Integrate or leave new immigration guidelines for upper Austria


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
‘Integrate or Leave’ - New Immigration Guidelines For Upper Austria
Officials in the state of Upper Austria have introduced new integration guidelines that require immigrants embrace Austrian-Christian culture - or leave.

It doesn't take long for anyone with a brain to see how EUROPE has fallen and the leaders are sick of these losers turning their nation into the very crap hole they flee from. They run from shit holes and then try turning their new place into the same thing.

Well many Countries are now waking up and not falling for the DESTRUCTION OF THE WEST compliments of SOROS.

If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.
Sadiq Khan has integrated and gets a bucket full of abuse from knobhead racist trash.
Why should any Muslim bother to integrate when it wont have any affect on how they are veiwed ?

Just asking the question.
When mobs of Muslims parade around with signs demanding Sharia Law, screaming that they "won't" integrate and accost women for their dress, there's good reason to dislike them.
‘Integrate or Leave’ - New Immigration Guidelines For Upper Austria
Officials in the state of Upper Austria have introduced new integration guidelines that require immigrants embrace Austrian-Christian culture - or leave.

It doesn't take long for anyone with a brain to see how EUROPE has fallen and the leaders are sick of these losers turning their nation into the very crap hole they flee from. They run from shit holes and then try turning their new place into the same thing.

Well many Countries are now waking up and not falling for the DESTRUCTION OF THE WEST compliments of SOROS.


I got distracted the other day with all the thing about that Kennedy doing the retire situation, so now only are getting to respond to your OP.

So Manfred Haimbuchner ( FPÖ) who is one of my favourite peoples this law he designed along with Thomas Stelzer (OÖVP) The OÖVP is the organisation of the ÖVP in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) and since 2015 the OÖVP-FPÖ have governed together in a Coalition, like since December 2017 our Federal Government has been a ÖVP-FPÖ Coalition.

The situation is we all are aware that this crowd refuse to integrate, we have a full documentation of how many they number and where they have been put to live the addresses of, as we know they refuse to integrate this new excellant law enable it very easy now to deport all of them and they will be deported. This is a historically Christian nation as they are not going to renounce Islam and convert to Christianity they are already in violation of this new law, the next steps therefore will progress next week the goal is to have them all deported by approx September 1 from our records there are approx 5,064 that are to be deported under this new excellent law. They have no option to deportation, the have no right to refuse, if they begin whining it will be Forced Deportation and the same policy is in effect they will be chipped like you chip dogs, the others we have deported which number approx 61,406 they all got chipped all of that crowd were deported between January 26 2018 to May 19 2018. Also to mention with our new successful policy of deportation in full effect we now only have remaining less than 20,000 Alien Economic Migrants of Non-Christian Denomination to deport from our nation and nearly ALL of those are in Wien they are concentrated there.

I also add that on Sunday July 1 we begin our six month control of the EU Presidency effective July 1 2018 to January 6 2019.
If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.
If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.
An estimated 8% of Austria's population is Islamic and removing seven mosques and 60 Imams and their families, will not save Austria from becoming Islamic, over time.
And, just FYI no matter where we live, we can put our opinion out there if we like, and you can do nothing about it.
If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.
An estimated 8% of Austria's population is Islamic and removing seven mosques and 60 Imams and their families, will not save Austria from becoming Islamic, over time.
And, just FYI no matter where we live, we can put our opinion out there if we like, and you can do nothing about it.

6% actually out of 9.1 million peoples, and no we are not eventually going to become Islamic I know your ilk would like us to become Islamic but it's not going to happen, we are not Cucked like Germany, France and the British, we are prepared to shall we say take measures.

This nation there are 205 Mosques EVERY ONE is organised by Turkish, we have this under control those Turkish know their days are now numbered, they have been notified. We have closed nearly all seven Mosques this the beginning, at the conference to the media HC Strache and Sebastian Kurz and Herbert Kickl and Gernot Blümel they announce that the shutting of the seven Mosques and the deportation of 60 Imams and their family was just the beginning of the measures to be taken. The Turkish have had the final warning, they wave Turkish flags this now banned it is now banned to display ANY foreign flag on the streets be that Turkish or anything else, it has ALWAYS been ILLEGAL in this nation to have two passports, we have NEVER had the Dual Citizenship like in other nations, they have to return to THEIR nation which is Turkey, we are prepared to give each 3,000 Euros to GTFO and return to Turkey if not they will be forcibly deported by the Bundesheer and I add I am a member of the Bundesheer, I am military, my older brother works for our BVT our Domestic Intelligence, my younger brother two weeks ago start work for our Interior Ministry, we know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE in this nation that is not of our nation and they know or they should know they are to behave themselves at ALL times or they should know what will happen to them.

