Iraq begins recounting disputed parliamentary election vote


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
BAGHDAD, Iraq — The Iraqi electoral commission started a nationwide manual recount of the parliamentary election on Saturday. For this purpose, the commission has all its employees on standby.

“The mechanisms for the manual recount of the votes started on Saturday morning. Currently, only the employees of the commission’s offices carry out the task. Other employees will be recruited if needed,” Ali Qadir, head of the Erbil office of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC), told Rudaw.

The winning lists of the election believe the manual recount process will be lengthy. They argue the recount won’t make a big difference in the number of seats won by each list, and will finally drag the country into a legal and governance vacuum.

“Currently, the judges supervise the office work, although heads of the offices have not stopped their work. They continue to work, and are waiting for the authorities to make a final decision on the matter,” added Qadir.

Adil Lami, a member of the winning Sayirun Alliance, forecasts problems ahead.

“The term of the parliament will expire on June 30, 2018. It won’t have legitimacy on July 1. This way, we will run into a constitutional vacuum because the recount of the votes will not finish by then. And by that time, the government will be a care-taker one and cannot implement any decision that requires the parliament to vote on,” has said.

However, the Nasr (Victory) Alliance headed by the incumbent Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi thinks the fate of the parliamentary seats will soon be decided, and the recount process won’t affect discussions on government formation.
Iraq begins recounting disputed parliamentary election vote

I have a feeling that the count is going to turn out the same. There were just not a huge voter turnout. My understanding is that it was partly out of fed-up-ness and, for some, fear.

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