Iran Should be allowed to obtain Nuclear weapons.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Iran should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, as a stabalizing gesture for the entire middle east. Right now only Israel has nuclear weapons in the middle east. This has caused the entire region to unstable, and volatile.

Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon, will bring satbility to the Middle East. There will be
a situation of deterrent.

Israeli access to nuclear weapons is the main reason for the increased tension in the Middle East today.

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, tensions will decrase, and be balanced out through out the entire middle eastern area. It will no longer be the haves and the haves not situation
that we have today, which is causing undue tension in the region for conflict.
I'll admit Jews is pretty wacky, but no where near the level of Iranians.
More nuclear devices will only add to tensions, not reduce them. And they certainly won't bring "stability".
Jews start all the wars, not Iranians.

Jews refuse to cooperate with UN inspectors, not Iranians.
Jews start all the wars, not Iranians.

Jews refuse to cooperate with UN inspectors, not Iranians.

Grab yourself a history book that covers, say, 1967.

Shithead, is that when Israel launched a full-scale surprise attack on its neighbors? You're a f-ing idiot.

And it was quite the surprise wasn't it? Egypt massed troops on one side - 7 full divisions or about 160000 men, Syria pushed 75000 troops to their border along with Jordan's rush to push in another 55000 along with 12 artillery batteries. And then Nasser had to shoot his mouth off and say "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight". Tell me again - who started that war?

Before you call me an idiot, read the fucking history books. Anti-semitic tool.

Israel sure did get the 1st - and only - punch in that fight. If they had sat back and waited to see what happened, I'm not all that sure there would be an Israel today. Is that what you're crying about with your post?
Iran should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, as a stabalizing gesture for the entire middle east. Right now only Israel has nuclear weapons in the middle east. This has caused the entire region to unstable, and volatile.

Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon, will bring satbility to the Middle East. There will be
a situation of deterrent.

Israeli access to nuclear weapons is the main reason for the increased tension in the Middle East today.

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, tensions will decrase, and be balanced out through out the entire middle eastern area. It will no longer be the haves and the haves not situation
that we have today, which is causing undue tension in the region for conflict.

Although they certainly don't admit they have them directly, and they haven't been threatening to invade anyone - in fact, the 1 time they did, they gave most of it back. Why would Israel's nuclear status even be questioned at this point?

And you're wrong. The instability in the area pre-dates Israel's supposed nukes.
All nuclear weapons should be renounced, wherever they are and whoever may have them. An intelligent being would never have made the awful things. The fact that humans are stupid enough to construct these devices is argument enough against their having them. Unfortunately, there is no objective power that can stop the march of lunacy.
I'll admit Jews is pretty wacky, but no where near the level of Iranians.
More nuclear devices will only add to tensions, not reduce them. And they certainly won't bring "stability".

I think (Hope) you mean the Israeli government are wacky.
I've only met a few Israeli. All but one were fine people.
The Iranian government are a steaming pile of daft pillocks but the people I've met from that country have been pretty nice.

No need to hate Jews because the Israeli government is made of of bastards.
All nuclear weapons should be renounced, wherever they are and whoever may have them. An intelligent being would never have made the awful things. The fact that humans are stupid enough to construct these devices is argument enough against their having them. Unfortunately, there is no objective power that can stop the march of lunacy.

They saved 10's of millions of lives.

with out them we would speak of the Japanese in the past tense only.
I'll admit Jews is pretty wacky, but no where near the level of Iranians.
More nuclear devices will only add to tensions, not reduce them. And they certainly won't bring "stability".

I think (Hope) you mean the Israeli government are wacky.
I've only met a few Israeli. All but one were fine people.
The Iranian government are a steaming pile of daft pillocks but the people I've met from that country have been pretty nice.

No need to hate Jews because the Israeli government is made of of bastards.

Roger that.
Before you call me an idiot, read the fucking history books. Anti-semitic tool.

Israel sure did get the 1st - and only - punch in that fight. If they had sat back and waited to see what happened, I'm not all that sure there would be an Israel today. Is that what you're crying about with your post?

You judaphile piece-of-shit, I do know the history. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was a 1st-only-only punch. Israel's surprise attack was all-out-war. And, Israel also held the nuclear trump card, gutting any credibility to a preemptive strike.
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Before you call me an idiot, read the fucking history books. Anti-semitic tool.

Israel sure did get the 1st - and only - punch in that fight. If they had sat back and waited to see what happened, I'm not all that sure there would be an Israel today. Is that what you're crying about with your post?

You judaphile piece-of-shit, I do know the history. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was a 1st-only-only punch. Israel's surprise attack was all-out-war. And, Israel also held the nuclear trump card, gutting any credibility to a preemptive strike.

Nice try at deflection, tool. Pearl Harbor was an all out surprise. America and her allies didn't have troops massing on Japanese holdings.

On the other hand, Egypt's surprise was that THEY - with 160k troops waiting to pounce - were the ones that got hit and not the Syrians or the Jordanians. In other words, it was a surprise that the Israelis moved against the largest force first and not that Israel acted. The PLAN was for Israel to go after one of the smaller forces, which would have opened the door for Egypt to make a huge leap and occupy territory almost free of charge.

I guess self preservation doesn't rank very high in your book of just causes for military action. But, I wouldn't expect it from such an illiterate Aryan as yourself.
I really don't like Shia.

But I do admire how the Iranian government stands up to Israel. :cool:

And how is that? By taking a belligerent stance and keeping the atmosphere toxic? I don't think I can admire a nation who is as committed to the destruction of Israel today as it was 60 years ago. It's time to let it go, imho.

If anything, Israel's calm would have to be admired - but then Obama has just told Iran that Israel is our best friend. That pretty much took the heat off them to fly sorties to take out a reactor, Obama pretty much reminded Iran that we have some interesting toys.
All nuclear weapons should be renounced, wherever they are and whoever may have them. An intelligent being would never have made the awful things. The fact that humans are stupid enough to construct these devices is argument enough against their having them. Unfortunately, there is no objective power that can stop the march of lunacy.

Nuclear weapons are a deterrent to war. Countries that have them realize their destructive potential and dear not use them.Since we had nuclear proliferation, during the
1950, and 60's, there has not been a nuclear war between nations, since the first two Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.

We can say Nuclear weapons are a major deterrent to conventional, and nuclear war.
Let the historical records be the looked at.
Iran should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, as a stabalizing gesture for the entire middle east. Right now only Israel has nuclear weapons in the middle east. This has caused the entire region to unstable, and volatile.

Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon, will bring satbility to the Middle East. There will be
a situation of deterrent.

Israeli access to nuclear weapons is the main reason for the increased tension in the Middle East today.

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, tensions will decrase, and be balanced out through out the entire middle eastern area. It will no longer be the haves and the haves not situation
that we have today, which is causing undue tension in the region for conflict.
Retarded post is retarded.
All nuclear weapons should be renounced, wherever they are and whoever may have them. An intelligent being would never have made the awful things. The fact that humans are stupid enough to construct these devices is argument enough against their having them. Unfortunately, there is no objective power that can stop the march of lunacy.

Nuclear weapons are a deterrent to war. Countries that have them realize their destructive potential and dear not use them.Since we had nuclear proliferation, during the
1950, and 60's, there has not been a nuclear war between nations, since the first two Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.

We can say Nuclear weapons are a major deterrent to conventional, and nuclear war.
Let the historical records be the looked at.

Excuse me, but didn't Saddam Hussein just dare us to step into his yard a while back? He knew the US had capabilities, right?

This is a purely lame argument.

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