirus attack from China, when tens of thousands of Chinese, including from Wuhan, wandered around the city full of local Chinese and their mixtures - we have no coronavirus at all!

There are not only those who got sick, but there are not even any masks on the locals. Everyone lives a normal life. There's not even any serious warning of the danger of infection from the official authorities. There are no masks on the police, who work in the city, in banks, at the shops, or in the official authorities, including at the migration points.

But forgive me, Pattaya should have turned into a Thai Wuhan by now, like Bangkok, where there are also a huge number of Chinese tourists and local Chinese. How can it be that in China the Chinese literally fall alive from this virus and infect each other, and in this city the Chinese do not even sneeze? You can draw your own conclusions..."

Folks! It turns out to be a very strange and very illogical situation. Why didn't the Chinese from China infect any of the Chinese in Pattaya, where life goes on as usual until today?

The fact that the Chinese in China are sick and really falling dead - we have no doubt about it. But here's the main question - do they get sick and die from the self-propagating and very contagious coronavirus or from the intentional infection of people with a virus that practically doesn't spread itself, but only affects those it has hit?

How could people in China be infected? It's very simple. People in China sprayed the virus in places of mass congregation in Wuhan and other cities, and people began to get sick from it and many died. They could also have sprayed a little bit in neighbouring countries to paint a picture of the epidemic. Well, the rest of the work to create world hysteria is a matter of technique through the use of media.

The second important question to answer. Who needs it and why? Who benefits from it?

Isn't it the work of Chinese gorbachevs?
If we look closely at this coronavirus through the prism of the third month of its spread, there are many questions, up to the main question - and, if so, is it a virus, as the media write about it?

Let us think about it a little. The virus began its march in December 2019. As stated, the incubation period of the virus is up to two weeks. It spreads by airborne droplets, and later it was declared to be oral-focal. The virus infection occurs even during the incubation period of the disease.

Thus, for a whole 2 weeks a person infected with the virus does not feel the manifestations of the disease and infects everyone around him. All those whom he has infected literally immediately begin to infect his entire surroundings. And so on, exponentially...

Do you have any idea how fast this virus should be spreading? Therefore, all doubts about the validity of the official data on the spread of the disease are absolutely justified. In two months in China, given its population density, the coronavirus should have infected tens of millions of people, and the dead tens and hundreds of thousands.

But that's not the point either. The fact is, the Chinese are the most traveling nation today. In two months of their "hangout" over countries and continents, they should have already spread the virus around the planet. And today it wouldn't be a question of 5-10-25 infected people in other countries. That's even ridiculous.

Well, one more thing. Many people assume that the virus is supposed to infect the Chinese and other Asians, so in other countries because of the small number of Chinese, there are few infected. That's not a bad argument, but... Cherry, so to speak, on the cake.
A comment from a guy, who has long been forced to live and work in Thailand and, moreover, in the most tourist city of this country - Pattaya. Now, .

"In Thailand, according to official data, the population of the country is 10% ethnic Chinese. But, in fact, the Chinese are so mixed with the Thais that in reality it is considered these Thais at least 30%. Therefore, in Thailand, the field for this coronavirus is more than extensive, as the carriers of DNA of the Chinese - tens of millions of people.

In addition, he lives in the city, which is the tourist center of the country, where a huge number of Chinese tourists, which literally fill the entire city just between December and February and March months. And this year there was no exception. There were a lot and a lot of Chinese people. As they say - "not to push through and not to breathe a breath".

And what would you think? After two months of coronavirus attack from China, when tens of thousands of Chinese, including from Wuhan, wandered around the city full of local Chinese and their mixtures - we have no coronavirus at all!

There are not only those who got sick, but there are not even any masks on the locals. Everyone lives a normal life. There's not even any serious warning of the danger of infection from the official authorities. There are no masks on the police, who work in the city, in banks, at the shops, or in the official authorities, including at the migration points.

But forgive me, Pattaya should have turned into a Thai Wuhan by now, like Bangkok, where there are also a huge number of Chinese tourists and local Chinese. How can it be that in China the Chinese literally fall alive from this virus and infect each other, and in this city the Chinese do not even sneeze? You can draw your own conclusions..."

Folks! It turns out to be a very strange and very illogical situation. Why didn't the Chinese from China infect any of the Chinese in Pattaya, where life goes on as usual until today?

