Inside Gaza And Under Israeli Fire, A Family Tries To Stay Safe


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Inside Gaza And Under Israeli Fire, A Family Tries To Stay Safe : Parallels : NPR
"It was before dawn," the Gaza resident recalls, through an interpreter. "I went out on my balcony to have a glass of water and get a breath of fresh air."

There were explosions in the distance, but nothing that worried him.

And then, a rocket hit the bedroom where his daughters usually sleep.

Luckily, they had stayed in the living room last night. No one was hurt. Everyone in the house — all 40 extended family members — rushed downstairs and outside.

"We divided people up and sent them different places. Some went to another neighborhood," he says. "The men and boys stayed outside. We sent most of the kids down the street to our cousins' house."

Israeli army flares illuminate the sky above the Gaza Strip on Friday. At least three people, including two children, ages 4 and 7, were killed by Israeli tank fire in Gaza, medics said.

Abu Tawila was still on the street when more Israeli rockets hit his home. And he was there when something bigger hit the home where he'd sent the children.

"They were shooting flares to light up the area. And the kids were wearing their pajamas, which are very bright — red, pink, yellow," he says. "So they knew kids left my house and went to my cousins' house. They knew there were women and children there."

Israel says it is trying to minimize civilian casualties and has warned civilians to leave certain areas. In this incident, 14 people were injured, including 22-year-old Momin Abu Tawila...

...But a temporary intensive care ward down the hall is like a different world: cool, quiet and with nurses in attendance. Madleen Abu Tawila, 12, lies alone, her right arm and stomach bandaged. She was home when her cousins rushed there for safety in the morning. Her father, Majed Abu Tawila, says he prayed that morning with his young son.

"He wanted to pray fast and finish, and didn't wait for his daughter. She said, 'You prayed without me, why did you do that?' So he said 'OK, don't worry, take the [prayer carpet] and go pray.' So she took it and started prayed. So he walked all the way down to the garden, to the yard of the house."

That's where he was when his house was hit. He found his daughter just where he'd left her to pray.

His daughter's stomach was blown open; her intestines and other inner parts tumbled out. Majed Abu Tawila tells the interpreter that his daughter "took her stomach back with her hand," and he took her to the hospital.

A nurse says the 12-year-old is stable. Family members thought they were far enough from the border that they'd be safe. But the military is still bombing buildings in Gaza City, too.

So what can they do? Nothing. Nowhere is safe and they can't leave :(
It truly sucks for the Palestinians who want to make a better life for themselves and their children. When Hamas gets wind of them, they camp in their yard and launch missiles from there. Hamas needs to be destroyed, they don't give a rats pitootey about the Palestinians. Not one little bit.
Even if the Israelis would open the crossings and let women and kids leave, first of all for the security of Israel they'd have to do something along the lines of strip-search everyone : (( That wouldn't go over well, I'm sure. But I fear it would be necessary because there are simply too many 'loose cannon' fanatics in the area.

And then, the refugees would have to be placed in secure settings - which I'm sure every HR agency would be rushing to 'inspect' (just so they could accuse the Israelis of 'abuses')....... and that in itself would be a further problem. And we can add to that the resentment of some Israelis for whatever funds it'd cost for the entire operation (if you want to condemn those Israelis - about 90% of folks in MASS were *against* taking in less than a thousand child refugees from Latin America. And we're not at war with them)

And of course, HAMAS would most likely label anyone who left as a 'traitor' - so who knows if they'd ever be allowed back to Gaza? What would HAMAS do to the men left in Gaza? I can see the HAMAS 'leaders' telling a guy "If you do this suicide mission, we'll forgive you for allowing your family to leave...." or some such.

And what about their husbands and fathers and brothers? And their sons when they grow up? Would that many more families be split apart ?

Sadly, there isn't much of a chance the Egyptians would consider opening the gates at Rafah and allowing non-combatants to take refuge there : (( Aside from the continual headache those smuggling tunnels have been - there's the matter than Sinai is basically like 'Indian territory' from some 'Western' movie. So the refugees wouldn't be safe unless there were a heavy Egyptian military presence......and see again all the 'logistics' problems.

If some HR or relief agency tried to set up camps - who would be able to protect those camps? And which nations would be willing to fund such an undertaking?
Even if the Israelis would open the crossings and let women and kids leave, first of all for the security of Israel they'd have to do something along the lines of strip-search everyone : (( That wouldn't go over well, I'm sure. But I fear it would be necessary because there are simply too many 'loose cannon' fanatics in the area.

