Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

There's no room for a psychopath in that narcissist. He wrote two autobiographies before going for the White House.
But it is interesting to consider some characteristics when combined with actions of President Obama since he took office. He certainly had the initial charisma and likability. He had the perfect-looking family with the perfect-looking face at the perfect time for America to fall for him. No matter what his opponents pointed to, no one questioned him for fear of being labeled racists.

Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people.

Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. He has taken his entire family and spent tens of millions of dollars in exotic, luxe locations like Hawaii, Vail, Europe and Africa. His predecessors made Americans increasingly familiar with places like Camp David and Martha’s Vineyard or their own vacation homes such as the Bushes’ Kennebunkport, the Kennedys’ Cape Cod, the Reagans’ Rancho Del Cielo in California or George W’s exotic locale, Crawford, Texas. Other presidents were exceptionally sensitive to the state of the American people, foregoing vacations when the American people were mourning or hurting economically – not the Obamas. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

But luxe vacations are just the beginning. Obama has golfed more than any other president. On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor. His advisers had to pull him off the golf course to talk him into taking out Osama bin Laden.

After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

This pattern of inauthenticity would be very difficult, even debilitating for someone with an intact conscience, in my opinion.

But audacity is a manifestation of psychopathy, and Obama is a master of audacity. He has exacted more items into law by the capricious act of executive order than any other president in such a short period of time. Traditionally, this is only done in very rare instances, because presidents know that the American people will not stand for that sort of tyranny. In Obama’s case, it is explained away, if mentioned by media at all, with whinings of “the other party’s obstructionist acts” or “someone else forced the president to act so cavalierly.”

That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

The truly skilled psychopath can make his own biases look like they are the shortcoming of his opponent. When the New Black Panther thugs with clubs were intimidating voters during the 2008 election, those who voiced concern were called racist and alarmist for even bringing up the issue. Once elected, Obama had his attorney general, Eric Holder not only drop all charges but actually drop convictions! President Obama accuses others of racial bias, when it is he who is one of the worst.

Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

The psychopath is great at connecting personally with people and convinces everyone that he is just like them. President Obama is just a normal guy who likes movies, basketball, golf and likes to play video games. Experts call it mirroring.

Perhaps the most frightening symptom of the psychopath is to kill while keeping their own hands clean. Obama takes full credit for killing Osama bin Laden to the point of both stealing the glory from our Navy SEALs and at the same time betraying the existence of SEAL Team Six and exposing them to unwarranted assassination risk – risk that resulted in the worst catastrophic loss of life in the history of the SEALs. Did Obama take responsibility for that? He certainly spent far less time mourning their loss or taking responsibility for their deaths than he did taking credit for being tough dealing with terror.

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

No, I don't think Obama is a psychopath. He is a pretty face, with great orating skills. I believe he also has some good ideas. I did not want him to be president because I felt he lacked experience, just as his wife did when asked if he should run for president. Michelle's surprised response was; "It's way too soon, he hasn't done anything yet!". I think some of those who he is a puppet for at times are psychopaths though. Don't get me wrong there are psychopaths on both sides of the aisle.
Obama shows none of the traits of a psychopath. For that matter, neither does George W. Bush.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Yeah..those folks are psychopaths.

And you skipped right over the 1/2 million Iraqis. I don't think that counting the Iraqi military. That would probably bump up to around 700K.

But lets go over our history with Iraq..because it's pretty much a doozy.

The US was happy when Hussein was able to oust Qasim, but pretty unhappy he signed up with the Soviets to receive aid and modernize Iraq. That relationship basically came to an end when Hussein got sick of the communists. Thus, the US came sniffing around again mainly because of the oil. Then, Iran got rid of the shah, and the US saw an opportunity for a two-fer..revenge and getting Iranian oil back. So it encouraged a war between Iran and Iraq, even supplying military gear. When Iraq started losing? The US gave them ChemTech (And that was Rumsfeld who basically led that deal). That's also when the brunt of Iraqis died. The "infamous" gassing of "his own people" happened during that time when some towns saw an opportunity to rebel.

Then, that bloodbath came to an end..but Iraq was broke. It had borrowed heavily from Kuwait who was now asking for their money back. Hussien then went to the US and asked for the okay to attack, and got it. After moving deep into Kuwait, Bush, decided, it was time for Iraq to leave. Perplexed, Iraq was like, What? Then came Desert Storm. That killed lots and lots Iraqis. And left Iraq broke, broken and completely screwed.

