Iowa: Ben Carson 28%, Donald Trump 20%


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
October 22, 2015 - Carson Tops Trump In Iowa GOP Caucus, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Bush Tied In Sixth Place With 5 Percent

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Poll: Release Detail

I'm glad I don't live in Iowa!
at least it ain't a mainstream 'gop'er' although Ben is still a squish that I won't support even if Ben rises . ------- Go TRUMP !!
GOP Caucus...GOP MNC bought-off shills.
How many knee-jerk Cons gonna jerk off to this bit of Ideological Smoke & Mirrors.

I bet Trump can explain all this at his big rally at his Country Club in Florida tonight.

I bet Trump can explain all this at his big rally at his Country Club in Florida tonight.

Trump already came out with some remarks implying that all of the sudden he doesn't consider the polls accurate and reliable.

Irony of ironies, and yet wholly unsurprising.
Carson the new flavor of the month...

As I was kindly explained Trump is the man that will win it all, and as I wrote back to that person Polls are meaningless at this point of the Nomination Cycle.

Trump falling off is expected and Carson will also lose steam, and the Tea Party Caucus will be stuck with someone they will hold their noses to vote for.
October 22, 2015 - Carson Tops Trump In Iowa GOP Caucus, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Bush Tied In Sixth Place With 5 Percent

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Poll: Release Detail

I'm glad I don't live in Iowa!
I put this up yesterday and it got moved to the election forum.
Great! Wonder how Hillary will react losing to another black man.

Actually, Hillary would most likely beat Ben Carson.

The African American community will not be as willing to vote for Mr. Carson for the fact he is a Republican.

You can go ape shit nuts over what I wrote but the reality is Ben Carson will not garner the minority vote from the Latino Community nor the African American community.

So with that in mind Hillary will win...

Run someone that can actually win and not someone that will be eaten up and spit back out...

Also if you objected to President Obama because of his lack of experience then why would you support Ben Carson?
Carson the new flavor of the month...

As I was kindly explained Trump is the man that will win it all, and as I wrote back to that person Polls are meaningless at this point of the Nomination Cycle.

Trump falling off is expected and Carson will also lose steam, and the Tea Party Caucus will be stuck with someone they will hold their noses to vote for.
don't know why they'll hold their noses and vote for a 'rino' . I didn't vote 'gwb' in his second run . Didn't vote 'juan mccain' in his first run . Story goes that 'rino romney' didn't win in his run because voters stayed home rather than vote for him . Anyway , I won't hold nose and vote for the leftover 'rino' just to give the 'gop' a presidential win this time Bruce .
Great! Wonder how Hillary will react losing to another black man.

Actually, Hillary would most likely beat Ben Carson.

The African American community will not be as willing to vote for Mr. Carson for the fact he is a Republican.

You can go ape shit nuts over what I wrote but the reality is Ben Carson will not garner the minority vote from the Latino Community nor the African American community.

So with that in mind Hillary will win...

Run someone that can actually win and not someone that will be eaten up and spit back out...

Also if you objected to President Obama because of his lack of experience then why would you support Ben Carson?
Maybe but Romney lost because 4 million whities stayed home not because of minority votes.
So, Trump has been dethroned by Rain Man Carson - in Iowa. Hilarious! Just imagine how dumb 28% of Iowa Republicans must be. Is Iowa a slave state?
Carson the new flavor of the month...

As I was kindly explained Trump is the man that will win it all, and as I wrote back to that person Polls are meaningless at this point of the Nomination Cycle.

Trump falling off is expected and Carson will also lose steam, and the Tea Party Caucus will be stuck with someone they will hold their noses to vote for.
don't know why they'll hold their noses and vote for a 'rino' . I didn't vote 'gwb' in his second run . Didn't vote 'juan mccain' in his first run . Story goes that 'rino romney' didn't win in his run because voters stayed home rather than vote for him . Anyway , I won't hold nose and vote for the leftover 'rino' just to give the 'gop' a presidential win this time Bruce .

If you support Trump then you are supporting a RINO.

Even though you did not vote for the other candidates many of your fellow party members did.

What got President Obama elected was Bush, and not the candidate running against him.

What got Obama re-elected was the minority vote and the moderates to swing voter did not swing to Romney.

So why do the Political Parties keep on giving us pathetic candidates?
Great! Wonder how Hillary will react losing to another black man.

Actually, Hillary would most likely beat Ben Carson.

The African American community will not be as willing to vote for Mr. Carson for the fact he is a Republican.

You can go ape shit nuts over what I wrote but the reality is Ben Carson will not garner the minority vote from the Latino Community nor the African American community.

So with that in mind Hillary will win...

Run someone that can actually win and not someone that will be eaten up and spit back out...

Also if you objected to President Obama because of his lack of experience then why would you support Ben Carson?
Maybe but Romney lost because 4 million whities stayed home not because of minority votes.

No, Romney lost because he could not garner the swing to moderate vote.

Simple as that.

Running Carson will be a bigger mistake than Romney and will make sure Hillary and Sanders will win by a wide margin...

Run a legit candidate please...
my reply to you was that I won't hold my nose and vote for what I percieve to be a rino . That was the whole point of my post to you Bruce !! Go TRUMP !! And heres a little link to get yer toes to tappin Bruce !! --- Up Like Trump on you tube - Bing ---
October 22, 2015 - Carson Tops Trump In Iowa GOP Caucus, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Bush Tied In Sixth Place With 5 Percent

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Poll: Release Detail

I'm glad I don't live in Iowa!
But Trump is leading everywhere as long as one state alone can't elect a what?

BTW, Santorum won Iowa too........and nothing else.....
Great! Wonder how Hillary will react losing to another black man.

Actually, Hillary would most likely beat Ben Carson.

The African American community will not be as willing to vote for Mr. Carson for the fact he is a Republican.

You can go ape shit nuts over what I wrote but the reality is Ben Carson will not garner the minority vote from the Latino Community nor the African American community.

So with that in mind Hillary will win...

Run someone that can actually win and not someone that will be eaten up and spit back out...

Also if you objected to President Obama because of his lack of experience then why would you support Ben Carson?
Maybe but Romney lost because 4 million whities stayed home not because of minority votes.

No, Romney lost because he could not garner the swing to moderate vote.

Simple as that.

Running Carson will be a bigger mistake than Romney and will make sure Hillary and Sanders will win by a wide margin...

Run a legit candidate please...
You are incorrect.

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