is it a good idea to allow citizens of foreign countries to vote in local elections in the US ?

Democrats, not the left.

But what could go wrong?

It's racist not to allow non-citizens to vote.

OMG will you give up this attemp to defend Democrats as not being the left. Democrats are absolutely politically left, they are not politically right. I have already outlined this for you in detail and you agreed with me then, why are you back to this?

Edit, this came off a bit harsh. My apologies. I just don't get where you're coming from.
What do you mean by "one day?" They already have done it, the steal of the 2020 election was not accomplished electronically, via digital ballot machines, it was accomplished via "mail it in voting," and nobody knows where those votes came from...

I know this, Biden did not receive a single lawful vote passed the 41 million mark, not fucking one!
cant say for sure but a lot of things happened during the election that seemed suspicious ... and if the shoe were on the other foot the left would be rioting ! but imho i believe that the banning and censorship by the leftwing msm and social media had the biggest effect on the election outcome .
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law

This is not new, there are a dozen cites that already do this.

Part of the whole "no taxation without representation" philosophy
This is not new, there are a dozen cites that already do this.

Part of the whole "no taxation without representation" philosophy
Behold one of the public school intellectual abortions I forecast would emerge and suckle at the treason/sedition of illegal aliens voting, do you see, see how this moron contemptuously hurls up "taxation absent representation" in defense of illegal aliens toes sucked by fascist democrats such as himself, as they allow them to access political system!

Above should be stripped of citizenship, and all rights and privileges associated with such.... Do you fucking understand how lethal the above mentality is to survival of a nation, or how valuable such a dead from neck up mentality is to murderous revolutionaries intent upon overthrowing a nation?
A non-citizen foreign national should never have any say whatsoever in a US election of any type. Just the hint of a chance of foreign influence in our elections should be repugnant to all Americans.
Absolutely not.

You should have to be a legal citizen to vote. Not only that but I say if you become a citizen you shouldn't be allowed to vote for the first 6 years you become one and you should be required to have a permanent residence in America also.
Hell no they shouldn't be voting. Wait and see how crooked politicians start sending busses to NJ to pick up a couple thousand IA voters. Or maybe they'll just fill out bogus write in ballots to rig the ballot box.

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