Internet of Things


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
So many small, inexpensive devices are now available via eBay and Amazon are available with powerful sensor and computing power that are being used by hobbyists to build devices previously available only to high end buyers. These devices can be integrated into already existing home appliances and systems to make them run more efficiently and automate their control.


This little sensor and display, built in less than an hour for $15 (thanks, eBay!) transmits its data via WiFi to a server and will be used to control the environment in every room of the house and balance the plenum pressure over the heater/cooler to provide optimum Delta T in every room of the house. It will close off rooms that aren't being used and balance the pressure accordingly.

All controlled via an Android phone app.

I recently built a similar device that allows me to control my home irrigation system via my phone from anywhere in the world and automatically skip watering based on the local rainfall forecasts. All done with inexpensive off the shelf parts.
All controlled via an Android phone app.

I recently built a similar device that allows me to control my home irrigation system via my phone from anywhere in the world and automatically skip watering based on the local rainfall forecasts. All done with inexpensive off the shelf parts.

If i had to do it over fncceo, i'd definitely pay more attention to the computerized end of all the automation going on right now.....quite the market!

It's never too late to get started. I didn't start playing with this stuff till about a year ago, when I built my first 3D printer.
I recently built a similar device that allows me to control my home irrigation system via my phone from anywhere in the world and automatically skip watering based on the local rainfall forecasts. All done with inexpensive off the shelf parts.
I hope your system is secure. I fear a future where my refrigerator can be hacked or my Rumba could turn on me.
I recently built a similar device that allows me to control my home irrigation system via my phone from anywhere in the world and automatically skip watering based on the local rainfall forecasts. All done with inexpensive off the shelf parts.
I hope your system is secure. I fear a future where my refrigerator can be hacked or my Rumba could turn on me.

This is definitely how Skynet will start.

And I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
So many small, inexpensive devices are now available via eBay and Amazon are available with powerful sensor and computing power that are being used by hobbyists to build devices previously available only to high end buyers. These devices can be integrated into already existing home appliances and systems to make them run more efficiently and automate their control.


This little sensor and display, built in less than an hour for $15 (thanks, eBay!) transmits its data via WiFi to a server and will be used to control the environment in every room of the house and balance the plenum pressure over the heater/cooler to provide optimum Delta T in every room of the house. It will close off rooms that aren't being used and balance the pressure accordingly.

All controlled via an Android phone app.

I recently built a similar device that allows me to control my home irrigation system via my phone from anywhere in the world and automatically skip watering based on the local rainfall forecasts. All done with inexpensive off the shelf parts.

Cool (but you can buy an irrigation rain sensor that works off actual rain, not forecasts, for twenty bucks)
It's never too late to get started. I didn't start playing with this stuff till about a year ago, when I built my first 3D printer.

I dub around w/it fncceo, mostly google stats ,doorbells & smokes

The customer downloads the apps, and it's all good

On a related note, i live/work on the skibunny superhighway, lots of 2nd homes with alarm systems that were monopolized by one local alarm company that offered 24/7 'monitoring' over ph lines.

Because he made good on the monthly monitoring charges, he was able to lowball any bid. Myself, along with a number of local sparks gave up our alarm licenses , and watched as he rose to multi-million $$$ status.

That said, the recent debut of wireless alarm systems ,and app alerts have him in cahoots , he's slowly drying up, going under

So while i'll be the first to admit my smart ph is smarter than I am, there's also a LOT of incentive to learn to use it effectively

I have over 120 hours of electro-opitcs technology 70 hours of electronics, including digital and communications, and worked as tech for many years; most of it useless now because of components now being 'plug and play' , lasers went to diode pumped master oscillators, and only a little programming is needed. We used to have to construct our own assembly language programs via Karnaugh mapping and other stuff, time consuming for large circuits and small memory. It was fun, bu tit got boring, after calculating all the circuit timing diagrams and programming timing loops for boards full of caps, flip-flop chips, gates, resistors, and the like for the 12,000 time. I was glad they were cramming more and more stuff onto integrated chips and hard wiring programming for the bulk of it.

I do like to see what others are doing with the new stuff, though, even though I have no more urge to fool around with the stuff myself any more; my house is 'gadget free'. I don't even have a drone to play with, or a big screen TV, I get my news from radio, which is far more informative.

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