Is Al Qaeda Still A Threat?

Of course it's still a threat.

Just like the many other terrorist organizations were and are a threat.

Is giving a shitload of power to the President a good way to combat it? Absolutely not.

Al Qaeda is no longer a threat in Asia after the successful drone campaign by the Obama administration which eliminated al Qaeda cells in the tribal areas along with some associated militants sympathetic to al Qaeda but Africa emerged as the new frontlines of the war on terror and Mali and Yemen have been partially taken over by al Qaeda, which required Western military interventions. Those al Qaeda offshoots such as AQAP and AQIM could potentially strike anywhere around the globe and Europe is especially vulnerable to the terrorist organisation's infiltration and the GWOT is far from over.

Progress is being made toward dismantling this loathsome enemy, but the United States cannot take its eyes off the target yet. Key leaders and operatives have been taken off of the battlefield. It has become more difficult for many al Qaeda aspirants to train, recruit, raise funds, and ultimately to attack. The threat of terrorist attacks against the United States has certainly diminished. Constant pressure by the United States and its allies for more than a decade has allowed for some optimism, not a trait commonly associated with intelligence analysts or counterterrorism operators. While claims that al Qaeda is roaring back to life should be met with some skepticism, the organization and its offshoots are still dangerous and continue to pose a residual threat. Have no doubt that the followers of Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen are still targeting the West, and with the package plots and the underwear bomber they have proved their creativity and skill. And al Qaeda in many forms has proven its ability to endure seemingly devastating losses. Whether in Pakistan after evacuating Afghanistan or its current foray into Syria from its base in Iraq, al Qaeda remains a force to be reckoned with.
Al Qaeda's Current Status: Inept, Weakened, But Dangerous - World Report (
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[ame=]Alex Jones Say Obama Runs Al-Qaeda - YouTube[/ame]

Alex Jones says Obama runs Al Qaeda

It is known that the US worked with Al Qaeda before 911.
The OP is asking the wrong question.
Threats mean nothing but arms industry earning mean everything.
I notice China hacked South Korea (or at least assisted) but their hackers couldn't hide their IP address.

I fully believe, the US government treats its people as if they're idiots.
He uses to many big words for most people. Thats why people watch Chris Mathews. Chris Mathews just calls everyone a racist.

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