Iran offers escort to next aid convoy

Iran has warned that it could send Revolutionary Guard naval units to escort humanitarian aid convoys seeking to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza – a move that would certainly be challenged by Israel. :clap2:
Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy | World news | The Guardian

An attempt to break a declared blockade by a nation states naval forces would be seen as a causus belli, leading most likely to a state of war. I'm not even sure if the Iranian navy has the ability to project force beyond the persian gulf. Will have to wiki the Iranian navy to see what ships it has.
Iran isn't going to do anything like that in my opinion. They're just talking trash. I'd love to see it, but I don't think Iran has the balls. They much prefer to let Hezbo and Hamas do their dirty work.
The Iranian government has repeatedly instigated some desperate stunt to deflect int'l attention whenever the international community closes ranks and is about to slap them with sanctions or ultimatums over their unyielding recalcitrance and roguery. So, could happen. . .
Iran only has a couple of destroyers, which would not be a match for Israel's missile boats. I doubt they really want to challenge Israel directly.

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