Iran nuclear deal: European nations 'siding with ayatollahs' - Pompeo

What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
When the same terrorists who affected the largest attack on France since WWII sets off a dirty bomb or nuke in Europe I hope someone reminds them they chose to side with terrorists who have proclaimed they seek to murder or enslave all of the world's 'infidels'.
What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
Neither Russia nor China want see a nuclear armed Iran because it is not in their best interest. Exiting JCPOA was a huge blunder on Trump's part. We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all. Putting sanctions back on Iran has driven Iran closer to it's long term ally, Russia and has not been beneficial to the US at all. Apparently Trump didn't realize what a stupid move he was making. Not sure this country will survive 4 more years of Trump's total lack of understanding of foreign affairs.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
no comment

Do Muslims target infidels, particularly women and children? Yes or no.
Don't forget the gays.............those peaceful mooslims love throwing them off buildings.
no comment
What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
Neither Russia nor China want see a nuclear armed Iran because it is not in their best interest. Exiting JCPOA was a huge blunder on Trump's part. We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all. Putting sanctions back on Iran has driven Iran closer to it's long term ally, Russia and has not been beneficial to the US at all. Apparently Trump didn't realize what a stupid move he was making. Not sure this country will survive 4 more years of Trump's total lack of understanding of foreign affairs.
So limited it was non-existent.
Nuclear weapons for example. Or toxic gas, cluster bombs and so on.

Unislamic, there is no such word.

Not? ... wrong spelling - as far as I see now. It should perhaps be written "un-Islamic" in your language.

What the heck is "an unislamic weapon"?

I'm not able to understand your problem. I said nuclear weapons are un-Islamic weapons, because it is impossible to use this weapons without to kill also innocent human beings.

Muslims target infidels. Particularly women and children.
no comment

Do Muslims target infidels, particularly women and children? Yes or no.
no comment
What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
Neither Russia nor China want see a nuclear armed Iran because it is not in their best interest. Exiting JCPOA was a huge blunder on Trump's part. We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all. Putting sanctions back on Iran has driven Iran closer to it's long term ally, Russia and has not been beneficial to the US at all. Apparently Trump didn't realize what a stupid move he was making. Not sure this country will survive 4 more years of Trump's total lack of understanding of foreign affairs.
So limited it was non-existent.
Well it is certainly non-existent today. Iran is free to pursuit nuclear weapons which they are doing and there is no good reason why they shouldn't because the Trump administration has made it clear that the US will ask the UN to extend the sanctions regardless whether they expand nuclear fuel production or not. Trump's recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power sends a strong message to countries like Iran, go nuclear and and you will have the attention of the world. The idea that sanctions will cause Iran to cow down to the US is very unlikely.
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What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
Neither Russia nor China want see a nuclear armed Iran because it is not in their best interest. Exiting JCPOA was a huge blunder on Trump's part. We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all. Putting sanctions back on Iran has driven Iran closer to it's long term ally, Russia and has not been beneficial to the US at all. Apparently Trump didn't realize what a stupid move he was making. Not sure this country will survive 4 more years of Trump's total lack of understanding of foreign affairs.
The U turn occurred during the 8 years of Obama. I at times have had concerns about the middle east. Perhaps if Iran has a civilian government that is less volatile it would help us all. Whether Israel is a good or bad nation to anyone, they still have several million people in a small area. The powers that be remade the state of Israel in the late 1940's. It is what it is. Any nation that attempts to nuke them is going to get a quick return before the first bombs detonate. And Israel may use them all that they have.
When the same terrorists who affected the largest attack on France since WWII


sets off a dirty bomb or nuke in Europe

Or in the USA, Russia, China ... . Slowly you seem to understand why we have to find ways to eliminate the fight of the Borg Queen USA against world economy, before a country - as for example the Iran - has not to lose any longer anything. By the way: Corona is a teacher. What wins the USA in reality now, because the world economy is down? Nothing or less than nothing as everyone else? So why to continue the wrong way to fight allies, to fight world economy, to destabalize the current security architecture of the world and so on?

I hope someone reminds them they chose to side with terrorists who have proclaimed they seek to murder or enslave all of the world's 'infidels'.