Then Clinton came on the scene. The PNAC went into overdrive to get him to finish the job and they best they got? Was some bombings. Not content with that, they pressed on conflating all sorts of things about Hussien and got sanctions. Well, Iraq was such a basketcase that it couldn't feed there own people. 10s of thousands of people died and the US had cobble together an oil for food deal.

After that, Bush started making noises during the election that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction". That was the first inkling that this guy was going to attack if he won. Well he won. But he had no reason to go there..until 9/11. And go they did. Iraq collapsed like a deck of very weak cards. Bush could have gone a couple of ways on this. He could have done a "Panama", grabbed Hussien and left. He could have done a Marshall plan and allowed the Iraqi government to function while rebuilding went on. But that's not what happened. Having destroyed all the major infrastructure, they decided it would be just grand to disband the military, sell off national companies to foreign interests and basically give jobs to people in countries from outside Iraq.

This led to a massive insurgency.

And what did you guys say during all of this?

"Stay the course".

Thousands of people were dying, foreign fighters were flocking to Iraq, millions of Iraqis were fleeing, the Kurds started terrorist attacks in Turkey and Iran..and you guys were like - "Stay the course".

Then came the second election, and Bush actually managed to eek it out. But was left with a mess. So? Daddy sent in Jim Baker and Robert Gates to clean up. Gone, thankfully were Rumsfeld and Cheney. They brought in Petraeus who had a plan to bribe the insurgents to stop fighting.

That sorta worked. But we weren't out of Iraq until Obama.


Millions of Iraqis were killed by American actions.

And what do you do?

Call Obama a psychopath.

And you expect to be taken seriously on any level?

Why are you babbling about Iraq? Nobody has mentioned Iraq. Is it because you can't dispute Obama is a psychopath? If you can, I would love to hear an intelligent rebuttal.

This author made quite a compelling argument. Allow me to highlight the bullet points for those Dumbocrats on USMB who are too lazy to read the article:

The psychopath is well spoken, charismatic, fearless, controlling, socially potent, a habitual liar, calm to a disturbing degree in the face of chaos and cold hearted. He is a master at blaming others. As Mr. Freeman points out in his article, psychopaths make a great first impression. He points to other characteristics, too. He points to the initial popularity of Pol Pot, Hitler, Ceausescu and others, but the golden boy image quickly fades to one of a ruthless, inhumane manipulator with very dark intentions. Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected.

  • Obama had the initial charisma and likability

  • Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

  • On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor.

  • After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

  • That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

  • One of the psychopath’s favorite tactics is the pity party. In a recent interview with New Yorker Magazine, the president continued to complain about those who hate him for his race.

  • Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

It's not babbling at all.

One trait of a Psychopath is that they do not care one whit about the suffering of others.

Republicans and Conservatives have yet to explain, come to terms, offer contrition about this bloodbath.

Half a million people died.

And you folks formed the Tea Party.

At what point do you folks show any empathy, or sympathy or caring about that?

Under Bush-

-Over 1/2 million Iraqis died.
-Several thousand American troops died in Iraq.
-Several thousand American troops died in Afghanistan.
-3000 Americans died in New York and Washington during 9/11.
-2000 Americans died in Louisiana.
-Dozens of Americans died in embassy attacks around the world.

When do you feel bad about that?


But again Sallow - we're not talking about Republicans right now. We're talking about Barack Obama. Are you not capable of forming an intelligent rebuttal against the case made by this author that he is a psychopath?

By the way, if you want to ask if Republicans are psychopath's then build a thread on that and I will weigh in. But stop trying to hijack this thread in an attempt to deflect for Obama.
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Obabble is a privileged white mamas boy...coddled by LIBTARDS because his mommas daddy was a neeeeeeegro...raised as a communist...saw an opening in politics as a shuffling brown boy...who pronounces words with an ingratiating smile, is clean on hissef, whines the progtard gospel and has America bent over to accept any dick anybody wants to shove in our ass...LBJ would be big an asshole as he was.
Obabble is a privileged white mamas boy...coddled by LIBTARDS because his mommas daddy was a neeeeeeegro...raised as a communist...saw an opening in politics as a shuffling brown boy...who pronounces words with an ingratiating smile, is clean on hissef, whines the progtard gospel and has America bent over to accept any dick anybody wants to shove in our ass...LBJ would be big an asshole as he was.
He was coddled by COMMUNISTS growing up...:eusa_whistle:
Obabble is a privileged white mamas boy...coddled by LIBTARDS because his mommas daddy was a neeeeeeegro...raised as a communist...saw an opening in politics as a shuffling brown boy...who pronounces words with an ingratiating smile, is clean on hissef, whines the progtard gospel and has America bent over to accept any dick anybody wants to shove in our ass...LBJ would be big an asshole as he was.
He was coddled by COMMUNISTS growing up...:eusa_whistle:

As he is being coddled by communists now.
Sorry Trannie. Even all gussied have no chance of getting a swallow.

