Interesting, Brief Overview of Robert "Swamp Rat" Mueller


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Mueller has a history of lying in court, to elected representatives, and framing individuals to protect his informants. Mueller is a threat to our democracy.

Russia intelligence agencies were kind enough to warn Mueller about the Muslim terrorists in Boston who intended to bomb the Boston Marathon and Mueller did nothing! Mueller has American blood on his hands!

As usual- the Right is smearing anyone who dares threaten their Dear Leader.

Robert Mueller is a decorated combat veteran, a prosecutor who put criminals behind bars and led the FBI to reorganize to fight terror after 9/11.

but since he threatens their Dear Leader- now he is a NAZI
Seriously? R U kidding meh! :p

Mueller FAILED to protect the USA from multiple Muslim terrorist events and he put INNOCENT people behind bars to protect his informants who were known murderers in the organized world.
longknife, that is a good point.

Rod Rosenstein's ties to the Swamp go back to Eric Holder, Hussaine Obama, even George Bush!
Mueller has a history of lying in court, to elected representatives, and framing individuals to protect his informants. Mueller is a threat to our democracy.

Robert Mueller

After reading through his biography --- which of course you won't --- it is understandable why you would prefer an incompetent, adulterous, draft-dodging, moronic pathological liar over a true patriot like Robert Mueller. Every one of you trump bootlickers are unAmerican scum.

Just a few of the highlights that of course you also won't read:

"Robert Mueller served as director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013."

"Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity."

"Mueller followed his father to Princeton, graduating with a bachelor's in politics in 1966, and earned his master's in international relations from New York University the following year. He then served with distinction in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry as an officer in the Marine Corps. Returning stateside, he resumed his education at the University of Virginia Law School, serving on the Law Review and earning his J.D. in 1973."
Mueller has a history of lying in court, to elected representatives, and framing individuals to protect his informants. Mueller is a threat to our democracy.
You poor lickspittles sound just like mobster groupies.
Mueller has a history of lying in court, to elected representatives, and framing individuals to protect his informants. Mueller is a threat to our democracy.

Robert Mueller

After reading through his biography --- which of course you won't --- it is understandable why you would prefer an incompetent, adulterous, draft-dodging, moronic pathological liar over a true patriot like Robert Mueller. Every one of you trump bootlickers are unAmerican scum.

Just a few of the highlights that of course you also won't read:

"Robert Mueller served as director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013."

"Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity."

"Mueller followed his father to Princeton, graduating with a bachelor's in politics in 1966, and earned his master's in international relations from New York University the following year. He then served with distinction in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry as an officer in the Marine Corps. Returning stateside, he resumed his education at the University of Virginia Law School, serving on the Law Review and earning his J.D. in 1973."

Almost every person who has stood atop the supposed “deep state” law-enforcement-led conspiracy against Trump just so happens to be either a Republican or tied to the same party Trump belongs to.

Rosenstein? A longtime registered Republican. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III? He was a registered Republican when GOP President George W. Bush appointed him as FBI director, and he still was as of 2017. James B. Comey? A longtime registered Republican before testifying in 2016 that he no longer was. McCabe? As CNN reported recently, he voted in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.
Seriously? R U kidding meh! :p

Mueller FAILED to protect the USA from multiple Muslim terrorist events and he put INNOCENT people behind bars to protect his informants who were known murderers in the organized world.

Mueller attempted to protect the USA from hundreds of terrorists events- both foreign and domestic.

The only reason why Trump's snowflake brigade are after Mueller is because Mueller is threatening your Dear Leader.
Mueller has a history of lying in court, to elected representatives, and framing individuals to protect his informants. Mueller is a threat to our democracy.

Robert Mueller

After reading through his biography --- which of course you won't --- it is understandable why you would prefer an incompetent, adulterous, draft-dodging, moronic pathological liar over a true patriot like Robert Mueller. Every one of you trump bootlickers are unAmerican scum.

Just a few of the highlights that of course you also won't read:

"Robert Mueller served as director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013."

"Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity."

"Mueller followed his father to Princeton, graduating with a bachelor's in politics in 1966, and earned his master's in international relations from New York University the following year. He then served with distinction in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry as an officer in the Marine Corps. Returning stateside, he resumed his education at the University of Virginia Law School, serving on the Law Review and earning his J.D. in 1973."

Yep he is everything Trump isn't.
  • A reputation for being ethical- check
  • A reputation for being non-partisan- check
  • A reputation for honesty- check
  • A decorated combat veteran who volunteered to protect the United States- check
  • A law enforcement professional who stepped up after 9/11 to defend the United States in our time of need- check.
Everything Donald Trump isn't.

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