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where does the value determination come from and what backs the real monetary value.

can anyone tell me that
Hi All,

Another noob here. I live in southern california. I enjoy posting on politics forums. I would describe myself as a centrist liberal. Pretty interesting what has been going on in Alaska the last couple days. I found this place by accident, searching politics message boards.

Hi All,

Another noob here. I live in southern california. I enjoy posting on politics forums. I would describe myself as a centrist liberal. Pretty interesting what has been going on in Alaska the last couple days. I found this place by accident, searching politics message boards.


Hello Brent, welcome to the forum.. :)
Yes, It's a big change taking place in Alaska and I wish all the best to the people of Alaska that they could get an experienced governer in office. ..
where does the value determination come from

For national currencies? From the international market of currency arbitragers who buy and sells money.

and what backs the real monetary value.

Nothing but the confidence that people have in the national economy which issues it.

The money in circulation is theoretically respresentative of that nation's assets plus its ability to create things of value that can be purchased with their currency.

So, no thing really BACKS any thing except confidence.

What really backs GOLD, for example? (I know, you imagine that Gold doesn't need anything to back it up, right?)


Nothing, but people's confidence that other people think gold has value.

What backs up the value of an apple?

Nothing but your confidence that you or other people WANT apples.

Pretty weird, huh?

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