Is Hollywood Going Objectivist?


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
With 'Atlas Shrugged,' Hollywood may have its first anti-bailout movie
By Steven Zeitchik

Hollywood could soon be going Objectivist.

After decades in development hell, Ayn Rand’s capitalism-minded “Atlas Shrugged” is taking new steps toward the big screen — with one of the film world’s most prominent money men potentially at its center.

Ryan Kavanaugh’s Relativity Media is circling the Baldwin Entertainment project and could come aboard to finance with Lionsgate, which got involved several years ago.

Rand’s popular but polarizing book — it’s derided by many literary critics but has a huge public following — tells the story of Dagny Taggart, a railroad executive trying to keep her corporation competitive in the face of what she perceives as a lack of innovation and individual responsibility

The Hollywood Reporter: Risky Biz Blog
Rand's book was written over 60 years ago. All Hollywood is doing now is pandering, which is par for the course for them. If they ever get tired of acting, I can put them to work whoring themselves out in the Cass Corridor. Probably a more fitting occupation for them.
With 'Atlas Shrugged,' Hollywood may have its first anti-bailout movie
By Steven Zeitchik

Hollywood could soon be going Objectivist.

After decades in development hell, Ayn Rand’s capitalism-minded “Atlas Shrugged” is taking new steps toward the big screen — with one of the film world’s most prominent money men potentially at its center.

Ryan Kavanaugh’s Relativity Media is circling the Baldwin Entertainment project and could come aboard to finance with Lionsgate, which got involved several years ago.

Rand’s popular but polarizing book — it’s derided by many literary critics but has a huge public following — tells the story of Dagny Taggart, a railroad executive trying to keep her corporation competitive in the face of what she perceives as a lack of innovation and individual responsibility

The Hollywood Reporter: Risky Biz Blog

this is awesome! :clap2:

I can't wait to see a movie about how we need to deregulate the markets, get out of the way of wall street, and reduce taxes on the mega-rich.

Is it going to be a comedy? :confused:
The author’s final novel offers an embattled railroad company as a metaphor for a society that Taggart (and Rand) sees as succumbing to socialism at the expense of individual creativity. Its backbone is a 50-page speech by the mysterious but major character John Galt in which he lays out the Rand principles of Objectivism, which argues for an aggressive free market and against government activism. Let's just say it's probably not on the president's nightstand.


Great timing! If this movie comes out anytime during Obama's reign, it will probably be the biggest movie of the year.

Great timing! If this movie comes out anytime during Obama's reign, it will probably be the biggest movie of the year.
That depends on how they do it, knowing Holywood they will twist her work into a pro socialist story wheer the evil self relaint capitalists get waht's coming to them, as opposed to the true core of the work, which is social engineering by governments doesn't work.
anyone who still subscribes to ayn rand's hogwash lasszize-faiire libertarian fantasies, after the shit that just happened, is an unequivocable and unredeemable moron.

Teddy Roosevelt busted the trusts a hundred years ago.

But they keep coming back.
anyone who still subscribes to ayn rand's hogwash lasszize-faiire libertarian fantasies, after the shit that just happened, is an unequivocable and unredeemable moron.

I'm not a huge fan of Rand, but I don't think it's fair to place the blame for our current situation on Randians. Our current problems were caused by the power elite who have been running this country for 60+ years. Dems and GOP.

Great timing! If this movie comes out anytime during Obama's reign, it will probably be the biggest movie of the year.
That depends on how they do it, knowing Holywood they will twist her work into a pro socialist story wheer the evil self relaint capitalists get waht's coming to them, as opposed to the true core of the work, which is social engineering by governments doesn't work.

As much as I liked the book, it's pretty clear that Rand's ideas failed. The whole every man for himself thing doesn't work real well and there's no such thing as trickle down when the John Galt's of the world succeed.
The thing that bugs me about Rand is that she never addressed political contributions. Her novels were based upon mavericks who had problems with politicians yet never bothered to schmooze them. Not very realistic.

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