Although I hear you give great head. The bum on the street that paid you a dollar really appreciates it.

Did it buy you a nice bottle of gin?


Shocking - an intolerant liberal making homophobic statements in a moment of inadvertent honesty brought on by rage in the face of facts.

Way to resort to your typical neanderthal ways....

I don't much like fags hitting on me.

Do you?

An intolerant liberal making more homophobic statements...
Obabble is a privileged white mamas boy...coddled by LIBTARDS because his mommas daddy was a neeeeeeegro...raised as a communist...saw an opening in politics as a shuffling brown boy...who pronounces words with an ingratiating smile, is clean on hissef, whines the progtard gospel and has America bent over to accept any dick anybody wants to shove in our ass...LBJ would be big an asshole as he was.
He was coddled by COMMUNISTS growing up...:eusa_whistle:

As he is being coddled by communists now.
True dat.
Obama shows none of the traits of a psychopath. For that matter, neither does George W. Bush.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Yeah..those folks are psychopaths.

And you skipped right over the 1/2 million Iraqis. I don't think that counting the Iraqi military. That would probably bump up to around 700K.

But lets go over our history with Iraq..because it's pretty much a doozy.

The US was happy when Hussein was able to oust Qasim, but pretty unhappy he signed up with the Soviets to receive aid and modernize Iraq. That relationship basically came to an end when Hussein got sick of the communists. Thus, the US came sniffing around again mainly because of the oil. Then, Iran got rid of the shah, and the US saw an opportunity for a two-fer..revenge and getting Iranian oil back. So it encouraged a war between Iran and Iraq, even supplying military gear. When Iraq started losing? The US gave them ChemTech (And that was Rumsfeld who basically led that deal). That's also when the brunt of Iraqis died. The "infamous" gassing of "his own people" happened during that time when some towns saw an opportunity to rebel.

Then, that bloodbath came to an end..but Iraq was broke. It had borrowed heavily from Kuwait who was now asking for their money back. Hussien then went to the US and asked for the okay to attack, and got it. After moving deep into Kuwait, Bush, decided, it was time for Iraq to leave. Perplexed, Iraq was like, What? Then came Desert Storm. That killed lots and lots Iraqis. And left Iraq broke, broken and completely screwed.

Then Clinton came on the scene. The PNAC went into overdrive to get him to finish the job and they best they got? Was some bombings. Not content with that, they pressed on conflating all sorts of things about Hussien and got sanctions. Well, Iraq was such a basketcase that it couldn't feed there own people. 10s of thousands of people died and the US had cobble together an oil for food deal.

After that, Bush started making noises during the election that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction". That was the first inkling that this guy was going to attack if he won. Well he won. But he had no reason to go there..until 9/11. And go they did. Iraq collapsed like a deck of very weak cards. Bush could have gone a couple of ways on this. He could have done a "Panama", grabbed Hussien and left. He could have done a Marshall plan and allowed the Iraqi government to function while rebuilding went on. But that's not what happened. Having destroyed all the major infrastructure, they decided it would be just grand to disband the military, sell off national companies to foreign interests and basically give jobs to people in countries from outside Iraq.

This led to a massive insurgency.

And what did you guys say during all of this?

"Stay the course".

Thousands of people were dying, foreign fighters were flocking to Iraq, millions of Iraqis were fleeing, the Kurds started terrorist attacks in Turkey and Iran..and you guys were like - "Stay the course".

Then came the second election, and Bush actually managed to eek it out. But was left with a mess. So? Daddy sent in Jim Baker and Robert Gates to clean up. Gone, thankfully were Rumsfeld and Cheney. They brought in Petraeus who had a plan to bribe the insurgents to stop fighting.

That sorta worked. But we weren't out of Iraq until Obama.


Millions of Iraqis were killed by American actions.

And what do you do?

Call Obama a psychopath.

And you expect to be taken seriously on any level?

