Iraq Becomes More Pro-Iran Shia: All Tea Party-Palin-McCain-Bush Intended!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So where before there had been a Socialist, and Sunni, buffer against saber-rattling Iran, now post the murderous-Surge-intended-to-slaughter-American-Troops-in-the-field,--created by Bush, and supported by McCain-Palin, and clearly the by the supportive Tea Party--then now there is a basis for a Nuclear Shia Crescent! It is the new Shia dominant, Iraq!

Iraq deadlock ends, al-Maliki to stay on as PM - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq -

Anyone know the McCain-Palin-Tea Party intent! The clear agenda is to threaten the Saudi Regime, which supports Yemen against Al Qaeda, and then get the Shia to take all the oil away from the United States--and maybe send it away to all the Third World, needy nations, instead! The McCain-Palin-Tea Party are clearly supporters of any new funding for Al Qaeda, that may come about!

The intent of the outcome is as clear coming out, as it was going in. The Sunni are minority, and the Baath Party had been anti-Iran, and pro-oil for the United States. The Baath Party had always wanted to do business with the West. Business is opposed by the GOP Tea Party, tiny minority faction in government, in the United States.

Now that buttfer against further attacks against the West is gone, and in time for a USA, Veterans Day happy-that-they-were-needlessly-murdered: Celebration. There are even parades commemorating the atrocity of the murdered Americans, and all the time the Tea Party, and McCain and Sarah Palin: Even still keeping all of the money that was needlessly, frivolously, vainly and ostentatiously squandered away, to create the deficits. Now there are proposals to even try to get it back, at the start of an expanding recovery: Way too soon!

Anyone can celebrate, in America, the kinds of families: The GOP Tea Party really are.

The elected government of the United States, for its own part, has rejected the onslaught of the murderers: Into control of the government. Parts of that tiny and basis-free minority are even splintering away from: "The Agenda(?)" that the lunatics think they are doing.

Anyone sees how the assessment comes about!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes keep faith with ear marks of piracy tradition of famous ancestors! Hmmm!)
Obama still hasn't removed all the troops from Iraq and isn't stopping the wasteful and hopeless construction going on over there.

Empty Iraq Prison A "Monument" To Waste - CBS News

That is one of the things we built, and we are still building bases and prisons and airports and shit for use by the US who should be leaving, or in the case of the prisons for Iraq who doesn't even want them or intend to use them.
In the modern, mature, GOP male, and in the modern, mature, GOP female: There is strong need of pit-stop! Anti-flatulence medicine aside, we saw the photographs in the House Republican, "Pledge To America:" Which cost them the Senate and the White House, and even a lot of them in the House, who got elected(?)!

The Senate has yet to hear from Alaska, but the count is actually now under way: And not in favor of killing-Intending, Sarah Palin. The Ear Marks Are On, and slow disintegration of flakes from the Tea Leaves is under way!

Actually, the Shia were in Iraq, even at the time before and after the Sunnis took over. The Sunni installed the moderate, Baathist regime. In contrast, even just usual Shia trials involve poking eyes out, cutting off of hands, if not the photography of U. S. troops, "guarding" the prisoners in the famous prison. That was clearly civilized, by McCain-Palin-Bush-Cheney-Tea Party standards!

So going in: It was known that any new government formed would likely tend to Shia majority. That is Iraq. Iran even knows about this. The Saudis even know about this.

In the region, unlike George Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitchell McConnell, and Boehner(?), looks like. . . .well: In the Region, the Republicans ran away from Al Qaeda, whereas in Yemen the Democrats are supporting an eventual roundup: Of Al Qaeda!

Again: Al Qaeda went that-away, so the GOP sent the troops the other way! Many were killed, maimed, marred and disfigured in the process. Sarah Palin has yet to send all the families, all of her money. or even any of it. John McCain doesn't even let any them in any of the houses. Mitchell of McConnells, has yet to send all of those victim families, all of the money: Even that his staffers have. Boehner still looks like another spelling for a. . . .well!

This was the outcome certain known going in. This in the permanent record coming out!

That is called, "intended!"

"Crow, James Crow: Saken, Not Stirred!"
(Ear mark of Many Squaws: There from piercing! Ear Mark of GOP: There from fleecing, and maybe even leeching! When fast diagnosis needed, from the Senate Floor, then like hospital amputation, and general surgical high tech, from Party of Abraham Lincoln: Then it is there!)
Cowards go into battle knowing that their buddies will be killed, maimed, wounded, marred, and disfigured: And so they say, "Gung Ho!" "It's A wunnerful, A Wunnerful!"

That is actually what they do: And knowing it going in!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Braves Wait Instead, for Squaws with shiny trinkets: That even China doesn't hold in much regard anymoe!)
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we need to pull out, completely and utterly, of iraq and afghanistan, and abandon israel to its fate. fuck em. these arent conflicts that can be won, and in twenty years both countries will be ruled by regimes that were even more radical and more threatening than the ones the neocons attempted to replace.
John McCain and Sarah Palin, who glory in the entrails of gutted, gushiing U.S. uniformed, glistening in the sun and the stars of the Mideast, there to be kneaded into the dough of the grist for their failed politics, economics, and international affairs: Was it even mentioned that they even kept the money!

Famous Rush Limbaugh even borrows from the Sarah Palin offspring to explain the Republican policies at home and abroad.

Then in Yemen, Al Qaeda not only claimed responsibility for the bomb intercepted in the planes, but find that the Democrats, and the Saudis, and the Yemenis: Are even hunting them down for capture.

This a McCain, or a Palin, or a Bush, or Cheney, or an Abrahma Lincoln(?): Was clearly unwillling to do!

Abraham Lincoln, did keep the money. His god was war, and like the GOP: He was a religious man. Lots of their people are like that(?)! The Southern Politicians seem to like him the most, since murdered all the Southerns the GOP could find.

Unles it was something else, entirely!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many Squaws Need No Religion! Have White Eyes insurance, and courtroom settlements, instead! Many Squaws know Great Spirit: When they see it coming(?)! Hmmm! Back to Writers Guild maybe, for snappy new non-negro dialect!)

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