The fact that the Chinese in China are sick and really falling dead - we have no doubt about it. But here's the main question - do they get sick and die from the self-propagating and very contagious coronavirus or from the intentional infection of people with a virus that practically doesn't spread itself, but only affects those it has hit?

How could people in China be infected? It's very simple. People in China sprayed the virus in places of mass congregation in Wuhan and other cities, and people began to get sick from it and many died. They could also have sprayed a little bit in neighbouring countries to paint a picture of the epidemic. Well, the rest of the work to create world hysteria is a matter of technique through the use of media.

The second important question to answer. Who needs it and why? Who benefits from it?

Isn't it the work of Chinese gorbachevs?
I'm not a fan of CNN but for what I saw ... it seems to be more frank about the virus than here in France, here we are told that the flu kills more people and that it is only old people who die from the Coronavirus.
And the number seem very wrong as Always à la Chinese.
Here are two completely different links:
The first one I found:Coronavirus Update (Live): 40,651 Cases and 910 Deaths from the Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
And this one from sparky :

Containment BREACHED: The nCoV coronavirus is out of control; mainstream health experts warn world to prepare for global spread
I think I got it from a Japanese restaurant. :08621:

Or maybe it is just a cold. Hard to say. Symptoms are similar.
The cruise ships can give a clue to how fast it spreads and lags in detection.

Another thing is the Chinese hospitals were turning away patients and those who die at home or on the streets are not counted as virus victims.
If we look closely at this coronavirus through the prism of the third month of its spread, there are many questions, up to the main question - and, if so, is it a virus, as the media write about it?

Let us think about it a little. The virus began its march in December 2019. As stated, the incubation period of the virus is up to two weeks. It spreads by airborne droplets, and later it was declared to be oral-focal. The virus infection occurs even during the incubation period of the disease.

Thus, for a whole 2 weeks a person infected with the virus does not feel the manifestations of the disease and infects everyone around him. All those whom he has infected literally immediately begin to infect his entire surroundings. And so on, exponentially...

Do you have any idea how fast this virus should be spreading? Therefore, all doubts about the validity of the official data on the spread of the disease are absolutely justified. In two months in China, given its population density, the coronavirus should have infected tens of millions of people, and the dead tens and hundreds of thousands.

But that's not the point either. The fact is, the Chinese are the most traveling nation today. In two months of their "hangout" over countries and continents, they should have already spread the virus around the planet. And today it wouldn't be a question of 5-10-25 infected people in other countries. That's even ridiculous.

Well, one more thing. Many people assume that the virus is supposed to infect the Chinese and other Asians, so in other countries because of the small number of Chinese, there are few infected. That's not a bad argument, but... Cherry, so to speak, on the cake.
A comment from a guy, who has long been forced to live and work in Thailand and, moreover, in the most tourist city of this country - Pattaya. Now, .

"In Thailand, according to official data, the population of the country is 10% ethnic Chinese. But, in fact, the Chinese are so mixed with the Thais that in reality it is considered these Thais at least 30%. Therefore, in Thailand, the field for this coronavirus is more than extensive, as the carriers of DNA of the Chinese - tens of millions of people.

In addition, he lives in the city, which is the tourist center of the country, where a huge number of Chinese tourists, which literally fill the entire city just between December and February and March months. And this year there was no exception. There were a lot and a lot of Chinese people. As they say - "not to push through and not to breathe a breath".

And what would you think? After two months of coronavirus attack from China, when tens of thousands of Chinese, including from Wuhan, wandered around the city full of local Chinese and their mixtures - we have no coronavirus at all!

There are not only those who got sick, but there are not even any masks on the locals. Everyone lives a normal life. There's not even any serious warning of the danger of infection from the official authorities. There are no masks on the police, who work in the city, in banks, at the shops, or in the official authorities, including at the migration points.

But forgive me, Pattaya should have turned into a Thai Wuhan by now, like Bangkok, where there are also a huge number of Chinese tourists and local Chinese. How can it be that in China the Chinese literally fall alive from this virus and infect each other, and in this city the Chinese do not even sneeze? You can draw your own conclusions..."

Folks! It turns out to be a very strange and very illogical situation. Why didn't the Chinese from China infect any of the Chinese in Pattaya, where life goes on as usual until today?