Another question. Why do you hate Muslims? To die in a terror attack made from Islamists (=terrorists, who misuse the belief in god of Muslims) is in reality a nearly not existing real risk in Europe.
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What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

And what will you do now? A preemptive strike with economical nukes or real nukes against Germany, Russia, China and the Iran, because the Huns from VW, BMW or Mercedes are the main car exporters of the USA and the Huns from Hyundai are leading smart phone producers and are leading in 5G communication?

... Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
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What's wrong. Says for example "controls by the IAEO" or “Procurement Channel” something to you?
Just meaningless words

what matters is that thanks to obama iran is free as a bird in 2025 to go nuclear
With not agreement, Iran is free to continue to develop nuclear fuel without limit. Substituting no agreement for an agreement with limited enforcement was a mistake.

Cancelling the agreement has:
  • Put sanctions back on a Iran which they have lived with for over 30 years.
  • Iran rejecting all parts of the agreement
  • Iran vowing to never enter into another nuclear agreement with the US since they don't honor their agreements
  • Iran increasing nuclear fuel output.
Trump simply made a bad situation a lot worse. His recognition of North Korea as a nuclear power is encouraging other countries to develop nuclear weapons and his walking out of the Iran deal makes increased nuclear fuel development by Iran a certainly.
in time iran will have the bomb because germany, russia and china want them to

and I dont think it will happen any sooner with or without obama’s handshake deal

Because the mullahs are crazy, brace yourself for a nuclear war
Neither Russia nor China want see a nuclear armed Iran because it is not in their best interest. Exiting JCPOA was a huge blunder on Trump's part. We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all. Putting sanctions back on Iran has driven Iran closer to it's long term ally, Russia and has not been beneficial to the US at all. Apparently Trump didn't realize what a stupid move he was making. Not sure this country will survive 4 more years of Trump's total lack of understanding of foreign affairs.
The U turn occurred during the 8 years of Obama. I at times have had concerns about the middle east. Perhaps if Iran has a civilian government that is less volatile it would help us all. Whether Israel is a good or bad nation to anyone, they still have several million people in a small area. The powers that be remade the state of Israel in the late 1940's. It is what it is. Any nation that attempts to nuke them is going to get a quick return before the first bombs detonate. And Israel may use them all that they have.
I agree it would certainly be help if Iran had a stronger civilian government but that is not going to happen no matter what sanctions are applied nor how long the last. Religion is so deeply entwined in everyday life in Iran, rejecting the leadership of the Ayatollah for a civilian government is about as likely as Americans swapping off the the presidency for a monarch or the Vatican ousting the Pope.
We went from having limited control of nuclear arms development in Iran to none at all.
Under the obama scheme we had only limited control over the mullahs anyway

in 5 years they will be free to build the bomb

that may have seemed like an eternity to obama in 2015 but in historical terms it was just the blink of an eye
And what will you do now? A preemptive strike with economical nukes or real nukes against Germany, Russia, China and the Iran, because the Huns from VW, BMW or Mercedes are the main car exporters of the USA and the Huns from Hyundai are leading smart phone producers and are leading in 5G communication?
I have heard of Hyundai automobiles but not cell phones

in any case its a South Korean company not chinese

as for a preemptive strike on germany I dont foresee that happening

on fact I still hope the huns will come to their senses and remember who their true friends are

but if you are a typical german that may not happen
And what will you do now? A preemptive strike with economical nukes or real nukes against Germany, Russia, China and the Iran, because the Huns from VW, BMW or Mercedes are the main car exporters of the USA and the Huns from Hyundai are leading smart phone producers and are leading in 5G communication?
I have heard of Hyundai automobiles but not cell phones

My mistake: I liked to say "Huawei" .

in any case its a South Korean company not chinese

as for a preemptive strike on germany I dont foresee that happening

Somehow funny that you do not understand that a preemptive strike is only used from amoralic criminal nations. You use normally the formula "rogue countries" for such nations.

on fact I still hope the huns will come to their senses and remember who their true friends are


but if you are a typical german that may not happen

That the USA had started a war against Germany is nothing what has to do with Germany. Your war against South America, Europe, Russia, China, the Iran and others has only to do with the USA. By the way: In the Roman empire lived about a hundred million people and Rome was extremelly aggressive; So Rome had a real big army of about 100,000 soldiers. The USA has 320 million people and including reservists about 2 million soldiers. Relativelly 6 times more soldiers. I would say: If you think this will save you from your own destruction, then I fear you are wrong.

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