Is Cocaine your favorite drug?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
For me, it is a definite tie between cocaine and LSD.
LSD is just such an eye-opening, dramatic and enjoyable experience. It's euphoric, changes your pattern of thinking, but at least for me it keeps me relatively clear-headed so I can actually take to heart what I learn from the deep introspection it encourages.
Cocaine is just goddamn fun. The euphoria, the sociability, the empathy, all of it. Unlike Molly, I don't have any shitty multi-day hangover and feel like a sweaty gross piece of shit.
So do you like cocaine?
I like what Bill Cosby had to say about it. He asked someone why they used cocaine, and the user said, "It amplifies my personality."

"Yes", said Cosby, "But what if you are an asshole?"

Footnote: It appears Cosby's favorite drug is Qualudes.
I like what Bill Cosby had to say about it. He asked someone why they used cocaine, and the user said, "It amplifies my personality."

"Yes", said Cosby, "But what if you are an asshole?"

Footnote: It appears Cosby's favorite drug is Qualudes.

Having seen a woman or two on Qualudes, I'd say the cost/benefit analysis is not a positive one.
For me, it is a definite tie between cocaine and LSD.
LSD is just such an eye-opening, dramatic and enjoyable experience. It's euphoric, changes your pattern of thinking, but at least for me it keeps me relatively clear-headed so I can actually take to heart what I learn from the deep introspection it encourages.
Cocaine is just goddamn fun. The euphoria, the sociability, the empathy, all of it. Unlike Molly, I don't have any shitty multi-day hangover and feel like a sweaty gross piece of shit.
So do you like cocaine?

No. I don't like the idea of drugs because of physiological changes for which there's always a price. But as far as natural substances (though I never had straight coca), I'll take good ole organic mescaline. Far more subtle than acid, yet deeper.

umm.... so I've read somewhere. :eusa_angel:

Btw ---- by what bizarre definition does this qualify as "Politics"? :
I'm more of a weed guy, but I FUCKING LOVE cocaine on the rare occasion that I do it.

Hmm. I have nothing to do this weekend...
Cocaine along with all the other life destroying addictive drugs may be among the worst things in the world. Leave that shit alone for your own good.
No. My favorite drug is caffeine.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like VICTORY!
I did eight-balling about every weekend during the 80's. I'm glad I could stop without treatment. I've known quite a few people I used to party with who lost control and lost everything (and I mean everything) because of their addiction.
Bad, bad, bad stuff.
No. My favorite drug is caffeine.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like VICTORY!

Caffeine is why Batfink can't pick a direction. :coffee:

It's no wonder -- don't you live in Peetsistan?


But I prefer Peerless Coffee down near Jack London Square. They bought Adam's Organic Coffee a few years ago; the Rocket Espresso is my Most Favoritest Bean EVAH!

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