Is "Impeachment" more Fake News?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Nancy violates the house rules as she is required to "immediately transmit any impeachment articles to the senate for trial upon completion and with the consent of the House". I wonder if she thinks the rules do not apply to her?
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
As the Articles are public and the vote was public, McConnell can proceed with or without them as they are a matter of public record. And it wont bode well if those house clowns who were to prosecute do not show up for the trial... Then its a real short trial..
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
If NP never delivers the goods to the senate, then it is a fake impeachment.
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
As the Articles are public and the vote was public, McConnell can proceed with or without them. And it wont bode well if those who were to prosecute do not show up for the trial... Then its a real short trial..
I don’t think they’re going to press it in the senate without a resolution being delivered to them. It leave too much room for the media to call shenanigans. The only ones who are worried about anything are the dems. The republicans are literally toying with them at this point, making them expose themselves for the traitors they are. It’s all part of the public education. It needs to happen this way so that the idiots who are still fast asleep can accept the truth when it comes out and not assume it’s just a political stunt. The dems are making themselves look so bad right now that people are going to be able to accept the indictments as truth because now that the dems have played this whole game it makes it much easier to believe they’re capable of even worse crimes.

It’s a shame it has to happen slowly like this but that’s what we get with decades worth of a propaganda machine like the MSM that makes Goebels look like a saint.
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
You’re TOTALLY wrong. This is an operation that’s been underway since trump’s first day in office.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
If NP never delivers the goods to the senate, then it is a fake impeachment.
On January 20th of this next month the Impeachment will be null and void as a new congress will be seated. I wonder if she thinks she will get a second try at impeachment? Pelosie has a date certain that will void this scam...
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
You’re TOTALLY wrong. This is an operation that’s been underway since trump’s first day in office.

According to those doing the investigation, this thing has been going on since 2015. Before he was elected.
You guys don’t think Pelosi stammers and stutters and struggles to put together coherent sentences lately because she’s just tired, do you? The woman knows she’s about to go to prison and all she’s doing at this point is hanging on to whatever freedom she has left. Her current demeanor is indicative of a very scared woman who knows her time is about up.
Trump's base are getting angrier and bigger and whiter and more rabid and more untenable.

Trump voters cant be convinced to vote for Biden or Bernie in 2020, my friends!
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
You’re TOTALLY wrong. This is an operation that’s been underway since trump’s first day in office.

According to those doing the investigation, this thing has been going on since 2015. Before he was elected.
If we want to get technical it’s been going on for much longer than that. The problem always was that there were no channels to take information up the ladder. Anytime anyone tried to bring dirt out on someone it was stonewalled by a very well designed bureaucracy full of people in the right places to stop any corruption from ever being exposed. It took finally getting a patriot into the Oval Office to change all that. It also took having the right type of patriot who would be able to withstand the daily trauma inflicted upon him by the powers that be who have everything to lose. Who else but Donald trump could’ve handled this whole thing? I mean seriously? He’s used to this. His whole life has been taking a beating from the media. He put himself out there to save the republic because literally nobody else on the planet could’ve pulled it off.
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
You’re TOTALLY wrong. This is an operation that’s been underway since trump’s first day in office.

According to those doing the investigation, this thing has been going on since 2015. Before he was elected.
If we want to get technical it’s been going on for much longer than that. The problem always was that there were no channels to take information up the ladder. Anytime anyone tried to bring dirt out on someone it was stonewalled by a very well designed bureaucracy full of people in the right places to stop any corruption from ever being exposed. It took finally getting a patriot into the Oval Office to change all that. It also took having the right type of patriot who would be able to withstand the daily trauma inflicted upon him by the powers that be who have everything to lose. Who else but Donald trump could’ve handled this whole thing? I mean seriously? He’s used to this. His whole life has been taking a beating from the media. He put himself out there to save the republic because literally nobody else on the planet could’ve pulled it off.
God places men in positions of power as he needs them... Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.. Its been rough, but the outcome is going to be good and it just might keep the US alive for another generation or two..
The only purpose of the impeachment is to keep the media and the people focused on anything other than democrat corruption.

The best part about it is that the corruption is going to be disclosed whether impeachment moves forward or not. Trump doesn’t care what they do because they lose either way. The dems are hoping they can just drag this on to infinity and that Barr will never declass the indictments because it would look too political while impeachment was still a current issue. Doesn’t matter. Indictments are already completed. This can only go one of 3 ways for the dems.. they drag it on and on until the people demand an end to it, they finally end it, and Barr declasses... or... they take it to the senate and the senate dismisses and then Barr declasses.. or.. the senate calls witnesses (Comey, shiff, etc) and they most likely perjure themselves because they’re not going to admit to their crimes in public like that... and then Barr still declasses.

No matter what, Barr is going to declass and we’re going to watch people go to prison, or worse, for what is probably the first time in most of our lives.

Get your popcorn before prices go through the roof.
I hope you are right, BUT I doubt anyone will be punished for the attempted coup of a duly elected President. Maybe a few low ranking stooges will be charged but nobody major......these swamp creatures protect each other. Barr, Durham,Horowitz, et. al, are all swamp creatures,

I hope I am wrong.
You’re TOTALLY wrong. This is an operation that’s been underway since trump’s first day in office.

According to those doing the investigation, this thing has been going on since 2015. Before he was elected.
If we want to get technical it’s been going on for much longer than that. The problem always was that there were no channels to take information up the ladder. Anytime anyone tried to bring dirt out on someone it was stonewalled by a very well designed bureaucracy full of people in the right places to stop any corruption from ever being exposed. It took finally getting a patriot into the Oval Office to change all that. It also took having the right type of patriot who would be able to withstand the daily trauma inflicted upon him by the powers that be who have everything to lose. Who else but Donald trump could’ve handled this whole thing? I mean seriously? He’s used to this. His whole life has been taking a beating from the media. He put himself out there to save the republic because literally nobody else on the planet could’ve pulled it off.
God places men in positions of power as he needs them... Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.. Its been rough, but the outcome is going to be good and it just might keep the US alive for another generation or two..
AMEN to that!
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
If NP never delivers the goods to the senate, then it is a fake impeachment.
On January 20th of this next month the Impeachment will be null and void as a new congress will be seated. I wonder if she thinks she will get a second try at impeachment? Pelosie has a date certain that will void this scam...
I may be wrong, but I believe the next congress begins Jan 3, 2021. Since House members are elected to two year terms, there is a new congress every 2 years.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
If NP never delivers the goods to the senate, then it is a fake impeachment.
On January 20th of this next month the Impeachment will be null and void as a new congress will be seated. I wonder if she thinks she will get a second try at impeachment? Pelosie has a date certain that will void this scam...
I may be wrong, but I believe the next congress begins Jan 3, 2021. Since House members are elected to two year terms, there is a new congress every 2 years.
My bad, you are correct... Next year is election year....
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.

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