IRS shuts down the Hunter investigation.

Give the left credit.... they know how to coordinate their propaganda.
Give the right credit, they can keep bullshit conspiracy theories going for years.

You've been harping on Hunter for five years now, since Trump got himself impeached for trying to shake down a foreign government.

And so far all you have is he made mistakes on his tax forms and didn't check off the right box on a gun permit application.
Give the right credit, they can keep bullshit conspiracy theories going for years.

You've been harping on Hunter for five years now, since Trump got himself impeached for trying to shake down a foreign government.

And so far all you have is he made mistakes on his tax forms and didn't check off the right box on a gun permit application.
Who's the right ?
At least they're not hypocrites.

If this was about Donald Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden you know how different the story would be .
Who's the right ?
At least they're not hypocrites.

If this was about Donald Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden you know how different the story would be .

If it was about Junior, his general douchebaggery will be ignored.

In fact.

ABC News reports that Weisselberg told jurors that, in addition to Trump himself, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. would sign checks for as much as $100,000 to pay for his grandchildren’s private school tuition. While that might sound like a kind and generous gesture—look at these Trumps, wanting the best education possible for the grandchildren of their employees!—the tuition checks were just one of the many off-the-books fringe benefits Weisselberg has said he received from the Trump Organization that were not recorded as income, thus allowing both him and the company to avoid paying taxes. (When pleading guilty, Weisselberg also admitted that the company paid for his apartment on the Upper West Side, as well as a pair of leased Mercedes-Benzes, among other perks. The long-running executive also allegedly received cash at Christmas that he would then use to dole out “personal holiday gratuities,” according to the indictment.)
Give the right credit, they can keep bullshit conspiracy theories going for years.

You've been harping on Hunter for five years now, since Trump got himself impeached for trying to shake down a foreign government.

And so far all you have is he made mistakes on his tax forms and didn't check off the right box on a gun permit application.
The bullshit conspiracy theories were the Russian collusion crap created by the DNC and Hillary and misused by the FBI and DOJ to investigate Trump.

If it was about Junior, his general douchebaggery will be ignored.

In fact.

ABC News reports that Weisselberg told jurors that, in addition to Trump himself, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. would sign checks for as much as $100,000 to pay for his grandchildren’s private school tuition. While that might sound like a kind and generous gesture—look at these Trumps, wanting the best education possible for the grandchildren of their employees!—the tuition checks were just one of the many off-the-books fringe benefits Weisselberg has said he received from the Trump Organization that were not recorded as income, thus allowing both him and the company to avoid paying taxes. (When pleading guilty, Weisselberg also admitted that the company paid for his apartment on the Upper West Side, as well as a pair of leased Mercedes-Benzes, among other perks. The long-running executive also allegedly received cash at Christmas that he would then use to dole out “personal holiday gratuities,” according to the indictment.)
Many people are felons with jail time for using drugs. For just that alone, Hunter should be in jail.
As they should have.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and tax forms should be confidential.

The fact that this "whistleblower" was upset the IRS was willing to settle with Hunter and threatened to leak confidential information, is a good reason to remove this team.
the irs willing to settle with hunter.

Give the right credit, they can keep bullshit conspiracy theories going for years.

You've been harping on Hunter for five years now, since Trump got himself impeached for trying to shake down a foreign government.

And so far all you have is he made mistakes on his tax forms and didn't check off the right box on a gun permit application.

Not checking the right box on the BATF form is worth 10 years in prison, alone. Should he not be held accountable because he's the president's son?
The bullshit conspiracy theories were the Russian collusion crap created by the DNC and Hillary and misused by the FBI and DOJ to investigate Trump.

Russian disinformation! :)

Dutch spies stole alleged Russian Intelligence that said the Russians believed Hillary was trying to connect Trump to the Russian election interference that was happening by the Russians.... Stolen emails etc.

I don't know if Hillary and the DNC believed Trump was connected to her campaign and the DNCs stolen hacked email files released by them on to wikikeaks.....

but I sure did believe Trump was at the time.... As a candidate he was constantly praising Putin and demeaning AMERICA, and he had his ties to his best friend forever Putin with business in Moscow, and he asked the Russians to steal more emails, and then within 24hours the Russian operatives tried again.....