Now America, you have 3,000 Mosques you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, this is YOU and the below was in 2015:


^^^^ You are INFESTED with Islam in EVERY STATE, look at that they even have 2 Mosques in Alaska and 302 in Texas and total Infestation across the American South even. You are NOT allowed to even RAID any of the above Mosques because of your Constitution and Leftist Activists and Human Rights groups and the SPLC and the ACLU SCREAMING and running to Courts to protect the Muslims.

You have 11 MILLION PLUS Illegal Immigrants most are Hispanic, your total Hispanic population WITHOUT those Illegals is 17%. You have 12% Africans, you have Somalians who are the worse of the worse everywhere INCLUDING Rhode Island and Maine, you have MORE Somalians in Minnesota and Dearborn, Michigan than they have in Mogadishu.

America is Infested with Muslims, Islam, 3,000 Mosques, 11 MILLION Illegal Immigrants that you CANNOT get rid of, 17% Hispanics, 12% Africans.

On the Immigration rates by 2030 Texas will be MAJORITY Hispanic and then you can say Goodbye to Republicans getting the White House EVER AGAIN.

So as I comment you should concern yourself with your OWN nation slowly becoming a Muslim/Hispanic/African Shit Hole, MY nation is doing okay and we will be okay. Period. Despite what your ilk want to think, we know you would LIKE our nation to be destroyed but it is NOT going to happen. Period. WE will STILL be INTACT as a nation when America has been taken off the AMERICANS by the Leftists, the Muslims and ALL your collective Hispanics and Africans, YOU by 2040 are going to be a MINORITY in your OWN nation, so CONCERN yourself with finding a way and a plan to get yourself out of THAT situation is my advice to you.
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If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.

Yeah, I don't understand why no Mosques have been shut down, they shut a bunch down in France after investigating them, and France is about the size of Texas. You know damn well there's Mosques in the US that are there solely to enable terrorists.
If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.

Yeah, I don't understand why no Mosques have been shut down, they shut a bunch down in France after investigating them, and France is about the size of Texas. You know damn well there's Mosques in the US that are there solely to enable terrorists.

From what I read you cannot raid or shut down ANY of your Mosques because it is against your Constitution I cannot remember what part it is the part that is about Freedom of Religion. Of course in those Mosques like in ALL Mosques they turn radical the peoples, they preach hate of the West, they have back rooms in every Mosque these are not open to public visitation it is those back rooms that in our nation have been raided and with that what our BVT discover illustrated to our Government that the Mosques have to be shut and peoples have already been arrested and already have been deported, I add that before deportation they are chipped as you chip the dogs etc so they remain on our Intelligence Database so this not only means IF ANY someone with the miracle get to our nation again OR now IF they get to ANY nation on this Continent WE will know and immeditately tell Europol and that time not deported again but put in one of the Europol prisons, a perpetrator can be held indefinately in a Europol prison, they do not have a right to legal representation and also they do not even have a right to be told WHY they are in a Europol prison.

Not many peoples are aware of this but Europol have full authority, they can do what they want in a nation on orders from another nations Ministry of The Interior. EG. Nation A informs Europol that Nation B has a Person of Interest there, Europol can go to Nation B and take that person from their own bed put them on a plane and take them to Nation A, Europol are issued a European Arrest Warrant and Nation B's OWN Government and police cannot stop Europol from taking the person. Europol have an 800 personal paramilitary section called the European Gendarmerie Force. The European Arrest Warrant which allows ANY individual ON this Continent to be seized by Europol in ANY nation on this Continent and taken to a THIRD nation and placed in a Europol prison for months or even YEARS without being allowed ANY legal representation OR bail while awaiting a trail that very well might never happen.

Europol also have available upon REQUEST if they need to assist a paramilitary police force called the European Gendarmerie Force who were all trained in Italy and they are armed to be deployed IF NEEDED OR REQUESTED as an expeditionary paramilitary police mission under military command. WE intend to use them, not only us but everyone from Hungary to Lithuania intend to use the Europol paramilitary units to assist our Intelligence and Military and police units to deal in the historical way with the um Migrant Invasion, IF these savages even THINK of opening up a NEW Balkan Route they are going to regret the day they were born. Period. We have a RIGHT to protect this Continent's External Borders. Period.
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If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.

Yeah, I don't understand why no Mosques have been shut down, they shut a bunch down in France after investigating them, and France is about the size of Texas. You know damn well there's Mosques in the US that are there solely to enable terrorists.