The fact that the Chinese in China are sick and really falling dead - we have no doubt about it. But here's the main question - do they get sick and die from the self-propagating and very contagious coronavirus or from the intentional infection of people with a virus that practically doesn't spread itself, but only affects those it has hit?

How could people in China be infected? It's very simple. People in China sprayed the virus in places of mass congregation in Wuhan and other cities, and people began to get sick from it and many died. They could also have sprayed a little bit in neighbouring countries to paint a picture of the epidemic. Well, the rest of the work to create world hysteria is a matter of technique through the use of media.

The second important question to answer. Who needs it and why? Who benefits from it?

Isn't it the work of Chinese gorbachevs?
I'm not a fan of CNN but for what I saw ... it seems to be more frank about the virus than here in France, here we are told that the flu kills more people and that it is only old people who die from the Coronavirus.
And the number seem very wrong as Always à la Chinese.
Here are two completely different links:
The first one I found:Coronavirus Update (Live): 40,651 Cases and 910 Deaths from the Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
And this one from sparky :

Containment BREACHED: The nCoV coronavirus is out of control; mainstream health experts warn world to prepare for global spread

What the writer of the article obese before he got a Type II Diabetes diagnosis:
Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset) results from the body’s ineffective use of insulin. Type 2 diabetes comprises 90% of people with diabetes around the world (5), and is largely the result of excess body weight and physical inactivity.
WHO | Diabetes
just wondering.
If we look closely at this coronavirus through the prism of the third month of its spread, there are many questions, up to the main question - and, if so, is it a virus, as the media write about it?

Let us think about it a little. The virus began its march in December 2019. As stated, the incubation period of the virus is up to two weeks. It spreads by airborne droplets, and later it was declared to be oral-focal. The virus infection occurs even during the incubation period of the disease.

Thus, for a whole 2 weeks a person infected with the virus does not feel the manifestations of the disease and infects everyone around him. All those whom he has infected literally immediately begin to infect his entire surroundings. And so on, exponentially...

Do you have any idea how fast this virus should be spreading? Therefore, all doubts about the validity of the official data on the spread of the disease are absolutely justified. In two months in China, given its population density, the coronavirus should have infected tens of millions of people, and the dead tens and hundreds of thousands.

But that's not the point either. The fact is, the Chinese are the most traveling nation today. In two months of their "hangout" over countries and continents, they should have already spread the virus around the planet. And today it wouldn't be a question of 5-10-25 infected people in other countries. That's even ridiculous.

Well, one more thing. Many people assume that the virus is supposed to infect the Chinese and other Asians, so in other countries because of the small number of Chinese, there are few infected. That's not a bad argument, but... Cherry, so to speak, on the cake.
A comment from a guy, who has long been forced to live and work in Thailand and, moreover, in the most tourist city of this country - Pattaya. Now, .

"In Thailand, according to official data, the population of the country is 10% ethnic Chinese. But, in fact, the Chinese are so mixed with the Thais that in reality it is considered these Thais at least 30%. Therefore, in Thailand, the field for this coronavirus is more than extensive, as the carriers of DNA of the Chinese - tens of millions of people.

In addition, he lives in the city, which is the tourist center of the country, where a huge number of Chinese tourists, which literally fill the entire city just between December and February and March months. And this year there was no exception. There were a lot and a lot of Chinese people. As they say - "not to push through and not to breathe a breath".

And what would you think? After two months of coronavirus attack from China, when tens of thousands of Chinese, including from Wuhan, wandered around the city full of local Chinese and their mixtures - we have no coronavirus at all!

There are not only those who got sick, but there are not even any masks on the locals. Everyone lives a normal life. There's not even any serious warning of the danger of infection from the official authorities. There are no masks on the police, who work in the city, in banks, at the shops, or in the official authorities, including at the migration points.

But forgive me, Pattaya should have turned into a Thai Wuhan by now, like Bangkok, where there are also a huge number of Chinese tourists and local Chinese. How can it be that in China the Chinese literally fall alive from this virus and infect each other, and in this city the Chinese do not even sneeze? You can draw your own conclusions..."

Folks! It turns out to be a very strange and very illogical situation. Why didn't the Chinese from China infect any of the Chinese in Pattaya, where life goes on as usual until today?

