Insurrection! Rioters Are Currently Trying To Break Into The Portland Police Bureau Building With Hammers And Axes

Oh, it’s just armed Biden supporters breaking into government buildings. Non issue.
View attachment 455576

Yeah, it's all just fine with the Dems if it's leftwing blacks and antifas doing insurrection.

If they hurt anyone or destroy property, they must be arrested.. The 1st Amendment is clear about PEACEFUL protests.

How can they peacefully break into a police station?

Why don't you READ the damned thread?

I did. My question stands

The 1st amendment allows peaceful protest... violence or destruction of property should get you arrested or shot.

Again, how do you break into a police station peacefully?
Again, how do you break into a police station peacefully?

Sounds to me as though you want to deny these progressives even the RIGHT to axe their way into a police station and kill everyone there. I mean, if people get all hung up on whether using axes and crowbars and sledgehammers is violent, how can we hope to change society for the better and eliminate police?

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