Interesting point about kellerman study, for future debates....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I just found this interview with Gary Kleck..and he points out in the kellerman study that the anti gunners always post about guns in the home killing you more often than being used for self defense......kellerman failed to point out that the gun killing you in your home....was usually brought into your home by the attacker...

Criminologist Gary Kleck on Guns, Crime, and Their Study | Ari Armstrong

Probably the best of a bad lot was the famous Arthur Kellermann study from 1993 in the New England Journal of Medicine. All the rest are even worse, but at least he controlled for a few possible confounding factors. But he withheld one crucial piece of information from his readers. He knew that virtually none of the people who had been murdered while having a gun in their home had actually been killed with the gun that belonged to someone in the home.

They were almost always killed by someone from outside the home, presumably using their own gun, brought in from outside the home.

So whether the victims had a gun of their own in the house had absolutely nothing to do with the event. And Kellermann withheld that information, and a lot of people noticed the problem right away.

There were even letters to the editor of the journal asking “what gives,” and he responded with a very evasive answer in his reply to the letters.

The problem became inadvertently evident a few years later when he did another study with overlapping samples, where it became evident that he did have that information, and he knew perfectly well that people are rarely murdered with a gun belonging to someone in their own household.

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