Why are you babbling about Iraq? Nobody has mentioned Iraq. Is it because you can't dispute Obama is a psychopath? If you can, I would love to hear an intelligent rebuttal.

This author made quite a compelling argument. Allow me to highlight the bullet points for those Dumbocrats on USMB who are too lazy to read the article:

The psychopath is well spoken, charismatic, fearless, controlling, socially potent, a habitual liar, calm to a disturbing degree in the face of chaos and cold hearted. He is a master at blaming others. As Mr. Freeman points out in his article, psychopaths make a great first impression. He points to other characteristics, too. He points to the initial popularity of Pol Pot, Hitler, Ceausescu and others, but the golden boy image quickly fades to one of a ruthless, inhumane manipulator with very dark intentions. Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected.

  • Obama had the initial charisma and likability

  • Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

  • On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor.

  • After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

  • That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

  • One of the psychopath’s favorite tactics is the pity party. In a recent interview with New Yorker Magazine, the president continued to complain about those who hate him for his race.

  • Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

It's not babbling at all.

One trait of a Psychopath is that they do not care one whit about the suffering of others.

Republicans and Conservatives have yet to explain, come to terms, offer contrition about this bloodbath.

Half a million people died.

And you folks formed the Tea Party.

At what point do you folks show any empathy, or sympathy or caring about that?

Under Bush-

-Over 1/2 million Iraqis died.
-Several thousand American troops died in Iraq.
-Several thousand American troops died in Afghanistan.
-3000 Americans died in New York and Washington during 9/11.
-2000 Americans died in Louisiana.
-Dozens of Americans died in embassy attacks around the world.

When do you feel bad about that?


That is a blatant lie which I can debunk in under 10 seconds. Why do you insist on lying Sallow?

575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush | Just Foreign Policy
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Obabble is a privileged white mamas boy...coddled by LIBTARDS because his mommas daddy was a neeeeeeegro...raised as a communist...saw an opening in politics as a shuffling brown boy...who pronounces words with an ingratiating smile, is clean on hissef, whines the progtard gospel and has America bent over to accept any dick anybody wants to shove in our ass...LBJ would be big an asshole as he was.
He was coddled by COMMUNISTS growing up...:eusa_whistle:

As he is being coddled by communists now.
That would BE the Democrat Party.'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot

Not just him.

This is the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while.
Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot

Not just him.

This is the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while.

And yet you're completely incapable of disputing even a single part of it... :eusa_whistle:
Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot

Not just him.

This is the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while.
But YET YOU are happy sitting in the stink. Shut UP already.:eusa_hand:
Well, first of all, not all psychopaths murder. Psychopath does not mean "murderer", it means a lack of conscience.

Second, how many deaths has Barack Obama been responsible for? (Hint: a ton)

Third, the article did was not bitching about gas prices - it listed the traits of a psychopath and then showed how Obama has displayed each one with his actions.

So should we assume you did not actually read the article before commenting?

We should assume that you are a grade A idiot

Not just him.

This is the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while.

Actually, I disagree. YOU are the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while. :asshole:
Not just him.

This is the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while.

Actually, I disagree. YOU are the dumbest pile of shit I've seen in a while. :asshole:

Don't let little Luddly there get under your skin. He's just frustrated over the fact that he's incapable of forming an intelligent rebuttal.

Oh hell - these limp-wrists don't bother me. I just like to poke 'em with a stick. Makes me smile. ;)
But it is interesting to consider some characteristics when combined with actions of President Obama since he took office. He certainly had the initial charisma and likability. He had the perfect-looking family with the perfect-looking face at the perfect time for America to fall for him. No matter what his opponents pointed to, no one questioned him for fear of being labeled racists.

Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people.

Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. He has taken his entire family and spent tens of millions of dollars in exotic, luxe locations like Hawaii, Vail, Europe and Africa. His predecessors made Americans increasingly familiar with places like Camp David and Martha’s Vineyard or their own vacation homes such as the Bushes’ Kennebunkport, the Kennedys’ Cape Cod, the Reagans’ Rancho Del Cielo in California or George W’s exotic locale, Crawford, Texas. Other presidents were exceptionally sensitive to the state of the American people, foregoing vacations when the American people were mourning or hurting economically – not the Obamas. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

But luxe vacations are just the beginning. Obama has golfed more than any other president. On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor. His advisers had to pull him off the golf course to talk him into taking out Osama bin Laden.

After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

This pattern of inauthenticity would be very difficult, even debilitating for someone with an intact conscience, in my opinion.

