Is France About To Dump Socialism On The Trash Heap Of History

I do not give a fuck if they are

Oh RSR, they said can they have their statue back since you're no longer using it.

The France that gave us the Lady with the lamp is very different from the France of today

France at one time thanked us for saving them in WWII

Today's France is not worth saving at all
The France that gave us the Lady with the lamp is very different from the France of today

France at one time thanked us for saving them in WWII

Today's France is not worth saving at all

Regardless of the worthiness today, the France of the gift giving is a very different France. So is the US, no longer the underling of Western Europe, but perhaps a flicker in times of greatness, through it's own ability to do what is right.
The France that gave us the Lady with the lamp is very different from the France of today

France at one time thanked us for saving them in WWII

Today's France is not worth saving at all

Who saved France in WWII? If you mean the Brits, the Americans, the Canadians, the Free French, the heaps of other nations who were in the Normandy invasion and who pushed into France and then into Germany, okay, yes, the French were grateful (aside from the supremely arrogant De Gaulle who, from memory, insisted on heading the troops on the march into Paris - he was probably even then hatching his political career).

France today doesn't need saving.
Who saved France in WWII? If you mean the Brits, the Americans, the Canadians, the Free French, the heaps of other nations who were in the Normandy invasion and who pushed into France and then into Germany, okay, yes, the French were grateful (aside from the supremely arrogant De Gaulle who, from memory, insisted on heading the troops on the march into Paris - he was probably even then hatching his political career).

France today doesn't need saving.

They would not have been able to do it without the US
I agree with anyone that says let France stand on her own. More power to her. Same with Germany. If UK needs us, we should most definately consider.
They would not have been able to do it without the US

Now, I have to be very careful here. A lot of fine soldiers were killed in the Normandy invasions so I am going to avoid being seen to be totally churlish and say that, you're probably right, it definitely would have been a much harder task without the US and I have to say with Eisenhower who did a brilliant job of strategy. However it's pure speculation isn't it. The facts are that the Allies under the Supreme Commander Ike took the beaches at huge cost and began the end of the war in Europe.
Now, I have to be very careful here. A lot of fine soldiers were killed in the Normandy invasions so I am going to avoid being seen to be totally churlish and say that, you're probably right, it definitely would have been a much harder task without the US and I have to say with Eisenhower who did a brilliant job of strategy. However it's pure speculation isn't it. The facts are that the Allies under the Supreme Commander Ike took the beaches at huge cost and began the end of the war in Europe.

Do you honestly think without the US, they would have been able to defeat Hitler on D-Day?
Do you honestly think without the US, they would have been able to defeat Hitler on D-Day?

I don't know, it's pure speculation. I could bullshit my way along and say, "of course they could," but that would be dishonest. I really don't know. I seem to remember that there was some dissent on strategy between Ike and Monty but I'm not sure of the details. It's possible that without the US and Ike that the Normandy landings may never have taken place, let's be straight on this, it was a very bold tactic, and it may be that the Allies sans-US may have taken another path into Europe. But let's not forget that the Allies were also making their way up through Italy at that time and forcing the Germans back further into Europe. I don't know how that would have played on the minds of the planners sans-US.

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