IPCC Sea Level Rise Estimates

Could rejection of the facts about global warming possibly have something to do with it's only fucking not-white people?

Sea level in Solomon Islands predicted to rise over 8mm in the coming century Climate Change


I'm sure those trees have always been submerged by sea water. Trees love sea water afterall.

8 mm About ONE FUCKING INCH! gawd you alarmists are so dam gullible.. And if you note the bulge at the base of the trees is normal for water bound trees. thus they have been that way for 30-50 years depending on land subsidence.. Something you all forgot to include.. Tropical Islands and all. Their volcanic origins make them prone to sloughing and compression.

But nooooooo ignore facts and blame it on fictitious gullible warming..

Notice you don't deny the racist element.

:dig: Too Funny...

Now if you show CAGW a lie, your a RACIST!!!!!

The liberal desperation play... When all else fails CRY RACISM!!!
Remember how after Katrina your death worshiping Cult told us we were going to get more and stronger hurricanes making landfall in the USA?

No. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Remember, what your denier cult leaders feed you is usually the opposite of the truth. Until you understand that, you'll keep getting bamboozled into repeating nonsense.
Remember how after Katrina your death worshiping Cult told us we were going to get more and stronger hurricanes making landfall in the USA?

No. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Remember, what your denier cult leaders feed you is usually the opposite of the truth. Until you understand that, you'll keep getting bamboozled into repeating nonsense.
Do You post ANYTHING FACTUAL or is it all your handlers misinformation and lies?
Why would global warming cause more storms to make landfall WhizBrain?
Care to explain where your source gets 1.4 mm/year rise when CU gets 3.2?

what 1.4 mm/yr are you talking about? my graph said 1.6, which is pretty much in line with most of the tidal gauge series that I have seen.


That's fine, from a historical perspective. But the CURRENT rate is 3.2 mm/yr.
That's fine, from a historical perspective. But the CURRENT rate is 3.2 mm/yr.

perhaps, perhaps not. satellite altimetry says that the oceans are rising out where we cannot get independent confirmations. the tide gauge record disagrees.
Could you explain to those here who've been claiming that the world is not getting warmer and those who even believe it is cooling, why sea level is rising at all?
Could you explain to those here who've been claiming that the world is not getting warmer and those who even believe it is cooling, why sea level is rising at all?

Red Herring: This is a diversionary tactic that avoids the key issues, often by avoiding opposing arguments rather than addressing them
Could you explain to those here who've been claiming that the world is not getting warmer and those who even believe it is cooling, why sea level is rising at all?

obviously thermal expansion and melting land ice are the biggest contributors to rising SLR

can I ask you a question?

what do you consider to be the perfect conditions, eg temperature, solar, etc that would be best for both the planet and our civilization? the Little Ice Age saw glaciers expand around the world but mankind didnt thrive with the cooler temperatures. after 1850 temperatures rebounded and there was a massive recession of glaciers. were conditions already 'wrong' by that point? did we cause the warming that started in 1850? solar rebounded then and continued to climb in the 20th century, is the solar output too large? if solar started the warming back then and remained high since, why do you think it had nothing to do with 20th century warming? what is the 'break even' amount of solar input?
Why do you think it necessary to identify what is ideal before acting to stop what you know to be bad?
Remember how after Katrina your death worshiping Cult told us we were going to get more and stronger hurricanes making landfall in the USA?

No. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Remember, what your denier cult leaders feed you is usually the opposite of the truth. Until you understand that, you'll keep getting bamboozled into repeating nonsense.

Where? History of course...You wackos like to conveniently forget history when it doesn't serve your purpose...Here, have a little look at history...

Why global warming means killer storms worse than Katrina and Gustav Part 1 ThinkProgress

If we don’t reverse our emissions paths quickly, global temperatures will rise faster and faster through 2100 and beyond. This will translate into warmer oceans in all three dimensions: Warmth will spread over wider swaths of the ocean as well as deeper below the surface-we’ve already seen that in the first known tropical cyclone in the South Atlantic (2004) and the first known tropical cyclone to strike Spain (2005). That means we will probably see stronger hurricanes farther north along the East Coast in the coming decades.

Study Katrina-Like Hurricanes to Occur More Frequently Due to Warming - US News

According to his research, "we have probably crossed the threshold where Katrina magnitude hurricane surges are more likely caused by global warming than not."

Hurricane chief Disaster coming - US news - Katrina The Long Road Back NBC News

Is Global Warming Making Hurricanes Worse

Severe Hurricanes Increasing Study Finds

A new study concludes that rising sea temperatures have been accompanied by a significant global increase in the most destructive hurricanes, adding fuel to an international debate over whether global warming contributed to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina.