From what I read you cannot raid or shut down ANY of your Mosques because it is against your Constitution I cannot remember what part it is the part that is about Freedom of Religion. Of course in those Mosques like in ALL Mosques they turn radical the peoples, they preach hate of the West, they have back rooms in every Mosque these are not open to public visitation it is those back rooms that in our nation have been raided and with that what our BVT discover illustrated to our Government that the Mosques have to be shut and peoples have already been arrested and already have been deported, I add that before deportation they are chipped as you chip the dogs etc so they remain on our Intelligence Database so this not only means IF ANY someone with the miracle get to our nation again OR now IF they get to ANY nation on this Continent WE will know and immeditately tell Europol and that time not deported again but put in one of the Europol prisons, a perpetrator can be held indefinately in a Europol prison, they do not have a right to legal representation and also they do not even have a right to be told WHY they are in a Europol prison.

Not many peoples are aware of this but Europol have full immunity from ALL prosecution, they can do what they want in a nation on orders from another nations Ministry of The Interior. EG. Nation A informs Europol that Nation B has a Person of Interest there, Europol can go to Nation B and take that person from their own bed put them on a plane and take them to Nation A, Europol are issued a European Arrest Warrant and Nation A's OWN Government and police cannot stop Europol from taking the person, Europol could beat you up, kill your family and the Europol officers would face NO repercussion because they are immune from ALL prosecution, frightening but also VERY exciting. Europol have an 800 personal paramilitary section called the European Gendarmerie Force they are TOTALLY immune from ALL prosecution. The European Arrest Warrant which allows ANY individual ON this Continent to be seized by the European Gendarmerie Force in ANY nation on this Continent and taken to a THIRD nation and placed in a Europol prison for months or even YEARS without being allowed ANY legal representation OR bail while awaiting a trail that very well might never happen.

The Europol paramilitary police force the European Gendarmerie Force were all trained in Italy and they are armed to be deployed IF NEEDED OR REQUESTED as an expeditionary paramilitary police mission under military command. WE intend to use them, not only us but everyone from Hungary to Lithuania intend to use the Europol paramilitary units to assist our Intelligence and Military and police units to deal in the historical way with the um Migrant Invasion, IF these savages even THINK of opening up a NEW Balkan Route they are going to regret the day they were born. Period. We have a RIGHT to protect this Continent's External Borders. Period.

Other things at our Governments disposal, not just our but 17 other Governments who are serious about taking measures to protect this Continent.

The European Investigation Order (EIO) gives our police forces the power to force any other nations police force to conduct investigations on their behalf. These can include interrogation of Persons of Interest, interception of ALL communications and ALL bank records, and the handing over of FORCED DNA samples and FORCED fingerprints.

The European Data Retention Directive (EDRD) this FORCES telecommunications companies to keep details of every telephone call, every email, every text message and all web traffic for at least six months, and to make the data available to Europol authorities.

Under Article 71 of the Lisbon Treaty there is to be the Committee on Operational Co-operation on Internal Security (COSI) this is to ensure operational co-operation on internal security across the entire Continent and it will bring together the main three of the EU’s policing and criminal law organisations, Europol, Eurojust and Frontex, Frontex is the EU’s border security force charged with protecting this Continent's External Borders.
Mosques have been shut down in the U.S. for supporting terrorism.
Yes but we are meaning shutting down ALL Mosques, not just those that are supporting terrorism.

That won't happen in the U.S. if the people at the Mosques aren't breaking any laws. We have due process, and freedom of religion here. Yes, an argument can be made that Islam is a form of government, not religion, but that's not how it is defined here. I do believe many if not most Mosques hide their support for Jihad, and terrorism, but that needs to be proven on a case by case basis.
If they don't toss almost all of the Muslims out, they will still eventually become a Muslim nation.

We have been taking measures I suggest that you Americans do something about those 3,000 Mosques you have, unlike my nation you are not allowed to shut down ONE Mosque, so the suggestion is that you keep your business to what happens in your own nation and stay from commenting about my nation which you have zero knowledge of. We targeted seven Mosques to shut only one now remains and it will be shut, we have targeted 60 Imams to deport to Turkey we have as of this moment now successfully deported 39 Imams and by approx July 28 the remaining 21 will have been deported, I add their family are getting all deported with them.

Yeah, I don't understand why no Mosques have been shut down, they shut a bunch down in France after investigating them, and France is about the size of Texas. You know damn well there's Mosques in the US that are there solely to enable terrorists.

From what I read you cannot raid or shut down ANY of your Mosques because it is against your Constitution I cannot remember what part it is the part that is about Freedom of Religion. Of course in those Mosques like in ALL Mosques they turn radical the peoples, they preach hate of the West, they have back rooms in every Mosque these are not open to public visitation it is those back rooms that in our nation have been raided and with that what our BVT discover illustrated to our Government that the Mosques have to be shut and peoples have already been arrested and already have been deported, I add that before deportation they are chipped as you chip the dogs etc so they remain on our Intelligence Database so this not only means IF ANY someone with the miracle get to our nation again OR now IF they get to ANY nation on this Continent WE will know and immeditately tell Europol and that time not deported again but put in one of the Europol prisons, a perpetrator can be held indefinately in a Europol prison, they do not have a right to legal representation and also they do not even have a right to be told WHY they are in a Europol prison.

