IPCC research NOT done by "real scientists"!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
LMAO.........the IPCC is in a constant mode of seeking trrillions of $$ in government assistance over climate change. And who is doing the research?

rank amateurs

UN hired 'inexperienced graduate students to write controversial Climate Change reports'
By Hannah Roberts

Last updated at 5:29 AM on 3rd November 2011

It is the last word on climate change and global warming.
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change Report sets the world's agenda and guides trillions of dollars of government funding.

But a new book has claimed that the reports are written, not by the foremost experts in the field, but by graduate students with little or no experience in their field of study

Author, Canadian journalist Donna Laframboise says 'We’ve been told that [the IPCC] is a responsible business man in a three-piece suit, but it turns out it’s a sloppily dressed teenager -- a spoiled brat that can’t be trusted.'

'We’ve been told for the past two decades that 'the Climate Bible' was written by the world’s foremost experts,' Canadian journalist Donna Laframboise told FoxNews.com. 'But the fact is, you are just not qualified without a doctorate. In academia you aren't even on the radar at that point.'

The IPCC claims that the lead authors the climate change report are specialists who have excelled in their field.

'These authors are nominated by governments and selected based on expertise,” a spokesman told FoxNews.com. 'Author teams on IPCC chapters are a mix of individuals who have excelled in their fields of specialism.'

But 'The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert” names four lead authors involved in the IPCC’s reports who had made only baby steps out of college when they were recruited to the policy shaping role.

Read more: UN leaves writing of crucial climate change report 'Bible' up to graduate students | Mail Online
Read more: UN leaves writing of crucial climate change report 'Bible' up to graduate students | Mail Online

Read more: UN leaves writing of crucial climate change report 'Bible' up to graduate students | Mail Online

LMAO......and we are suppossed to entrust people with this kind of judgment with trilllions of our dollars??:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Used to be.........when I thought of scientists, I thought of shrewd, smart, intellectual guys!!!

This is just more evidence that this whole thing is a fraud, the goal of being which is wealth redistribution. It has NOTHING to do with science................never has!!!:2up:
Unfortunately, the IPCC conflates activists with scientists.

Grad students in the sciences are pretty good at science, generally, though.

But, the IPCC is activism, not science.
Unfortunately, the IPCC conflates activists with scientists.

Grad students in the sciences are pretty good at science, generally, though.

But, the IPCC is activism, not science.

Imagine me sending out my 11 year old son to gather data about community municipalities and him coming back with recommendations based upon his data and then me going to a town hall meeting stressing the importance of upping local taxes to pay for it!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:

Anybody who takes seriously anything the UN does ( besides disaster relief) seriously is living in a thatched cottage. It is a purely political organization geared towards wealth redistribution and world government. Been that way for decades now. Many have missed the memo.
Unfortunately, the IPCC conflates activists with scientists.

Grad students in the sciences are pretty good at science, generally, though.

But, the IPCC is activism, not science.

Imagine me sending out my 11 year old son to gather data about community municipalities and him coming back with recommendations based upon his data and then me going to a town hall meeting stressing the importance of upping local taxes to pay for it!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:

Anybody who takes seriously anything the UN does ( besides disaster relief) seriously is living in a thatched cottage. It is a purely political organization geared towards wealth redistribution and world government. Been that way for decades now. Many have missed the memo.

Only if your son was a graduate student at 11. Otherwise it's "apples and pomegranates". :2up:
Actually, the writing was done by grads, the research was done by 'real scientists'.

It's SOP in the academic community to use graduates, and other qualified writers (like me). There is no real scandal here.
Actually, the writing was done by grads, the research was done by 'real scientists'.

It's SOP in the academic community to use graduates, and other qualified writers (like me). There is no real scandal here.

Not to mention that graduate students don't publish without what they've written going through the wringer for months.

Just another in the litany of reasons the nutters are losing............not to mention IPCC retiree's who come out and state the the data is fudged.:funnyface:
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The problem is the IPCC claims the reports and recommendations are "written" (obviously a loose term as far as they are concerned) by "experts" in their respective fields.

