Interesting Link On Societies For Sure!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I would have placed the below link in Sociology but USMB lacks a header for that field. The below link DOES include the Big Three; Sociology, Psychology & Philosophy plus Political Science in practical use regarding past, present & FUTURE GLOBAL SOCIETY. I noticed the author has in tow well over a half million subscribers & the comments are very positive regarding vid/author in general. The vid is close to an hour in length but moves @ a pace that is both comfortable but fast enough to ward of any boredom.

I would have placed the below link in Sociology but USMB lacks a header for that field. The below link DOES include the Big Three; Sociology, Psychology & Philosophy plus Political Science in practical use regarding past, present & FUTURE GLOBAL SOCIETY. I noticed the author has in tow well over a half million subscribers & the comments are very positive regarding vid/author in general. The vid is close to an hour in length but moves @ a pace that is both comfortable but fast enough to ward of any boredom.

I haven't got an hour to waste but I think I can reply appropriately without.

Young men haven't rebelled with any real commitment. The attempted coup on Jan.6 didn't amount to much more than a bunch of comedians who didn't have the leadership or the balls to do what they thought was necessary.
And now they don't have the commitment or the leadership to get it right a next time!

They may have been able to learn for Comrads Fidel and Che, who did have the balls and didn't shirk their responsibilities to their faithful.

Have I answered to your question? Maybe somebody will spend the hour and get it more right?
I haven't got an hour to waste but I think I can reply appropriately without.

Young men haven't rebelled with any real commitment. The attempted coup on Jan.6 didn't amount to much more than a bunch of comedians who didn't have the leadership or the balls to do what they thought was necessary.
And now they don't have the commitment or the leadership to get it right a next time!

They may have been able to learn for Comrads Fidel and Che, who did have the balls and didn't shirk their responsibilities to their faithful.

Have I answered to your question? Maybe somebody will spend the hour and get it more right?
Yeah, the vid covered your opinion that you stated in the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th lines of your reply above. I don't know about getting it "more" right, go too far right & one runs into into anarchy on the sociology/political compass. I'd say stop the right movement just at the start of the Libertarian ideology on the political compass or rebellion will ensue. A case in point regarding 'going too far right' is the link below that had good intentions but went too far right(bumping into anarchy) & ended up a failure. A political/ideological balance is IMPORTANT like a degree or two off target & a civilized community can come apart @ the seams. Take anything to the extreme & issues start showing up like in the link below.

"Threw their waste out any way they wanted."

There's no need to get any deeper into the libertarian fantasy world than that!

It's a fringe ideology and it can never be any different.
"Threw their waste out any way they wanted."

There's no need to get any deeper into the libertarian fantasy world than that!

It's a fringe ideology and it can never be any different.
Yup, that Libertarian community over there reminded me a LOT of the Hippy communes of old! The modern day Libertarian party has closed closer in ideology @ current to the two main stream political parties in America. They appear to be picking the more beneficial attributes of both left & right ideology & attempting to mix them together for a homogenous perfect ideology for humanity to coalesce around. With the current partisan divide regarding both right & left ideology in our America all this has done for the Libertarian party is get them centered in the cross hairs of BOTH the right & left ideologies! It's NEVER a smart move to get centered BETWEEN two warring factions!!! I was a contributing member of the Lp USA for 31 years(83' thru 14') but dropped my membership due to incompatibility on an important issue to me.

They are a growing political party due to a reality check regarding their platform but they have a lot of convincing to do to ever be accepted as viable. They do AVOID the the statist left element of the Democrat party as well as avoid the neo-con element of the Republican party but growth for them in membership is SLOW.

Platform | Libertarian Party

Take care Don, until next time!

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