But audacity is a manifestation of psychopathy, and Obama is a master of audacity. He has exacted more items into law by the capricious act of executive order than any other president in such a short period of time. Traditionally, this is only done in very rare instances, because presidents know that the American people will not stand for that sort of tyranny. In Obama’s case, it is explained away, if mentioned by media at all, with whinings of “the other party’s obstructionist acts” or “someone else forced the president to act so cavalierly.”

That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

The truly skilled psychopath can make his own biases look like they are the shortcoming of his opponent. When the New Black Panther thugs with clubs were intimidating voters during the 2008 election, those who voiced concern were called racist and alarmist for even bringing up the issue. Once elected, Obama had his attorney general, Eric Holder not only drop all charges but actually drop convictions! President Obama accuses others of racial bias, when it is he who is one of the worst.

Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

The psychopath is great at connecting personally with people and convinces everyone that he is just like them. President Obama is just a normal guy who likes movies, basketball, golf and likes to play video games. Experts call it mirroring.

Perhaps the most frightening symptom of the psychopath is to kill while keeping their own hands clean. Obama takes full credit for killing Osama bin Laden to the point of both stealing the glory from our Navy SEALs and at the same time betraying the existence of SEAL Team Six and exposing them to unwarranted assassination risk – risk that resulted in the worst catastrophic loss of life in the history of the SEALs. Did Obama take responsibility for that? He certainly spent far less time mourning their loss or taking responsibility for their deaths than he did taking credit for being tough dealing with terror.

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Is Rotten a wigged out rightwingnut dingbat:lol: See above
But it is interesting to consider some characteristics when combined with actions of President Obama since he took office. He certainly had the initial charisma and likability. He had the perfect-looking family with the perfect-looking face at the perfect time for America to fall for him. No matter what his opponents pointed to, no one questioned him for fear of being labeled racists.

Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people.

Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. He has taken his entire family and spent tens of millions of dollars in exotic, luxe locations like Hawaii, Vail, Europe and Africa. His predecessors made Americans increasingly familiar with places like Camp David and Martha’s Vineyard or their own vacation homes such as the Bushes’ Kennebunkport, the Kennedys’ Cape Cod, the Reagans’ Rancho Del Cielo in California or George W’s exotic locale, Crawford, Texas. Other presidents were exceptionally sensitive to the state of the American people, foregoing vacations when the American people were mourning or hurting economically – not the Obamas. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

But luxe vacations are just the beginning. Obama has golfed more than any other president. On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor. His advisers had to pull him off the golf course to talk him into taking out Osama bin Laden.

After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

This pattern of inauthenticity would be very difficult, even debilitating for someone with an intact conscience, in my opinion.

But audacity is a manifestation of psychopathy, and Obama is a master of audacity. He has exacted more items into law by the capricious act of executive order than any other president in such a short period of time. Traditionally, this is only done in very rare instances, because presidents know that the American people will not stand for that sort of tyranny. In Obama’s case, it is explained away, if mentioned by media at all, with whinings of “the other party’s obstructionist acts” or “someone else forced the president to act so cavalierly.”

That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

The truly skilled psychopath can make his own biases look like they are the shortcoming of his opponent. When the New Black Panther thugs with clubs were intimidating voters during the 2008 election, those who voiced concern were called racist and alarmist for even bringing up the issue. Once elected, Obama had his attorney general, Eric Holder not only drop all charges but actually drop convictions! President Obama accuses others of racial bias, when it is he who is one of the worst.

Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

The psychopath is great at connecting personally with people and convinces everyone that he is just like them. President Obama is just a normal guy who likes movies, basketball, golf and likes to play video games. Experts call it mirroring.

Perhaps the most frightening symptom of the psychopath is to kill while keeping their own hands clean. Obama takes full credit for killing Osama bin Laden to the point of both stealing the glory from our Navy SEALs and at the same time betraying the existence of SEAL Team Six and exposing them to unwarranted assassination risk – risk that resulted in the worst catastrophic loss of life in the history of the SEALs. Did Obama take responsibility for that? He certainly spent far less time mourning their loss or taking responsibility for their deaths than he did taking credit for being tough dealing with terror.

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Is Rotten a wigged out rightwingnut dingbat:lol: See above

Except that not one single word written there came from me. That was all from the article.

So either you were too lazy/stupid to click the link or you're a disingenuous hack. Would you care to comment on which one it is to set the record straight? :lol:

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