Not many peoples are aware of this but Europol have full immunity from ALL prosecution, they can do what they want in a nation on orders from another nations Ministry of The Interior. EG. Nation A informs Europol that Nation B has a Person of Interest there, Europol can go to Nation B and take that person from their own bed put them on a plane and take them to Nation A, Europol are issued a European Arrest Warrant and Nation A's OWN Government and police cannot stop Europol from taking the person, Europol could beat you up, kill your family and the Europol officers would face NO repercussion because they are immune from ALL prosecution, frightening but also VERY exciting. Europol have an 800 personal paramilitary section called the European Gendarmerie Force they are TOTALLY immune from ALL prosecution. The European Arrest Warrant which allows ANY individual ON this Continent to be seized by the European Gendarmerie Force in ANY nation on this Continent and taken to a THIRD nation and placed in a Europol prison for months or even YEARS without being allowed ANY legal representation OR bail while awaiting a trail that very well might never happen.

The Europol paramilitary police force the European Gendarmerie Force were all trained in Italy and they are armed to be deployed IF NEEDED OR REQUESTED as an expeditionary paramilitary police mission under military command. WE intend to use them, not only us but everyone from Hungary to Lithuania intend to use the Europol paramilitary units to assist our Intelligence and Military and police units to deal in the historical way with the um Migrant Invasion, IF these savages even THINK of opening up a NEW Balkan Route they are going to regret the day they were born. Period. We have a RIGHT to protect this Continent's External Borders. Period.

Other things at our Governments disposal, not just our but 17 other Governments who are serious about taking measures to protect this Continent.

The European Investigation Order (EIO) gives our police forces the power to force any other nations police force to conduct investigations on their behalf. These can include interrogation of Persons of Interest, interception of ALL communications and ALL bank records, and the handing over of FORCED DNA samples and FORCED fingerprints.

The European Data Retention Directive (EDRD) this FORCES telecommunications companies to keep details of every telephone call, every email, every text message and all web traffic for at least six months, and to make the data available to Europol authorities.

Under Article 71 of the Lisbon Treaty there is to be the Committee on Operational Co-operation on Internal Security (COSI) this is to ensure operational co-operation on internal security across the entire Continent and it will bring together the main three of the EU’s policing and criminal law organisations, Europol, Eurojust and Frontex, Frontex is the EU’s border security force charged with protecting this Continent's External Borders.

Since the paramilitary European Gendarmerie Force was established they have only been deployed in missions OUTSIDE the EU, however at the REQUEST of any EU nation and/or EU nations they can be deployed INSIDE the EU as part of the Common Security and Defence Policy as a multinational force in accordance with Article 42.3 of The Treaty on European Union aka The Lisbon Treaty:

Article 42
Yes but we are meaning shutting down ALL Mosques, not just those that are supporting terrorism.

That won't happen in the U.S. if the people at the Mosques aren't breaking any laws. We have due process, and freedom of religion here. Yes, an argument can be made that Islam is a form of government, not religion, but that's not how it is defined here. I do believe many if not most Mosques hide their support for Jihad, and terrorism, but that needs to be proven on a case by case basis.

I have not performed a study of the full situation in America, it would have to involve a study of every American State to establish how extensive your situation is involving pockets of Radicalisation, Sleeper Cells, Potential Sleeper Cells and a variety of other issues.

All we go on is the situation on the European Continent, we exclude certain nations as Britain and the Republic of Ireland, we are more concerned with the interlocked Continent and we know from what we hear and have discussed that situations are getting to the point where some freedoms are going to have to be limited, you cannot have Security and total liberalism to do what you want because of religious freedom or whatever. Unfortunately we are in a different and more dangerous world than we personally would wish for. You have to make the decision to either protect your populations to the full extent that you can or partially protect them because you do not want to infringe on their personal liberalism to do what they want to 24/7, you cannot have both situations.

On Friday I was discussing with my brother who has a friend who works for Jan Jambon he's the Minister of the Interior for the Belgium nation and they are increasingly concerned about Molenbeek it is heavily predominantly Moroccan Muslim and intensely Radicalised, read below, Molenbeek is infamous as being the place where some of this Continent's most notorious Islamic Terrorist attacks were planned and also the place where Islamic terrorists have escaped back to and have been hidden by the MAJORITY of the Moroccan Muslim inhabitants. The Mayor of Molenbeek Françoise Schepmans even calls it a breeding ground for violence. This type of situation now is going to need a surgical solution.

Sint-Jans-Molenbeek - Wikipedia
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