Iran To US: "Don't Take This 'Attack' Seriously!"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
They felt that they needed to respond....but have to avoid what they knew Trump would do....obliterate they sent a message to Iraq, who passes it on....

iran notified iraq of impending attack

"US knew Iranian missiles were coming ahead of strike on Iraq bases housing American troops
U.S. officials had advance warning of Iran's missile assault that damaged two Iraqi bases housing U.S. and coalition forces, a U.S. official told USA TODAY."
Iran attack: US knew Iranian missiles were coming ahead of strike

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The latest on U.S.-Iran tensions after the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s top general (all times local):
2:15 p.m.
The Iraqi prime ministry says Iran notified Iraq shortly after midnight that its response to the killing of its top military commander had begun, and that retaliation would be limited to locations where the U.S. military is present.
Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s office said in a statement Wednesday that Iraq was simultaneously informed by the Americans that military bases in Ain al-Asad and Irbil were under missile attack.
The office says it has received no reports of casualties on the Iraqi side and has not been officially notified of any losses among the U.S.-led coalition."

Iraq Says Both Iran, US Notified It Of Attack | 77 WABC Radio
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The latest on U.S.-Iran tensions after the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s top general (all times local):
2:15 p.m.
The Iraqi prime ministry says Iran notified Iraq shortly after midnight that its response to the killing of its top military commander had begun, and that retaliation would be limited to locations where the U.S. military is present.
Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s office said in a statement Wednesday that Iraq was simultaneously informed by the Americans that military bases in Ain al-Asad and Irbil were under missile attack.
The office says it has received no reports of casualties on the Iraqi side and has not been officially notified of any losses among the U.S.-led coalition."
Iraq Says Both Iran, US Notified It Of Attack | 77 WABC Radio
I believe it would be naive for us to think this reply of shooting impotent missiles into the Iraqi desert by Iran is the tat for our 'tit' of killing off their national hero. I believe it was designed to set America at ease until they come up with something subtle and devastating. This is NOT a time to relax.
A lesson for killer Trump, that he can´t murder Iranians at will.

Please don't pollute this thread.

You have been shown to be an unworthy participant in any discussion, as your refusal to admit truths documented, linked and sourced proves you no more than a waste of bytes.

When confronted with facts….linked, sources and documented… lie, and hide behind:

“It is all made up. “

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Everything in here is totally made up …”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Made up.”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“…made up…”

Germany will CUT defense spending

“… made up.”

one more knife in putler back : Turkey agrees to back NATO anti-maskal plans for Baltic: Lithuania

Be gone, worm.
Thanks for this PoliticalChic. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when I heard the news about the strike. . . I didn't think Iran was going to do anything out in the open, it isn't like them. They only do asymmetric warfare.

I guess it was a face saving measure, politically. . .but they HAD to warn the Trump administration if they did not want further escalation or American deaths.

. . . still, they are playing with fire here. Trump is pretty tight with Bibi and the Israel's, if they push him to escalate on this context? He just might.

I am willing to bet, the population of Iran has no idea that the American administration was warned by the Iraqis that Iran was going to strike. Nor do the Iranians know that there were no causalities caused by this missile strike.

. . . this certainly won't be the end of the Iranian retaliation, this is just to mollify Iranian and world public opinion. They will probably up their asymmetric game in some other way; ways in which the Americans cannot prove, but will be equally frustrating to the administration. . .

Only time will tell.

Thanks for this PoliticalChic. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when I heard the news about the strike. . . I didn't think Iran was going to do anything out in the open, it isn't like them. They only do asymmetric warfare.

I guess it was a face saving measure, politically. . .but they HAD to warn the Trump administration if they did not want further escalation or American deaths.

. . . still, they are playing with fire here. Trump is pretty tight with Bibi and the Israel's, if they push him to escalate on this context? He just might.

I am willing to bet, the population of Iran has no idea that the American administration was warned by the Iraqis that Iran was going to strike. Nor do the Iranians know that there were no causalities caused by this missile strike.

. . . this certainly won't be the end of the Iranian retaliation, this is just to mollify Iranian and world public opinion. They will probably up their asymmetric game in some other way; ways in which the Americans cannot prove, but will be equally frustrating to the administration. . .

Only time will tell.

These maniacs know this is not Hussein's America.....

Thanks for this PoliticalChic. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when I heard the news about the strike. . . I didn't think Iran was going to do anything out in the open, it isn't like them. They only do asymmetric warfare.

I guess it was a face saving measure, politically. . .but they HAD to warn the Trump administration if they did not want further escalation or American deaths.

. . . still, they are playing with fire here. Trump is pretty tight with Bibi and the Israel's, if they push him to escalate on this context? He just might.

I am willing to bet, the population of Iran has no idea that the American administration was warned by the Iraqis that Iran was going to strike. Nor do the Iranians know that there were no causalities caused by this missile strike.

. . . this certainly won't be the end of the Iranian retaliation, this is just to mollify Iranian and world public opinion. They will probably up their asymmetric game in some other way; ways in which the Americans cannot prove, but will be equally frustrating to the administration. . .

Only time will tell.

These maniacs know this is not Hussein's America.....

There is no doubt about that. Bibi says; we know how to make these guys cry, want to know how?

Trump; sure, why not? :71:
Thanks for this PoliticalChic. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when I heard the news about the strike. . . I didn't think Iran was going to do anything out in the open, it isn't like them. They only do asymmetric warfare.

I guess it was a face saving measure, politically. . .but they HAD to warn the Trump administration if they did not want further escalation or American deaths.

