Iranian Defense Minister"Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said today that the International Atomic Energy Agency — which inked confidential deals with Tehran that Congress has not been able to see — would not be able to see all the facilities it wants to.
Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site,” Dehqan said in an interview with al-Mayadeen news network on Wednesday, reported the semi-official Fars News Agency.

The IRGC’s top commander in Tehran province, Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini, told operating units undergoing drills in the capital that “they (the US and the Zionists) should know that the Islamic Revolution will continue enhancing its preparedness until it overthrows Israel and liberates Palestine,” according to Fars.

“And we will continue defending not just our own country, but also all the oppressed people of the world, specially those countries that are standing on the forefront of confrontation with the Zionists,” Kazzemeini said.

Iran Commander: We're Getting Prepared to Overthrow Israel

Do you supporters of the deal understand that?

One other question of you Iranian deal supporters.
Why is Iran doing nuclear development when Iran has the 4th largest reserves in the world of oil?

Proved oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank fourth largest in the world at approximately 150 billion barrels and the largest natural gas reserves in the world.[1][2]

Oil reserves in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So with 150 billion barrels Iran has enough oil for it's own consumption at By the end of 2009, Iranian oil R/P ratio was 89.4 years which is the world's highest.[18] By 2009, Iran had 52 active rigs and 1,853 producing oil wells.[19]

So why the need for nuclear energy utilities?

If that is why they are involved in nuclear development.

“Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site,” Dehqan said in an interview with al-Mayadeen news network on Wednesday, reported the semi-official Fars News Agency.
blah blah blah blah blah please end the sanctions blah blah blah blah
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.

Obama promised what, and what did he lied about what?
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.

Obama promised what, and what did he lied about what?
He promised verification.

We didn't get it.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.

Obama promised what, and what did he lied about what?
He promised verification.

We didn't get it.

Of course were going to get it, the nuclear sites will be monitored but not the military sites. This is the best way to know what they are doing, because not lifting the sanctions would of pissed them off even more, and then no one would know anything. Besides Obama never made this deal alone, other countries were involved and many have begun making plans with Iran.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan warned on Wednesday that Tehran would not allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit every site and facility that it wishes.

"Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site," Dehqan said in an interview with al-Mayadeen news network on Wednesday.

Granting such permissions are even in violation of the IAEA and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) rules, he added.

Dehqan had also earlier underlined that Tehran would not allow any foreigner to discover Iran's defensive and missile capabilities by inspecting the country's military sites.

"Missile-related issues have never been on agenda of the nuclear talks and the Islamic system will resolutely implement its programs in this field," Brigadier General Dehqan said in July, commenting on the nuclear agreement recent struck between Iran and the six world powers (the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany).

He pointed to the recent statements of the US officials on Iran, and said, "The US officials make boastful remarks and imagine that they can impose anything on the Iranian nation because they lack a proper knowledge of the Iranian nation."

The Iranian Defense Minister reiterated that the time had come for the Americans to realize that they were not the world's super power and no one recognizes them as such any longer.

No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.

Obama promised what, and what did he lied about what?
He promised verification.

We didn't get it.

Of course were going to get it, the nuclear sites will be monitored but not the military sites. This is the best way to know what they are doing, because not lifting the sanctions would of pissed them off even more, and then no one would know anything. Besides Obama never made this deal alone, other countries were involved and many have begun making plans with Iran.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan warned on Wednesday that Tehran would not allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit every site and facility that it wishes.

"Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site," Dehqan said in an interview with al-Mayadeen news network on Wednesday.

Granting such permissions are even in violation of the IAEA and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) rules, he added.

Dehqan had also earlier underlined that Tehran would not allow any foreigner to discover Iran's defensive and missile capabilities by inspecting the country's military sites.

"Missile-related issues have never been on agenda of the nuclear talks and the Islamic system will resolutely implement its programs in this field," Brigadier General Dehqan said in July, commenting on the nuclear agreement recent struck between Iran and the six world powers (the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany).

He pointed to the recent statements of the US officials on Iran, and said, "The US officials make boastful remarks and imagine that they can impose anything on the Iranian nation because they lack a proper knowledge of the Iranian nation."

The Iranian Defense Minister reiterated that the time had come for the Americans to realize that they were not the world's super power and no one recognizes them as such any longer.

Great, so Iran gets to hide shit.

Obozo lied.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.

An unusual secret agreement with a U.N. agency will allow Iran to use its own experts to inspect a site allegedly used to develop nuclear arms, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.
Correction: Iran-Nuclear story

This makes no sense. For simple people like you it would be like YOU signing an agreement to buy a house from a seller but
the seller has another agreement with the property appraiser that YOU can't see. Such an agreement would state the appraiser can raise
valuation without you the buyer knowing it and thus increasing the monthly payment. And you wouldn't know why because YOU can't see the agreement between the appraiser and the seller!

It is the same principal. The USA will release the sanctioned $150 billion without knowing WHAT the agreement was between International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran.
Makes no sense that the USA would agree to that!
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.

And why should they trust Obama? Considering his drone program? One thing that can be said about Republicans that can't be said about Democrats, Republican pretty much do what they say, democrats, not so much.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.

An unusual secret agreement with a U.N. agency will allow Iran to use its own experts to inspect a site allegedly used to develop nuclear arms, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.
Correction: Iran-Nuclear story

This makes no sense. For simple people like you it would be like YOU signing an agreement to buy a house from a seller but
the seller has another agreement with the property appraiser that YOU can't see. Such an agreement would state the appraiser can raise
valuation without you the buyer knowing it and thus increasing the monthly payment. And you wouldn't know why because YOU can't see the agreement between the appraiser and the seller!