I was sitting in my living room watching Trump spout his Russian loving nonsense and said to myself, I sure hope the FBI or CIA is investigating this guy for traitorous actions connecting him to theft and our foreign adversaries....!!!
Many people are felons with jail time for using drugs. For just that alone, Hunter should be in jail.
His tax problems involve 30,000 dollars total, reported as tax expense write offs over a two year period, that were not valid expenses, for his multi million dollar businesses....he paid the back taxes on it when informed. Trump never did jail time for his tax avoidance, and any other business for such a small amount, would not either.... Because he is the president's son, is why the right wing is inflating this in to a big deal.
Russian disinformation! :)

Dutch spies stole alleged Russian Intelligence that said the Russians believed Hillary was trying to connect Trump to the Russian election interference that was happening by the Russians.... Stolen emails etc.

I don't know if Hillary and the DNC believed Trump was connected to her campaign and the DNCs stolen hacked email files released by them on to wikikeaks.....

but I sure did believe Trump was at the time.... As a candidate he was constantly praising Putin and demeaning AMERICA, and he had his ties to his best friend forever Putin with business in Moscow, and he asked the Russians to steal more emails, and then within 24hours the Russian operatives tried again.....

I was sitting in my living room watching Trump spout his Russian loving nonsense and said to myself, I sure hope the FBI or CIA is investigating this guy for traitorous actions connecting him to theft and our foreign adversaries....!!!
so which is worse, if true: spouting nonsense or spending billions of american taxpayer dollars on a war we're losing as payback for the millions the prez and his son made from ukraine
emails under sapoena that were being destroyed. It's to bad the russians didn't succeed.
The IRS supervisor and team leaked Hunter's private information.

That is against all IRS PROTOCOL, illegal. Now that means the DOJ can not prosecute the case. Any defense lawyer would chew the IRS up and spit them out for this illegal action based on bias....and illegal actions by the IRS.

This is why they were removed from the case. And why Hunter will likely not be charged in a court of law, due to their actiins, aswell.
His tax problems involve 30,000 dollars total, reported as tax expense write offs over a two year period, that were not valid expenses, for his multi million dollar businesses....he paid the back taxes on it when informed. Trump never did jail time for his tax avoidance, and any other business for such a small amount, would not either.... Because he is the president's son, is why the right wing is inflating this in to a big deal.
That’s actually pretty funny that a doper such as Hunter Biden has multi million dollar businesses. What exactly are those businesses?

Let’s remember that Hunter Biden never paid any back taxes. Those were paid by attorney Kevin Morris. I can be honest (leftists won’t), and understand that without influence peddling, $2,000,000 in unpaid taxes is not hand-waved off by the IRS unless there’s conniving taking place.

Because he’s the president’s son and being protected by the left is why he is not in jail.
so which is worse, if true: spouting nonsense or spending billions of american taxpayer dollars on a war we're losing as payback for the millions the prez and his son made from ukraine
emails under sapoena that were being destroyed. It's to bad the russians didn't succeed.

Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY!!!! Then Vice President Biden did not make a penny off of Ukraine, and it is not illegal for his son to do business with Ukrainians....or be a board member! It may look bad, but in no way, shape, or form....was it illegal for Hunter to be a board member or have business over there.

You are being fooled by your beloved right wing Congress critters and right wing partisan media...imo.
That’s actually pretty funny that a doper such as Hunter Biden has multi million dollar businesses. What exactly are those businesses?

Let’s remember that Hunter Biden never paid any back taxes. Those were paid by attorney Kevin Morris. I can be honest (leftists won’t), and understand that without influence peddling, $2,000,000 in unpaid taxes is not hand-waved off by the IRS unless there’s conniving taking place.

Because he’s the president’s son and being protected by the left is why he is not in jail.
This investigation in to Hunter's taxes involved a $30,000 mistake is what I read just two days ago when I was researching why the IRS Supervisor and team were removed from the case.

Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY!!!! Then Vice President Biden did not make a penny off of Ukraine, and it is not illegal for his son to do business with Ukrainians....or be a board member! It may look bad, but in no way, shape, or form....was it illegal for Hunter to be a board member or have business over there.

You are being fooled by your beloved right wing Congress critters and right wing partisan media...imo.
,, and we're in this war for what reason?

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