USATODAY.com - Brace for more Katrinas warn experts

PARIS (AFP) — For all its numbing ferocity, Hurricane Katrina will not be a unique event, say scientists, who say that global warming appears to be pumping up the power of big Atlantic storms.

And I could go on ad nauseum...interesting that you don't remember how positively giddy your side was over katriina and the possibility more storms devastating coastal areas worldwide and the distinct possibility that the climate battle was over...More, bigger, deadlier, more frequent...etc were the buzzwords for years following katrina till it became obvious that more bigger deadlier and more frequent simply was not going to come to pass and at that point, your collective memory began to try to erase the predictions...just as you have tried to erase the global cooling scare of the 70's and every other failed prediction your side has made..
interesting NOAA paper. it gives the Jason I&II results as 1.3mm/yr over jan2005-dec2011. then tallies up ARGO steric and GRACE components to see if they match. they do to a pretty close degree.

but the crazy thing is that over that period of six years it is only 1.3mm/year! back before 2004 the rate was usually given as under 3mm/yr. that leaves the last two and a half years at a huge rate.

I guess the SLR really is accelerating big time. sarc off/

thepaper- http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod..._NESDIS_Sea_Level_Rise_Budget_Report_2012.pdf
So SSDD pretends a prediction of "stronger storms" -- something confirmed -- is a prediction of "more storms", something not claimed. Just his standard dishonesty. And he lies about global cooling in the same post. We get it, SSDD. The predictions have been good, your cult has no response, so you choose to make up some phony predictions instead. Same old same old.

Oh, here are some more "socialists".


Stand with the Pacific Climate Warriors - 350
The Pacific Climate Warriors are traveling from 12 Pacific Islands to Australia, to take the fight to save their homes directly to the fossil fuel industry.

Using traditional canoes, 30 Pacific Climate Warriors are going to paddle into the oncoming path of coal ships in an effort to shut down the world’s biggest coal port for a day.
interesting NOAA paper. it gives the Jason I&II results as 1.3mm/yr over jan2005-dec2011. then tallies up ARGO steric and GRACE components to see if they match. they do to a pretty close degree.

but the crazy thing is that over that period of six years it is only 1.3mm/year! back before 2004 the rate was usually given as under 3mm/yr. that leaves the last two and a half years at a huge rate.

I guess the SLR really is accelerating big time. sarc off/

2010-2011, massive rains in Australia create an inland sea there, dropping global sea level sharply. Hence, short-term trends ending in 2011 look low.

Afterwards, the water gradually evaporates and gets back into the oceans, raising sea levels quickly.

So, you've illustrated the problem with using short-term samples.
Wrong, so sorry for you.

I'm sure the fossil fuel industry is sweating knowig that 30 reps are canoing.
interesting NOAA paper. it gives the Jason I&II results as 1.3mm/yr over jan2005-dec2011. then tallies up ARGO steric and GRACE components to see if they match. they do to a pretty close degree.

but the crazy thing is that over that period of six years it is only 1.3mm/year! back before 2004 the rate was usually given as under 3mm/yr. that leaves the last two and a half years at a huge rate.

I guess the SLR really is accelerating big time. sarc off/

2010-2011, massive rains in Australia create an inland sea there, dropping global sea level sharply. Hence, short-term trends ending in 2011 look low.

Afterwards, the water gradually evaporates and gets back into the oceans, raising sea levels quickly.

So, you've illustrated the problem with using short-term samples.

The study was limited by when ARGO and GRACE came online not cherrypicking.

The Australian inland sea reeks of an ad hoc excuse. Water tables around the world have been pumped down by mankind.

There was no media attention paid to the six years of low SLR. Instead, we got yearly adjustments to the data and claims of accelerating sea level rise.

The first ten years of satellite SLR were pegged at less than 3mm/yr. Then we had six years of less than 2mm/yr according to this NOAA study. But now we are being told that the yearly average for SLR is over 3mm/yr for the whole twenty years of satellite altimetry. Sorry, but it doesn't add up to me.
Here is UC's latest graph. Three different satellite's data. The 3.2 mm/yr trend is from 1994-2014: 20 years. If I wanted to do some cherry picking, I could look at the rate from 2011 to the present: 18mm in 3 years: 6 mm/yr. Or how about 2011 to 2013: 21mm in 2 years: 10.5 mm/yr.


CU Sea Level Research Group University of Colorado

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