It is the same principal. The USA will release the sanctioned $150 billion without knowing WHAT the agreement was between International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran.
Makes no sense that the USA would agree to that!

Legacy and having to win.
Iranian Defense Minister: "Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IAEA to inspect every site"

That's probably the world's worst-kept secret today. To everyone except the Obama admin, and a few of the loonier liberals on this forum. :cuckoo:
No country lets someone see their military sites, only the nuclear sites they need to inspect. (except Israel, they don't let the IAEA in at all)

Now can you give a link to an Iran site saying we are getting prepared to Overthrow Israel? Its no secret they do not like the Israel regime, and the US for backing Israel. Some still call us , the US , non trustworthy, and well if one listens to the GOP on Fox you'd know why. I'm afraid if a GOP got in, they'd be right about not trusting the US.
And you don't trust proven liars and give them the farm without verification.

Obozo promised it, and he lied to us again.

Obama promised what, and what did he lied about what?

When President Obama hailed the Iran nuclear agreement on television Tuesday morning, he said the said it would usher in an era of unprecedented access to Iran's nuclear facilities.

"Inspectors will also be able to access any suspicious location. Put simply, the organization responsible for the inspections, the IAEA, will have access where necessary, when necessary," the president said.
Obama says inspectors get access to "any" site in Iran. Is it true? - CBS News


The Obama administration is acknowledging that Iranians would be involved in inspections of the sensitive Parchin military site under a draft arrangement with the U.N., but officials are stressing that they are not the only ones who would be investigating the Iranian location long believed to have hosted covert militarized nuclear activity.

A senior State Department official said that the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, would have "total oversight" of sampling and inspections of Parchin under the agreement between the agency and Iran over access to the site.
Since Parchin is a military installation, the Iranians have always been adamantly against having foreign inspectors roaming around there.

The draft arrangement between the IAEA and Iran concerning Parchin was first reported by The Associated Press.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano put out a statement Thursday saying that the deals of that agreement are "confidential" and that he can't make them public due to "a legal obligation"

However, he said that he was "disturbed by statements suggesting that the IAEA has given responsibility for nuclear inspections to Iran. Such statements misrepresent the way in which we will undertake this important verification work."
You know 5 countries and the IAEA were involved for a long time over this, and I'm sure they know a heck of a lot more than me about it. No one wants nuclear war. Also no country gives access to military sites and then allows it to be reported to the world. This deal has been made to for the GOP and the PM of Israel to keep bringing up crap about it needs to come to an end. Schumer thinks he and congress should be entitled to all the confidential info, I do not , with all the crooks in congress, the IAEA I'm sure is doing their job.
I'm one that had to listen for years how Russia was going to nuke us as well, even had drills in school in case of a nuclear attack. I'm quite sure Israel and SA will do something don't worry, they can't stand that Iran might be a major player and a wealthy country now.
You know 5 countries and the IAEA were involved for a long time over this, and I'm sure they know a heck of a lot more than me about it. No one wants nuclear war. Also no country gives access to military sites and then allows it to be reported to the world. This deal has been made to for the GOP and the PM of Israel to keep bringing up crap about it needs to come to an end. Schumer thinks he and congress should be entitled to all the confidential info, I do not , with all the crooks in congress, the IAEA I'm sure is doing their job.
I'm one that had to listen for years how Russia was going to nuke us as well, even had drills in school in case of a nuclear attack. I'm quite sure Israel and SA will do something don't worry, they can't stand that Iran might be a major player and a wealthy country now.

I've not heard one word from any Israeli that is equal to this rhetoric from the leaders of Iran:
  • The ritualistic rally-cries of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" -- and the burning in effigy of the leaders of Israel, America, and Saudi Arabia -- underscore the basic lie that underpins Quds Day: the Iranian regime is focused on Iran's revolutionary extremist agenda, not on the welfare of Palestinian Arabs.

  • Quds Day has become a day in which Iran and protestors in other societies attack the legitimacy of the state of Israel ("The Little Satan") and continue to threaten the United States ("The Big Satan").

  • "Another advantage of Al Quds Day 2015 was that it coincided with the final hours of Iran's nuclear talks because these talks are in fact the confrontation between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and world arrogant powers." — Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Secretary General of the World Forum of Islamic Schools of Thought.

    Iran's Quds Day: Death to America, Death to Israel

    How someone like you with a "peace" message defend a group of leaders like the above that have stated for anyone they want Israel and USA destroyed.
    Are you truly that naive to believe these same people that are doing this to Christians in their country TODAY??

    Christian sentenced by Iranian judge to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during Ramadan
    • Christian ate during the day within the Muslim holy month of Ramadan
    • Five other men, who were Muslims, were flogged for not fasting
    • Christians have been persecuted under the country's Sharia law

    They said: 'The silence of the world community, especially of western countries, vis-à-vis these medieval punishments under the excuse of having nuclear talks with Iran has intensified the brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran.

    'This will ultimately embolden the Iranian regime to continue its nuclear projects more than before.'

    Christian in Iran to have his lips burnt for eating during Ramadan
I'm sorry but I've not seen any stories where Israel/USA have done such barbaric, medieval punishments.
Mix opinion on the deal. Hate the end of sanctions. Like the establishment of high ground for reason to attack them when they don't live by their word.

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