And then, the refugees would have to be placed in secure settings - which I'm sure every HR agency would be rushing to 'inspect' (just so they could accuse the Israelis of 'abuses')....... and that in itself would be a further problem. And we can add to that the resentment of some Israelis for whatever funds it'd cost for the entire operation (if you want to condemn those Israelis - about 90% of folks in MASS were *against* taking in less than a thousand child refugees from Latin America. And we're not at war with them)

And of course, HAMAS would most likely label anyone who left as a 'traitor' - so who knows if they'd ever be allowed back to Gaza? What would HAMAS do to the men left in Gaza? I can see the HAMAS 'leaders' telling a guy "If you do this suicide mission, we'll forgive you for allowing your family to leave...." or some such.

And what about their husbands and fathers and brothers? And their sons when they grow up? Would that many more families be split apart ?

Sadly, there isn't much of a chance the Egyptians would consider opening the gates at Rafah and allowing non-combatants to take refuge there : (( Aside from the continual headache those smuggling tunnels have been - there's the matter than Sinai is basically like 'Indian territory' from some 'Western' movie. So the refugees wouldn't be safe unless there were a heavy Egyptian military presence......and see again all the 'logistics' problems.

If some HR or relief agency tried to set up camps - who would be able to protect those camps? And which nations would be willing to fund such an undertaking?

I know this is gonna sound stupid but what the heck. There is a rather wide buffer zone on the Gaza border..


A lot has been given back to Gaza.. Enough to support 10,000 farmers. If there was a WILL to create infrastructure there for evacuations, it could be staffed by International Aid agencies and/or Israel whenever the fighting occurred. Whether INTERNAL fighting or between Israel and Hamas. As Marge notes though, with Hamas in charge, those evacuating would be as likely to have their homes damaged for fleeing by Hamas as by the IDF...
I don't think there's anything much IN that border area - so what good would it be to send people there to sit out the hostilities?

There'd still be vehicles and such going back and forth - and you don't want to have potential hostiles where they can spot convoys or something.

I don't know about anyone else - but if I were a Gazan and I was sent to a camp on the border, I'd be using whatever I had to dig a tunnel just to get somewhere else.
Palestinians are victims of an endless chain of horrible leaders ie Arafat and Hamas.

They are bloodsuckers that get money and weapons from foreign elements to continue the war and terror, and stuck in the middle are the civilians on both sides of this war.
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I don't think there's anything much IN that border area - so what good would it be to send people there to sit out the hostilities?

There'd still be vehicles and such going back and forth - and you don't want to have potential hostiles where they can spot convoys or something.

I don't know about anyone else - but if I were a Gazan and I was sent to a camp on the border, I'd be using whatever I had to dig a tunnel just to get somewhere else.

boy scouts go out on camping trips ----living in tents and eating smores-----for longer periods
of time than hot fights last between Gaza and Israel--------I see no reason why the kids cannot be shipped to the Sinai for the duration we have disaster pods in the USA with stored food (like
substances) and water--------I do not understand------ If I were a gazan mother -----I would pak
my back pack and carry my infant------to the desert (of course without some stored stuff in the Sinai---
we would die--------but such storage sites can be made EASILY----and sit there until needed-----I do
not understand why the kids are playing on the beach during an Expected war right there in the war zone)
Even if the Israelis would open the crossings and let women and kids leave, first of all for the security of Israel they'd have to do something along the lines of strip-search everyone : (( That wouldn't go over well, I'm sure. But I fear it would be necessary because there are simply too many 'loose cannon' fanatics in the area.

And then, the refugees would have to be placed in secure settings - which I'm sure every HR agency would be rushing to 'inspect' (just so they could accuse the Israelis of 'abuses')....... and that in itself would be a further problem. And we can add to that the resentment of some Israelis for whatever funds it'd cost for the entire operation (if you want to condemn those Israelis - about 90% of folks in MASS were *against* taking in less than a thousand child refugees from Latin America. And we're not at war with them)

And of course, HAMAS would most likely label anyone who left as a 'traitor' - so who knows if they'd ever be allowed back to Gaza? What would HAMAS do to the men left in Gaza? I can see the HAMAS 'leaders' telling a guy "If you do this suicide mission, we'll forgive you for allowing your family to leave...." or some such.

And what about their husbands and fathers and brothers? And their sons when they grow up? Would that many more families be split apart ?

Sadly, there isn't much of a chance the Egyptians would consider opening the gates at Rafah and allowing non-combatants to take refuge there : (( Aside from the continual headache those smuggling tunnels have been - there's the matter than Sinai is basically like 'Indian territory' from some 'Western' movie. So the refugees wouldn't be safe unless there were a heavy Egyptian military presence......and see again all the 'logistics' problems.

If some HR or relief agency tried to set up camps - who would be able to protect those camps? And which nations would be willing to fund such an undertaking?

