Iran: "Wipe Israel off Face of Earth" threat with missile launch exercise


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
This is a fine how-do-you-do. Iran this time DID say it would "Wipe Israel off the Face of the Earth."

How many times did Ahmadinejad's handlers say he did not say he would "Wipe Israel off the face of the map?" He did not say it 10 to 30 times? Oh, yeah, right.

Read all about it.
If Iran doesn't hurry up and nuke Israel, they're going to lose credibility.
Nuking Israel? I hope not. They'd be rubble if they did a thing like that, and it's likely we would have no stake in that.
Already in 1991, IRAN'S attaché in Argentina, the Muslim cleric Mohsen Rabbani, called on Israel to be wiped off. It s 3 years before he and the Iranian Hezbollah thugs massacred Jews in Amia, 1994.
And in 2001, Rafsangani called to use nukes on a israel.
does not matter-----lots of people will continue to insist that the annhilation thing was never said reminds me of May 1967 thru mid June Nasser predicted total victory-----and annhilation -----then when the smoke cleared his supporters chimed up with "NO that was just 'arabic hyperbole' " and to this day------there are people who claim that Nasser had no thought of war and would never have done a thing if Israel had not destroyed a few planes standing on the tarmac. Nus-kharah-allah is innocent too.
It doent matter if Iran nukes Israel or not, Iran will get a big AMERICAN DICK in its ass, but now I am leaning more toward, they are starting to bitch down and wanting it in the XXXX-Meister
Nobody will Nuke israel. But if Lebanon sticks by what its said and launches hundreds of missiles every day into populous Cities like Tel Aviv, then southern Lebanon will be destroyed, and I mean wayyy worse than in 2006
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it is not at all clear to me that Israel will not go after the SOURCE of hezbollah in some way It is really a shame to knock the citizens of Lebanon around because of the filth that Iran planted there Hezbollah is not confined to Lebanon------
Given that Iran has no bomb and no delivery system, for the present this threat is void.

If Israel were nuked, what would happen to the so-called Palestinian population? Are they somehow protected by a variation of magic underwear? Don't you think this kind of talk has to be hyperbole? Don't you think that everyone knows such an attack on Israel would bring retaliation from its own nukes?
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your statement is not only without merit------it is also disgusting. Since when have "nukes" been absolutely necessary to war or even to genocide. All islamo nazis trivialize--------I am reminded of the pro-hitlerite propaganda that was promulgated in the USA during the 1930s
The United States does not want to nuke Iran, if we did that then they would have learned nothing, no we need Iranians to remain ............ALIVE.........
So we can have something to fuckk

If we did otherwise it would be like a pimp killing he own prostitute, yea the bittch runs her mouth and complains of getting raped without compensation, but thats not a reason to kill her. The correct course of action would be to keep that bittch ALIVE and put her to work and earn money for you, and at the same time you can ravage that pussy when you feel the need.

Thus Iran will only be publicly bitched.

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