Is Any Group Dumber Than Independents ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!

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Truth is most Americans are too busy working and scraping by to really care. I dont care if the investigation is legit or not. it does provide entertainment value though. You want the job? Then prepare for this stuff. I don't weep for any politician nor do most normal people. The whole thing is a comedy in the end.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
37% of Republicans think it is a fair investigation. :iyfyus.jpg:
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

Well, I guess you're just an individual. But from what I've seen, you have friends around here so there's that.
If you think blindly following someone because they have a (R) or a (D) after their name is a sign of intelligence, there is not much point in arguing with you.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!


Or defend the patently deflective candidates that they offer as choices... Or scream about all the stuff that their side "did first".. The 2 Brand Name groups have buried the bar so low in the ground you need an excavator to find it..
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!
Well you certainly could be as smart as those who seek to PROTECT the country (ie the American people) from those whose moronic policies (open borders, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, Islamization, etc.) destroy it.

Or you could be a dum dum who has no clue, no ideology, no character.
Well, we certainly can't be NEARLY as smart as those who "pick a side" and then obediently spin, deflect, distort and attack for that side no matter what, like good little trained seals.

Because choosing to think for YOURSELF and taking on BOTH sides without an ideological "Safe Space" to hide in is just CRAZY 'n stuff!
Well you certainly could be as smart as those who seek to PROTECT the country (ie the American people) from those whose moronic policies (open borders, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, Islamization, etc.) destroy it.

Or you could be a dum dum who has no clue, no ideology, no character.
Having no clue or character would describe obedient hardcore partisan ideologues, mindlessly following their masters.

And no ideology? Correct, thanks.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair
Conservative republicans are the dumbest of the dumb
What an outright stupid premise. You have to pick a side or..........????? Pathetic premise.
If polls are right (they may not be), then independents must be the dumbest folks in America. Polls are showing that they (61% of them) think the Mueller investigation is fair and legitimate. Good grief! Have these people been taking stupid pills ?

Even elementary school kids know this thing is nothing but a derail attempt, set up by Obama and other Democrats. The thought of independents voting is scary, if they can be this easily hoodwinked by the Democrat scam machine.

And did these independent robots ever do any background research on who Robert Mueller is ? Apparently not. Maybe this is why they don't subscribe to any political party or ideology. Because they have no idea what is going on ? It does seem so.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Mueller's Investigation Is Fair

The only research you have done is promote crazy conspiracy theories. You don't need stupid pills as you are naturally stupid. You are the ones being hoodwinked by Trump and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Truth is most Americans are too busy working and scraping by to really care. I dont care if the investigation is legit or not. it does provide entertainment value though. You want the job? Then prepare for this stuff. I don't weep for any politician nor do most normal people. The whole thing is a comedy in the end.
No it's not. It's a serious flaw in our sociology, with power-mad lunatics doing anything (whatever the cost) to defeat who they see as their rival, and grab as much power as they can.

It also distracts from the serious business of govt, and getting things done, while a big waste of time, energy, and tax money.
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If you think blindly following someone because they have a (R) or a (D) after their name is a sign of intelligence, there is not much point in arguing with you.
There's a lot of things that we could talk about "blindly following", but this thread is concerned with the Mueller derail attempt. the topic.
Having no clue or character would describe obedient hardcore partisan ideologues, mindlessly following their masters.

And no ideology? Correct, thanks.
Nobody is talking about " obedient hardcore partisan ideologues" - except you, and a few others here (defensive independents very possibly)
Conservative republicans are the dumbest of the dumb
Well, that's going off the topic of the Mueller investigation, but I can't wait to hear what your justification for that is. That is, what you THINK your justification is. :rolleyes:

While you're trying to scour something up, I'll just say that there are no worse information-deprived airheads in America, than liberals attached to their liberal OMISSION media networks (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NYT, WP, etc)
The only research you have done is promote crazy conspiracy theories. You don't need stupid pills as you are naturally stupid. You are the ones being hoodwinked by Trump and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.
This is about the 10th time I've had to scold a liberal (seriously, look up my posts), about the use of the liberal favorite crutch-term "conspiracy theories". Anything these loon tunes don't like, they dump the convenient label of "conspiracy theory" on it, regardless of the factual content present. They don't know how ridiculous they look.

And why would anybody in America be "hoodwinked" by Trump, when it is he who has brought the economy back to 3.2% GDP growth (from Obama's 1.2), got unemployment down to 4.1% and staying there, opening up millions of jobs for Americans by getting rid of illegal aliens, protecting us from Muslim lunatics, bringing US businesses back here, overturning the unrestricted access to our MARKET that 4 previous idiot presidents presided over, restored our military budget to strength ($700 Billion), after being starved by Clinton and Obama, and put ISIS out of business. etc etc.

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