Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.
It shows that they are the property of their husbands or Fathers and keeps them from being raped by other Muslim men.
Different religions require different headgear ...


Headgear itself isn't misogynistic.
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.
If it’s as a fashion accessory, wearing a hijab is fine to me as with any piece of clothing. If it’s because of fear of magical retribution, as with any other religious gear worn for that reason, then it’s incredibly silly. If it’s out of fear that men will punish you, then it’s misogyny and abuse.
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.
If it’s as a fashion accessory, wearing a hijab is fine to me as with any piece of clothing. If it’s because of fear of magical retribution, as with any other religious gear worn for that reason, then it’s incredibly silly. If it’s out of fear that men will punish you, then it’s misogyny and abuse.

The specifics of female covering in Islam isn't Koranic, which only invokes women to be modest, as many religions do. How much of a woman is covered depends on the local culture. They range from a simple headscarf to a full-on head-to-toe burkha. Many women, including close friends of mine, wear the hijab as a fashion statement as well as a symbol of their Islamic identity.

Agreed and the 'local culture' in Islam States is not the American culture. In America women are free to wear whatever they want and MOST do NOT wear hijabs. Why can't a Muslim woman take off her hijab in public? Women love their hair in the Western culture. What kind of mind control do Muslim men have over Muslim women?
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.
If it’s as a fashion accessory, wearing a hijab is fine to me as with any piece of clothing. If it’s because of fear of magical retribution, as with any other religious gear worn for that reason, then it’s incredibly silly. If it’s out of fear that men will punish you, then it’s misogyny and abuse.

The specifics of female covering in Islam isn't Koranic, which only invokes women to be modest, as many religions do. How much of a woman is covered depends on the local culture. They range from a simple headscarf to a full-on head-to-toe burkha. Many women, including close friends of mine, wear the hijab as a fashion statement as well as a symbol of their Islamic identity.


That's a pretty woman. I'd like to see her without the Muslim helmet.
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.

ALL religions are ruled by males, dim-wit.

In some religious cultures, men wear headgear, as well, Jewish and Muslim included, as well as beards. Male chin-sprouts seem to be a "thing" in some religious cultures.

My neighborhood is a mix of cultures. Some women wear the hijab. Some men wear beards, some yarmulkes, some a Muslim cap, some turbans. None of this is a "must." It's a person's choice. Many choose to go without.

BTW: as to traditions of head covering: I do not wear anything on my head unless it is extremely cold outside. This aversion stems from a Roman Catholic childhood of even pinning a tissue on my head to be allowed into the church.
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.

A good portion of the Islamic world is very oppressive to women, however. That's not "Islamophobic", it's just true. I know that will break your brain, however, because in the game of Identity Politics, and because most Muslims are brown-skinned, it's very difficult for you not to adore and worship them. But they do break all your liberal rules, for all their brown skin.
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.

A good portion of the Islamic world is very oppressive to women, however. That's not "Islamophobic", it's just true. I know that will break your brain, however, because in the game of Identity Politics, and because most Muslims are brown-skinned, it's very difficult for you not to adore and worship them. But they do break all your liberal rules, for all their brown skin.

Name one religion that is not "oppressive to women."
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.

A good portion of the Islamic world is very oppressive to women, however. That's not "Islamophobic", it's just true. I know that will break your brain, however, because in the game of Identity Politics, and because most Muslims are brown-skinned, it's very difficult for you not to adore and worship them. But they do break all your liberal rules, for all their brown skin.

Name one religion that is not "oppressive to women."

I would, but you're not a reasonable person. So there's no use debating the matter with you.
The hijab is a symbol of female modesty. In itself it isn't evidence of misogyny. Men dictating to women (outside work requirements) what they must (not) wear, is.
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.
If it’s as a fashion accessory, wearing a hijab is fine to me as with any piece of clothing. If it’s because of fear of magical retribution, as with any other religious gear worn for that reason, then it’s incredibly silly. If it’s out of fear that men will punish you, then it’s misogyny and abuse.

The specifics of female covering in Islam isn't Koranic, which only invokes women to be modest, as many religions do. How much of a woman is covered depends on the local culture. They range from a simple headscarf to a full-on head-to-toe burkha. Many women, including close friends of mine, wear the hijab as a fashion statement as well as a symbol of their Islamic identity.

Which is fine but if they wear it at all times because they’ve grown up believing they’re supposed to because of magic then it’s silly.
Why must Muslim women constantly wear head coverings? I read it is because the woman is obeying and submitting to Allah. Remember, Islam is ruled by males.

Early Christians wore head coverings. If you are looking at the women in the US, it is a choice.
These women strongly feel that people should listen to what they are saying rather than how they look.
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.

Dear Clayton, thank you for supporting this:

and this


and this:


These sluts should have known not to leave the house without their slave clothes.
Thank you for your support

Signed, your Islamist friends.
I would, but you're not a reasonable person. So there's no use debating the matter with you.

She is quite incredibly stupid.

Her insisting that all religions are the same because they are called religion is as utterly moronic as claiming a Saber toothed tiger and a baby kitty are both the same because they are felines.
“Is A Hijab A Symbol Of Misogyny?”

Of course not.

To believe that it is a ‘symbol of misogyny’ is both ignorant and bigoted – ignorance of the fact that things that might be perceived to be ‘Islamic’ are actually traditions and customs that long predate the advent of Islam.

And it’s bigotry the consequence of that ignorance and an unwarranted fear of Islam and Muslims.

Dear Clayton, thank you for supporting this:

and this


and this:


These sluts should have known not to leave the house without their slave clothes.
Thank you for your support

Signed, your Islamist friends.

They have chosen their pet constituent oppressed religion. They can live with this horror.
The apologists echo the fundamentalists when they call the hijab a "symbol of modesty", when in fact it's a symbol of the oppression and submission of Muslim women.

We all know what status women hold in the fundamentalist form of the religion, and these people continue to align themselves with the fundamentalists.

These people are not liberals.

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