Is Chelsea Bill And Hillary's Child?

Screw Webb was probably Hillary's revenge for Bill fucking Paula Jones back in Little Rock
It takes some really low life scum sucking jerk to bring up this topic. In a civilized society we accept the relationship that the family accepts. Figures it would be this guy.

A civilized society does not accept the behavior of the Clintons, their spawn or the criminal syndicate they have set upon the United States, or the communism that they represent to the lowest common denominator.
Bullshit. You are so full of hate you are blinded into defending a scum bag who drags a politicians kid into a hate filled rant with the excuse that someone else did it to someone else's kid.


Good answer for when you are taking an indefensible position. Your option is to admit you are of the same quality and on the same level of character as the OP.

It attempts to defend the Clinton Cult and now comes to lament 'indefensible positions'.


You can NOT make this crap up... .
The indefensible position is your defense of the POS OP. Go ahead and attack Clinton all you want.
Plus, she was born in Kenya.

More pictures of a young Hubbell are needed. Like usual, there's a lack of evidence necessary to make a conclusion.


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