Iran regime executes Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
So sad. What a young guy! It looks like if you oppose the current regime, you are "waging war on God." Does this mean that all the people at the rally in Michigan the other day to release the ex U.S. marine held in Iran are "waging war against God?"

Iran regime executes Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 09:43


Behrouz Alkhani

NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime on Wednesday (August 26) hanged Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani in the central prison of Orumieh, western Iran.

He was charged with "moharebeh", or waging war on God, by the mullahs' regime.

According to received reports, Behrouz Alkhani's relatives were told by authorities to obtain an approval letter from the mullahs' courts in order to receive his body.

On Tuesday, Mr. Alkhani had telephoned his relatives from prison asking them to visit him for the last time.

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Iran regime executes Kurdish political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani

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