IRS Employees Want to be Exempted from Obamacare


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The hench thugs of the Overlords don't want to be subjected to the ObamaCare they will administer on the rest of us.

Typical Big Government Elitism On Parade.

National Treasury Employees Union officials are urging members to write their congressional representatives in opposition to receiving coverage through President Obama’s health care law.

The union leaders are providing members with a form letter to send to the congressmen that says “I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and into the insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act.”

The NTEU represents 150,000 federal employees overall, including most of the nearly 100,000 IRS workers.

Like most other federal workers, IRS employees currently get their health insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which also covers members of Congress.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp offered the bill in response to reports of congressional negotiations that would exempt lawmakers and their staff from Obamacare.

“Camp has long believed every American ought to be exempt from the law, which is why he supports full repeal,” Camp spokeswoman Allie Walkersaid.

“If the Obamacare exchanges are good enough for the hardworking Americans and small businesses the law claims to help, then they should be good enough for the president, vice president, Congress and federal employees,” she also said....

IRS employee union: We don?t want Obamacare |
I'd rather that Everyone Be Exempted.
I agree.

The fact that Congress and the Unions are trying to get themselves exempted from that POS bill should tell everyone everything they need to know about the ACA.

It sucks and we the taxpayer are gonna get shafted into subsidizing all those who can't pay they're own way.

Cheaper? Better? Not fucking hardly.
We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.
We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.

with out a doubt. laws should apply to everyone equally.
I'd rather that Everyone Be Exempted.

Well that wouldn't be fair to those that actually support Obamacare, one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way and leaving the rest of us to our own devices.

Of course this in impractical since as any good little statist knows; things that are good for the citizenry must ALWAYS be shoved down their throats using the heavy boot of government. Case in point, Obamacare is SO great that participation must be made mandatory (otherwise our own stupidity might cause us to miss out on all the magical benefits brought to us by inverted economics), this rule of thumb of course doesn't apply if your a politically connected organization capable of buying yourself enough political pull to merit a "waiver".
I'd rather that Everyone Be Exempted.

Well that wouldn't be fair to those that actually support Obamacare, one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way and leaving the rest of us to our own devices.

Of course this in impractical since as any good little statist knows; things that are good for the citizenry must ALWAYS be shoved down their throats using the heavy boot of government. Case in point, Obamacare is SO great that participation must be made mandatory (otherwise our own stupidity might cause us to miss out on all the magical benefits brought to us by inverted economics), this rule of thumb of course doesn't apply if your a politically connected organization capable of buying yourself enough political pull to merit a "waiver".

Nonsense. Anyone who supports ObamaCare can spend their own money on healthcare, including contributing to charities that provide it. Their desire for Socialized Health Care is not place an obligation on me to fulfill their fantasies with my productive work.
I'd rather that Everyone Be Exempted.

Well that wouldn't be fair to those that actually support Obamacare, one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way and leaving the rest of us to our own devices.

Of course this in impractical since as any good little statist knows; things that are good for the citizenry must ALWAYS be shoved down their throats using the heavy boot of government. Case in point, Obamacare is SO great that participation must be made mandatory (otherwise our own stupidity might cause us to miss out on all the magical benefits brought to us by inverted economics), this rule of thumb of course doesn't apply if your a politically connected organization capable of buying yourself enough political pull to merit a "waiver".

Nonsense. Anyone who supports ObamaCare can spend their own money on healthcare, including contributing to charities that provide it. Their desire for Socialized Health Care is not place an obligation on me to fulfill their fantasies with my productive work.

obamacare is nothing more then spreading the wealth. it is not national healthcare. not everyone gets healthcare provided to them as they try to make it sound. the only ones who are given healthcare is the segment of society that is already sucking us dry with entitlements. the segment who is providing nothing in return. this is nothing more than another handout to that group.
I'd rather that Everyone Be Exempted.

Well that wouldn't be fair to those that actually support Obamacare, one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way and leaving the rest of us to our own devices.

Of course this in impractical since as any good little statist knows; things that are good for the citizenry must ALWAYS be shoved down their throats using the heavy boot of government. Case in point, Obamacare is SO great that participation must be made mandatory (otherwise our own stupidity might cause us to miss out on all the magical benefits brought to us by inverted economics), this rule of thumb of course doesn't apply if your a politically connected organization capable of buying yourself enough political pull to merit a "waiver".


Not a big fan of sarcasm I see... I can take a stab at facetious if that's more to your liking. :razz:

Anyone who supports ObamaCare can spend their own money on healthcare, including contributing to charities that provide it.
Is there an echo in here?... because that's essentially what this
NightFox said:
one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way
then they should also be exempted from enforcing the law.
We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.

term limits would stop that bullshit.
We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.

They did one time. Remember the 'insider trading' brouhaha?

Remember how we shamed them into passing a law forbidding that?

They quietly repealed it

Congress repeals law barring members' insider trading - Baltimore Sun

As to obamacare? We need something like it but something that works.

I won't bore you with it but trust me when I tell you -- obamacare is here to stay.

If you think Republicans can win elections based on promises to repeal obamacare, you're crazy.

Ask Mitt Romney. Told all of you that's why he lost. He messed up. Should have kept his mouth shut and said "We need to fix it".

He might have had a chance.

And if you think we can win in 2016 on a promise to repeal obamacare, you're even crazier.

And if you think that any Republican President would actually repeal obamacare... You have completely lost your mind.