. . . still, they are playing with fire here. Trump is pretty tight with Bibi and the Israel's, if they push him to escalate on this context? He just might.

I am willing to bet, the population of Iran has no idea that the American administration was warned by the Iraqis that Iran was going to strike. Nor do the Iranians know that there were no causalities caused by this missile strike.

. . . this certainly won't be the end of the Iranian retaliation, this is just to mollify Iranian and world public opinion. They will probably up their asymmetric game in some other way; ways in which the Americans cannot prove, but will be equally frustrating to the administration. . .

Only time will tell.

These maniacs know this is not Hussein's America.....

There is no doubt about that. Bibi says; we know how to make these guys cry, want to know how?

Trump; sure, why not? :71:

Iran knows that they would have been met with an overwhelming attack had they done real damage in the fireworks display last night....but they kept their 'eye on the prize'......nuclear weapons and missiles capable of carrying same.

Time is on their side, especially with the Democrat/Liberal fifth column in this country.

The Democrats lost with with their 70-year support of the they see a second bite at the apple of America's destruction.

At some point Trump will have to deal with same, as we can see that it is largely impossible to de-nuclearize a nation....

Fingers crossed.
Trump....the 'mule whisperer.'

A Texas farmer had a new mule he needed to train; it would not do anything he wanted it to-not even go into its stall in the barn. In exasperation, he hired a mule skinner to come out and break the mule in. The old mule tamer arrived at the farm and had the owner explain what he wanted done. The old man looked at the mule then at the farmer, reached down and picked up a fence post that was lying on the ground, and, swinging the post like a baseball bat, he hit the mule right between the eyes.

... the farmer was furious: he threw his hat down on the ground, cursed, and yelled at the old man, “What are you doing!? I hired you to come out and tame my mule, not to kill him!”

While he ranted and raved, the old man just stood there. He looked up at the sky, then down at the ground. Finally, he just spat some tobacco juice to the side (he was chewing Red Man), and looked the farmer squarely in the eyes. “You see, when I want to teach a mule something, the first thing I do is get his attention.”
Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

This 'attack' was a show for their own people.

They can lie about it, as they are, claiming they killed a bunch of Americans and kicked the Great Satan in the balls. Who cares, they had to do some shit like this to puff for their people.

If they were to have pushed it, they'd be stomped hard and they seem to have gotten the message that Trump wouldn't fuck around like some of his predecessors.....and it flushed them ou PDQ.

People will disagree, but to me this looks like a major win for Trump. We know where they really stand now, that their bluster is just that, they have shown it openly to us and the world, and they've been put on notice that 'proxy' attacks will result in real consequences, which they want no part of.

If this doesn't escalate further and ends here, this is a major, major win for Trump.

At the very least Soleimani is gone, at the best it has slowed Iran's 'proxy' game by putting the thought in their minds of real consequences for this type of stuff they've been getting away with for years.....that's a W.
This 'attack' was a show for their own people.

They can lie about it, as they are, claiming they killed a bunch of Americans and kicked the Great Satan in the balls. Who cares, they had to do some shit like this to puff for their people.

If they were to have pushed it, they'd be stomped hard and they seem to have gotten the message that Trump wouldn't fuck around like some of his predecessors.....and it flushed them ou PDQ.

People will disagree, but to me this looks like a major win for Trump. We know where they really stand now, that their bluster is just that, they have shown it openly to us and the world, and they've been put on notice that 'proxy' attacks will result in real consequences, which they want no part of.

If this doesn't escalate further and ends here, this is a major, major win for Trump.

At the very least Soleimani is gone, at the best it has slowed Iran's 'proxy' game by putting the thought in their minds of real consequences for this type of stuff they've been getting away with for years.....that's a W.

I must admit to being surprised at how deftly this ingénue of a President has handled the Iranians....
Didn't bite when he had several opportunities, and made clear that death of any Americans would be his 'red line'.....and the mullahs got the drift.

I don't believe that the Muslim former President wasn't capable of doing the same.....he had no intention thereof. He wanted a Muslim nuclear anti-American force.....and almost got it.
I don't believe that the Muslim former President wasn't capable of doing the same.....he had no intention thereof. He wanted a Muslim nuclear anti-American force.....and almost got it.
Every time I begin to think you have some credibility, you smash my hopes to smithereens with some codswallop like this. It is sad that the only way you can elevate Trump to make him look good is by putting down someone else.

Mark this down so you can discredit me if I am wrong, but I believe you and Trump have a big surprise coming as you celebrate his 'victory' on cowering the Iranians. The Iranian 'tat' for our assassination of a leader they admired, the tossing of a few missiles onto the sand and tossing their people a sop by claiming lives, is a game. Now they can say they have responded to us. But their next move will be thru proxies making it hard to prove their involvement. But this is not over by a long shot, and our success at ridding the world of a master killer may be very Pyrric.

ps...have you seen the Senator from Utah express his opinion of today's briefing on the 'imminent' need to assassinate the Iranian?
"Germany Vows to “Save” Nuclear Deal as Iran Enriches Weapons-Grade Uranium
Germany Vows to "Save" Nuclear Deal as Iran Enriches Weapons-Grade Uranium

Remember this?

"Hitler had fillings made from gold torn from mouths of Jews
Adolf Hitler had dental fillings made from gold torn from the mouths of Jews in concentration camps, a new book on the Führer claims."
Hitler had fillings made from gold torn from mouths of Jews

Nothing has changed.
At least some common sense from Germany. We need to put murderers and world terrorists in their place.
Iran was punished for defeating ISIS by the terror regime that has not changed after Obama.

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