The fact that the Chinese in China are sick and really falling dead - we have no doubt about it. But here's the main question - do they get sick and die from the self-propagating and very contagious coronavirus or from the intentional infection of people with a virus that practically doesn't spread itself, but only affects those it has hit?

How could people in China be infected? It's very simple. People in China sprayed the virus in places of mass congregation in Wuhan and other cities, and people began to get sick from it and many died. They could also have sprayed a little bit in neighbouring countries to paint a picture of the epidemic. Well, the rest of the work to create world hysteria is a matter of technique through the use of media.

The second important question to answer. Who needs it and why? Who benefits from it?

Isn't it the work of Chinese gorbachevs?
Stupid conspiracy theories never end
If we look closely at this coronavirus through the prism of the third month of its spread, there are many questions, up to the main question - and, if so, is it a virus, as the media write about it?

Let us think about it a little. The virus began its march in December 2019. As stated, the incubation period of the virus is up to two weeks. It spreads by airborne droplets, and later it was declared to be oral-focal. The virus infection occurs even during the incubation period of the disease.

Thus, for a whole 2 weeks a person infected with the virus does not feel the manifestations of the disease and infects everyone around him. All those whom he has infected literally immediately begin to infect his entire surroundings. And so on, exponentially...

Do you have any idea how fast this virus should be spreading? Therefore, all doubts about the validity of the official data on the spread of the disease are absolutely justified. In two months in China, given its population density, the coronavirus should have infected tens of millions of people, and the dead tens and hundreds of thousands.

But that's not the point either. The fact is, the Chinese are the most traveling nation today. In two months of their "hangout" over countries and continents, they should have already spread the virus around the planet. And today it wouldn't be a question of 5-10-25 infected people in other countries. That's even ridiculous.

Well, one more thing. Many people assume that the virus is supposed to infect the Chinese and other Asians, so in other countries because of the small number of Chinese, there are few infected. That's not a bad argument, but... Cherry, so to speak, on the cake.
A comment from a guy, who has long been forced to live and work in Thailand and, moreover, in the most tourist city of this country - Pattaya. Now, .

"In Thailand, according to official data, the population of the country is 10% ethnic Chinese. But, in fact, the Chinese are so mixed with the Thais that in reality it is considered these Thais at least 30%. Therefore, in Thailand, the field for this coronavirus is more than extensive, as the carriers of DNA of the Chinese - tens of millions of people.

In addition, he lives in the city, which is the tourist center of the country, where a huge number of Chinese tourists, which literally fill the entire city just between December and February and March months. And this year there was no exception. There were a lot and a lot of Chinese people. As they say - "not to push through and not to breathe a breath".

And what would you think? After two months of coronavirus attack from China, when tens of thousands of Chinese, including from Wuhan, wandered around the city full of local Chinese and their mixtures - we have no coronavirus at all!

There are not only those who got sick, but there are not even any masks on the locals. Everyone lives a normal life. There's not even any serious warning of the danger of infection from the official authorities. There are no masks on the police, who work in the city, in banks, at the shops, or in the official authorities, including at the migration points.

But forgive me, Pattaya should have turned into a Thai Wuhan by now, like Bangkok, where there are also a huge number of Chinese tourists and local Chinese. How can it be that in China the Chinese literally fall alive from this virus and infect each other, and in this city the Chinese do not even sneeze? You can draw your own conclusions..."

Folks! It turns out to be a very strange and very illogical situation. Why didn't the Chinese from China infect any of the Chinese in Pattaya, where life goes on as usual until today?

The fact that the Chinese in China are sick and really falling dead - we have no doubt about it. But here's the main question - do they get sick and die from the self-propagating and very contagious coronavirus or from the intentional infection of people with a virus that practically doesn't spread itself, but only affects those it has hit?

How could people in China be infected? It's very simple. People in China sprayed the virus in places of mass congregation in Wuhan and other cities, and people began to get sick from it and many died. They could also have sprayed a little bit in neighbouring countries to paint a picture of the epidemic. Well, the rest of the work to create world hysteria is a matter of technique through the use of media.

The second important question to answer. Who needs it and why? Who benefits from it?

Isn't it the work of Chinese gorbachevs?
Stupid conspiracy theories never end

a lot of conservatives make a lot of money off of conspiracy theories

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