Iran continuing to stick to nuclear deal


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
In a move that will make the genocidal conservatives here weep with impotent rage and humiliation, Iran keeps .... fully complying with the nuke treaty. Those scoundrels!
Iran held to its accord with world powers by keeping the amount of nuclear material it produces below agreed thresholds and continuing to allow monitors wide access to facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported on Friday.

So, no war for the righties. Millions of Iranians won't die. Thus, many American conservatives will experience even more sexual dysfunction.
In a move that will make the genocidal conservatives here weep with impotent rage and humiliation, Iran keeps .... fully complying with the nuke treaty. Those scoundrels!

Iran Sticks to Deal Capping Nuclear Work, IAEA Monitors Say
Iran held to its accord with world powers by keeping the amount of nuclear material it produces below agreed thresholds and continuing to allow monitors wide access to facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported on Friday.

So, no war for the righties. Millions of Iranians won't die. Thus, many American conservatives will experience even more sexual dysfunction.

How do you know for a fact moron that they are? Do you work for the iranian fake, cancerous, diseased, regime of thugs and murderers?

Funny how fucking idiots like this extoll the IAEA on reports like this - but said the IAES is a lying, US/Israel-controlled organization when it claimed iran was building nuclear weapons.

Selective supprt, eh dipshit?

And they have not abided by various UNSC resolutions that require them not to supply terrorist groups with weapons, or to test ballistic missiles.
Iran already testin' Trump over nuclear deal...

Iran violates nuclear pact, marginally, for a second time, hours after Trump won the White House
Thursday 10th November, 2016 - A few hours after Donald Trump became the President-elect of the United States of America - an agency of the United Nations, engaged in monitoring the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, claimed that Iran violated the pact storing a bit more heavy water than it was actually allowed.
The United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran had exceeded the heavy water allotment of 130 metric tons by 0.10 metric tons (100 kilograms). Heavy water is used as a coolant for nuclear reactors that can produce substantial amounts of plutonium which can be applied to making the fissile core of nuclear warheads. That is why the concerns have grown in the UN and its permanent members involved in the deal – U.S., United Kingdom, Russia, France, China and the European Union. American President Barack Obama’s nuclear treaty with Iran was considered a landmark achievement but Trump during his election campaign termed it as ‘the worst deal ever negotiated’ and said he would “police that contract so tough they (the Iranians) didn’t have a chance.”

However, Wednesday’s report said that Iran had served notice it would resolve the issue by exporting 5 metric tons, which is over the excess amount. A diplomat who requested anonymity said that Iran had told the IAEA that the shipment would be leaving their country within the next few days. The IAEA verified the over storage after IAEA chief Yukiya Amano “expressed concerns” to top Iranian officials. “On November 2, 2016, the director general expressed concerns related to Iran's stock of heavy water to the vice president of Iran and president of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi,” the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said. U.S. State Department spokesperson, Mark Toner also confirmed Iran’s intention to export the excess amount of heavy water.

He said, “It's important to note that Iran made no effort to hide this, hide what it was doing from the IAEA.” This is the second time that Iran has been found violating the treaty since it signed the deal in exchange of relieving sanctions placed on the country. The last time it overstocked beyond the threshold, Iran invited major criticism from the countries that signed the deal. In light of Trump’s recent ascend to the White House, many are raising questions of how his government will deal with Iran. The comments made by Trump have already brought ties with Iran into stark focus.

Iranian Prime Minister Ali Hosseini Khamenei and President, Hassan Rouhani had spoken against Trump after the first Presidential debate. In addition to that, extremists in Iran have already pushed for global isolation which discouraged foreign investors. Officials in the nation have claimed that if Trump continued his hostile attitude towards Iran, it would unite the extremists which will prove costlier for both the countries. One of the officials claiming anonymity said, “If Trump adopts hostile policies towards Iran, this will empower hardliners in Iran.” “Trump's victory will unite Iran's hardliners and their supporters. It means more political pressure at home and an aggressive regional policy,” another official said.

Concerns about investments in Iran

See also:

Top EU Official Disputes That Trump Could Upend Iran Nuclear Deal
November 11, 2016 - Asked Thursday about President-elect Donald Trump's threats to tear up the Iran nuclear deal once in office, the European Union official tasked to oversee its implementation said it was not a bilateral agreement but a multilateral one, enshrined in a U.N. Security Council resolution.
E.U. foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini’s words reinforced those of Iranian President Hasan Rouhani, who said on Iranian television Wednesday that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was “not concluded with one country or government but was approved by a resolution of the U.N. Security Council, and there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government.” CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked Mogherini whether a U.S. president could unilaterally rip up the JCPOA. “The Iranian deal, the nuclear deal, is not a bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Iran,” Mogherini replied. “It’s a multilateral agreement that we have negotiated. I have a personal, direct responsibility as, still, the chair of the joint commission that supervises the implementation of the agreement, so guarantee that it is fully implemented by all sides – all sides – and this is enframed into a U.N. Security Council resolution, actually more than one.” “So it is not a bilateral or unilateral issue. It is a multilateral agreement in the framework of the United Nations.”

Throughout the campaign that ended with Tuesday night’s victory, Trump criticized the agreement painstakingly negotiated between Iran and the P5+1 group – the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany – and touted by the Obama administration as a major foreign policy achievement. Trump called it the worst deal he had seen and said dismantling it would be a “number on priority.” On other occasions he suggested he would renegotiate it, or “police” it so determinedly that the Iranians would not “have a chance.” One of Trump’s foreign policy advisors, Walid Phares, told British public radio Thursday that Trump would review the JCPOA and demand changes from the Iranians.

The administration maintains that the agreement cuts off all routes to a nuclear weapons capability, by placing wide-ranging restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities, with strict monitoring and the ability to “snap back” sanctions in case of violations. Critics, including some leading some non-proliferation experts, say it leaves an unacceptably large proportion of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure intact, laying the groundwork for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state once sunset provisions expire, after 10-15 years. Moreover, they charge that the deal has both emboldened and enriched Iran. Heritage Foundation senior research fellow James Phillips wrote Thursday that Rouhani’s claim of there being “no possibility” of the deal being overturned was “an outright lie.”


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