Ain't gonna happen.

There's no point in wishing for something that isn't possible. That leads to psychoses.

I wish I looked like Brad Pitt and could run around with Hollywood Starlets all day.

Might as well wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up faster.

Which is why I have little to no patience for libertarians. None.

They propose something that is totally impossible. Might be an ideal, but it isn't possible.

The question of government now becomes one of how much socialism do we want, no longer of 'are we'.

dimocraps and their scumbag allies, sycophants and errand boy would have us become a sociliast cesspool like Greece or Spain or Portugal.

What success stories, huh? 20% - 25% unemployment. Great job.

And they don't even have a permanent underclass that demands to be supported, to be given handouts, to be fed and supplied with subsidized housing and free abortions and who don't want to work and don't even know HOW to work.

We might be able to pull it off if not for them. We could be like Germany if not for them.

But when you got 20% of the Population that refuses to pull its own weight, it ain't gonna happen.

obamacare is here to stay. Get used to it.

And Republicans will spend the next 50 years promising to fix it. :)


dimocraps are still the scum of the Earth.

We could have had a program that works. But dimocraps? They'd fuck up a salvage yard.

scumbags. All of them
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We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.

term limits would stop that bullshit.

Alternatively it would be quite interesting if all laws applied only to elected officials and government bureaucrats for X period of time before they applied to the general public.

In software development the practice is sometimes known as "eating your own dog food".. whereby software engineers are forced to use the software they develop on a daily basis before it is released to customers.
We really need to modify the system so that Congress cannot pass laws from which the political class is exempted. This practice is a fundamental violation of the concept of the Rule of Law.

with out a doubt. laws should apply to everyone equally.

Exactly. I cannot believe that no liberal has taken offense because the people who passed Obamacare and the people who are set to impose it on the rest of us want out of it. It's the old, "Let them eat cake" shit. Not good enough for them, but they think nothing of forcing it on the little people.

Are any liberals here brave enough to voice their opinion on congress and the IRS wanting to be exempt from Obamacare? What do you think of the IRS unions saying it's too much of a burden? As for the Dems in Washington, check out my sig line to see what they think. It's unfair for them to have to participate in such a costly program!!!! Come on libs, explain why it's okay for the Dems who passed Obamacare without reading it and the IRS employees that will make sure the rest of us participate or face fines or jail time are likely going to be exempt.

And, is it or isn't it true that Muslims will be exempt for religious reasons? Do other religions support "gambling", as insurance has been described by Muslims?

Young people who are working are about to get the shock of their lives when they find out how much it will cost them. These young people aren't wealthy. Of the 29 new taxes in Obamacare (none of those taxes passed or originated in the house, as our constitution requires), EVERYONE, including the poor, will face at least 12 of those new taxes. No one will escape higher taxes regardless of how little they earn.

And congress and the IRS are whining because the law that they supported is too much of a hardship for them, so they want out. Aside from cost, could it be that they do not want other government bureaucrats having so much of their personal information and real time access to their bank accounts? They value their privacy while trampling on ours. The IRS knows that they can transfer funds from our accounts, on the premise that it'll be easier for us to pay our bills that way. Considering there are millions of Americans who are "sharing" their identities with illegal aliens and other thieves, imagine the mess when we get the bill for their health care or have the IRS take funds out without our knowledge to pay the bills. And they won't do a damn thing about it.

Yet, not a damn one of them is saying that we need to repeal this piece of shit because it will be even more burdensome for the poor and middle class. It is quite clear that they do not give a shit how hard and unfair it is on the people. Obama kicked the can down the road till after elections. Even he knows full well that people are going to be livid when they discover how it will affect them. If it was good, like the liars keep saying, wouldn't they want it implemented ASAP so people would love them?

How ignorant are those who keep believing the hype while totally ignoring the actions of Dems in Washington when it comes to Obamacare? They are running from it and we should all be right behind them. If everyone understood it the way they do, more would be demanding that they repeal it immediately and start over. Yet, the blind idiots are still thinking that it's a good law, just not for the powers that be. I must say that Obama and his ilk have done a bang up job of brainwashing their little followers into believing that they will be better off.
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What gets me here, is how they didn't discover this when it was first passed? They threw their support behind it, but never understood the actual ramifications of this bill. So I can't say I feel sorry for the NTEU. That's what happens when you don't read the bill before you support the bill.
Well that wouldn't be fair to those that actually support Obamacare, one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way and leaving the rest of us to our own devices.

Of course this in impractical since as any good little statist knows; things that are good for the citizenry must ALWAYS be shoved down their throats using the heavy boot of government. Case in point, Obamacare is SO great that participation must be made mandatory (otherwise our own stupidity might cause us to miss out on all the magical benefits brought to us by inverted economics), this rule of thumb of course doesn't apply if your a politically connected organization capable of buying yourself enough political pull to merit a "waiver".


Not a big fan of sarcasm I see... I can take a stab at facetious if that's more to your liking. :razz:

Anyone who supports ObamaCare can spend their own money on healthcare, including contributing to charities that provide it.
Is there an echo in here?... because that's essentially what this
NightFox said:
one might propose that a voluntary opt-out (or opt-in) be in order thereby allowing those that support it to reap all it's wondrous benefits and foot the bill for 'em along the way

Still nonsense. A voluntary opt out retains ObamaCare as a government program with taxpayers at risk covering the inevitable cost overruns.

If you want health care, pay for it yourself.

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