Iowa Woman Pleads Guilty To Voting Twice For Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
She was reportedly concerned her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.

An Iowa woman pleaded guilty to election misconduct this week after being accused of illegally voting twice for Donald Trump last year, according to The Associated Press.

The woman, 56-year-old Terri Lynn Rote, reportedly cast a ballot during early voting in Polk County and attempted to cast a second one at a satellite voting location, where she was arrested. Rote told police she voted twice because she believed Trump’s claims that the 2016 election would be rigged and thought her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to CBS News.

More: Iowa Woman Pleads Guilty To Voting Twice For Donald Trump

She had good reason to fear a rigged election - for Trump.
So you are on board with the fraud investigation now?

Thank you for finally admitting the obvious - that voter fraud exists and is a problem. I wouldn't have believed it, but maybe there is hope for Lakhota.
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So you are on board with fraud investigation now?

Thank you for finally admitting the obvious - that it exists and is a problem. I wouldn't have believed it, but maybe there is hope for Lakhota.
When does the investigation begin? Everything else has prompted an investigation, why not this? Oh, that's right, Dems don't WANT one. I wonder why.
She had good reason to fear a rigged election

You sound vigilant on this voter fraud issue. I take it you will support:

1. The DNC handing over their servers so that this can adequately be investigated.
2. States releasing the voter rolls so that they can be cross-checked to ensure that ineligible voters won't be voting in future elections.
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Your link disagrees with your thread title.

The woman, 56-year-old Terri Lynn Rote, reportedly cast a ballot during early voting in Polk County and attempted to cast a second one at a satellite voting location,

she only 'attempted' to cast the second one
It's great to watch these threads quickly devolve into what every other thread looks like.

In the first place, the point of the OP (as usual) isn't clear. It's just more butthurt.

She attempted to vote a second time and was caught. So what ?

That shows that people do attempt voter fraud ? Was that the point ?

Or was the point that the right does it too ?

Someone said "the system worked". That's a garbage claim.

You can't prove it works or it does not. You have no way of knowing how many people get away with it.

Then there is the distraction of who won the popular vote.

And, of course, there is the constant allusion to a "rigged" election in favor of Trump.

I really am starting to think this board is run by people who own a mental institution and that most of it's constituents live in that same institution.
She was reportedly concerned her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.

An Iowa woman pleaded guilty to election misconduct this week after being accused of illegally voting twice for Donald Trump last year, according to The Associated Press.

The woman, 56-year-old Terri Lynn Rote, reportedly cast a ballot during early voting in Polk County and attempted to cast a second one at a satellite voting location, where she was arrested. Rote told police she voted twice because she believed Trump’s claims that the 2016 election would be rigged and thought her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to CBS News.

More: Iowa Woman Pleads Guilty To Voting Twice For Donald Trump

She had good reason to fear a rigged election - for Trump.
I bet money if I look back though your past posts I will find one were you call claims of voter fraud false when its for a Democrat.

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