Iran Deal Illegal - Violates Existing Federal Law


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Review of provisions within Obama's Iran 'deal' are actually ILLEGAL, violating existing US Federal Law!

Sorry, Obama...NO DEAL!
this HTML class. Value is http://www.foxnews.c

Review of provisions within Obama's Iran 'deal' are actually ILLEGAL, violating existing US Federal Law!

Sorry, Obama...NO DEAL!
Yep, a deal that requires you to violate federal law IS illegal, and unenforceable...

The SCOTUS should have fun with this one!!!

And what's so damn funny is the fact that the Idiot in Chief signed the law that made it illegal in 2012!!!
For some reason I can't post the link; however, the full story is on Fox News web page, outlining all the details to include the specific titles and passages of the 'loophole-closing' act Obama himself signed in 2012.

Both funny and ironic that IBAMA himself turns out to be his 'deal's un-doing. He only has 2 options if he chooses to proceed with attempting to institute the deal, both of them being violations of HIS fedral law. I guess he could always use his pen to make the law 'null and void'...or simply refuse to enforce it as he did with DOMA and/or is doing with existing immigration law. (God knows the GOP is too spineless to actually hold him accountable if he chooses to break the law....)
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.
...and who, what, and when, is someone told barry is law violates his previous order.
Probably won't even be a second thought to that bunch.
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?
Don't need to. If it becomes an issue it will be answered but nothing is going to derail the Iran deal.Everyone knows it except a few Republicans.
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?

The most likely would be the WaPo... they aren't quite as bad as those listed. They have a cool way of blowing up Democrats with bombshells. But this story only broke a few hours ago. We'll let it ride and see who reports it.
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?

The most likely would be the WaPo... they aren't quite as bad as those listed. They have a cool way of blowing up Democrats with bombshells. But this story only broke a few hours ago. We'll let it ride and see who reports it.

Puhleeze, it has been talked about since last March. This is going nowhere like all other Republican hopes and dreams.

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?

The most likely would be the WaPo... they aren't quite as bad as those listed. They have a cool way of blowing up Democrats with bombshells. But this story only broke a few hours ago. We'll let it ride and see who reports it.

Puhleeze, it has been talked about since last March. This is going nowhere like all other Republican hopes and dreams.

Where's the link, smart alec?
So this has been bandied about since last March? I doubt there is anything there or it would be headlines, not a mention. You can't move goalposts at the last minute no matter how hard one wants to win the game.

Here, have a cold hard dose of reality:

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law

That is not an approved far left site for "facts"..

So it will be denied..

I can find others...

Can you find it on a far left approved blog site like Huffington Post? or the Washing Post? or the New York Times? or the LA Times? or CBS? or ABC? or NBC? or MSNBC? etc?
Don't need to. If it becomes an issue it will be answered but nothing is going to derail the Iran deal.Everyone knows it except a few Republicans.

See I was spot on!

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