Graduate students even those with shared acknowledgement in publications are not those "experts" we are led to expect. I understand the use of copywriters for the final draft, and perhaps the graduate students handling much of the research or data or even the information gathering or compiling, but the actual writing should be done by those so-called "experts" they claim does the writing.

If the graduate students do all the research, and write the papers too, what exactly are they paying the "experts" exorbitant salaries for? I know, so they can have a respected name on the reports and reduce the amount of questions asked.. Got it.. SO it is a PR move then just like their recommendations and assessments ...
The problem is the IPCC claims the reports and recommendations are "written" (obviously a loose term as far as they are concerned) by "experts" in their respective fields.

Graduate students even those with shared acknowledgement in publications are not those "experts" we are led to expect. I understand the use of copywriters for the final draft, and perhaps the graduate students handling much of the research or data or even the information gathering or compiling, but the actual writing should be done by those so-called "experts" they claim does the writing.

If the graduate students do all the research, and write the papers too, what exactly are they paying the "experts" exorbitant salaries for? I know, so they can have a respected name on the reports and reduce the amount of questions asked.. Got it.. SO it is a PR move then just like their recommendations and assessments ...

I write for 'experts' all the time. It's still their work.

If the graduate students do all the research, and write the papers too, what exactly are they paying the "experts" exorbitant salaries for? I know, so they can have a respected name on the reports and reduce the amount of questions asked.. Got it.. SO it is a PR move then just like their recommendations and assessments ...
Graduate research is the last bastion of indentured servitude in the USA. That's just the way it is. The last time MY research adviser had even gotten his hands dirty in a fume hood was at least 15 years before I met him. But, his name was on every publication.

That's just the way it goes.
The problem is the IPCC claims the reports and recommendations are "written" (obviously a loose term as far as they are concerned) by "experts" in their respective fields.

Graduate students even those with shared acknowledgement in publications are not those "experts" we are led to expect. I understand the use of copywriters for the final draft, and perhaps the graduate students handling much of the research or data or even the information gathering or compiling, but the actual writing should be done by those so-called "experts" they claim does the writing.

If the graduate students do all the research, and write the papers too, what exactly are they paying the "experts" exorbitant salaries for? I know, so they can have a respected name on the reports and reduce the amount of questions asked.. Got it.. SO it is a PR move then just like their recommendations and assessments ...

I write for 'experts' all the time. It's still their work.

But thats not the same thing is it?

And certainly not the point I was making in my post..

Again if the graduate students are doing the actual hands on research, and data gathering (which we can all pretty much agree they do the leg work in research because they are usually very cheap or free labor) and the are also writing the reports, what are the "experts" doing other than slapping their name on it to give it weight?

Hiring a copywriter is nothing new and not at all what I was referring to. The kids (graduate students) do the research, and write the reports that most likely get handed to a copywriter (you for example) to dot the "i's" and cross the "t's" and make it a more professional finished product.. And the "experts" do what besides put their name on it?
Unfortunately, the IPCC conflates activists with scientists.

Grad students in the sciences are pretty good at science, generally, though.

But, the IPCC is activism, not science.

Imagine me sending out my 11 year old son to gather data about community municipalities and him coming back with recommendations based upon his data and then me going to a town hall meeting stressing the importance of upping local taxes to pay for it!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:

Anybody who takes seriously anything the UN does ( besides disaster relief) seriously is living in a thatched cottage. It is a purely political organization geared towards wealth redistribution and world government. Been that way for decades now. Many have missed the memo.

Your 11 year old son is a college student? Wow, he must be smart.
Funny, Republicans figure only Bible School students are capable:

But even in its darker days, Regent has had no better friend than the Bush administration. Graduates of the law school have been among the most influential of the more than 150 Regent University alumni hired to federal government positions since President Bush took office in 2001, according to a university website.

Scandal puts spotlight on Christian law school - The Boston Globe
Hey.......what can I say? Its the alarmist contingent that is most in need of good PR at this point......and this aint the way to get it.
Anyway......doesnt really matter anyway........I just think it is further fodder for rubbing salt into the wound of the enviro-k00ks who are currently beyond fAiLing with their efforts. You'd think these meatheds would refine their strategy, but instead, their claims just keep getting wilder and wilder and their cause keeps going further and further into the shitter.:tomato:

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