I know this is gonna sound stupid but what the heck. There is a rather wide buffer zone on the Gaza border..


A lot has been given back to Gaza.. Enough to support 10,000 farmers. If there was a WILL to create infrastructure there for evacuations, it could be staffed by International Aid agencies and/or Israel whenever the fighting occurred. Whether INTERNAL fighting or between Israel and Hamas. As Marge notes though, with Hamas in charge, those evacuating would be as likely to have their homes damaged for fleeing by Hamas as by the IDF...

Hamas reminds me of the Commissars shooting the Soviet soldiers in the back if they didn't charge the machine guns fast enough.
So what can they do?
Moving to open spaces, of course! The so-called "humanitarians" and UNRWA could've had a medal for organizing that, but, since palistanians look good dead on TV (it's, like, their politically correct state) and said "humanitarians" and the UNRWA (the largest UN agency, tailor-made to "serve" palistanians only) make a living off and thrive on palistanian artificial "misery", they wouldn't and won't, of course.
Besides, hamasabadians actually voted hamas into office by their collective choice, and collective choices have collective responsibilities, which some rather drivelous individuals term as "collective punishment". They eat what they cooked.
And it pays to always remember the memorable words of Bassem Tibi "The dialogue is not proceeding well because of the two-facedness of most Muslim interlocutors on the one hand and the gullibility of well-meaning Western idealists on the other, ..."
So what can they do? Nothing. Nowhere is safe and they can't leave.
Sounds like they should have left the area and gotten far from the advancing Israelis, immediately after receiving the Israeli warnings, while they still had the chance.

They chose to stay, or were too slow in leaving. Now they're caught.

Armies do not surrender their momentum during the course of an attack in order to spare those who should have evacuated earlier.

Now they must take their chances with their doomed Hamas masters.

Israel seems committed to exterminating the Hamas militias this time.

And, strangely, very few outsiders are seriously attempting to stay their hand.

There has been a subtle change in World Opinion in connection with this particular outing.

Israel is the beneficiary this time, while Hamas is being shown very little sympathy.

There is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill this time, to rescue Hamas.

But, as always in war, the innocent suffer alongside the guilty, and one cannot help but feel pity for those still caught within the various combat zones.

God help them, because nobody else is going to, this time around.
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It truly sucks for the Palestinians who want to make a better life for themselves and their children. When Hamas gets wind of them, they camp in their yard and launch missiles from there. Hamas needs to be destroyed, they don't give a rats pitootey about the Palestinians. Not one little bit.

Hamas are a bunch of bloody idiots, but that hardly excuses Israel's bastard IDF.
It truly sucks for the Palestinians who want to make a better life for themselves and their children. When Hamas gets wind of them, they camp in their yard and launch missiles from there. Hamas needs to be destroyed, they don't give a rats pitootey about the Palestinians. Not one little bit.

Hamas are a bunch of bloody idiots, but that hardly excuses Israel's bastard IDF.
How is the IDF a 'bastard'?

Other than being a genuine bastard to have to fight against.

Aren't they doing their job - going after the bad guys who are trying to hurt their people?

Isn't that what militaries do?
Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians | Human Rights Watch
In hilarious words of Paul Treanor "[Human Rights Watch] ... is certainly not an association of "concerned private citizens." HRW board members include present and past government employees, and overlapping directorates link it to the major foreign policy lobbies in the US. Cynically summarised, Human Rights Watch is a joint venture of George Soros and the State Department."
Can they get more phony than a phone?
Inside Gaza And Under Israeli Fire, A Family Tries To Stay Safe : Parallels : NPR
"It was before dawn," the Gaza resident recalls, through an interpreter. "I went out on my balcony to have a glass of water and get a breath of fresh air."

There were explosions in the distance, but nothing that worried him.

And then, a rocket hit the bedroom where his daughters usually sleep.

Luckily, they had stayed in the living room last night. No one was hurt. Everyone in the house — all 40 extended family members — rushed downstairs and outside.

"We divided people up and sent them different places. Some went to another neighborhood," he says. "The men and boys stayed outside. We sent most of the kids down the street to our cousins' house."

Israeli army flares illuminate the sky above the Gaza Strip on Friday. At least three people, including two children, ages 4 and 7, were killed by Israeli tank fire in Gaza, medics said.

Abu Tawila was still on the street when more Israeli rockets hit his home. And he was there when something bigger hit the home where he'd sent the children.

"They were shooting flares to light up the area. And the kids were wearing their pajamas, which are very bright — red, pink, yellow," he says. "So they knew kids left my house and went to my cousins' house. They knew there were women and children there."

Israel says it is trying to minimize civilian casualties and has warned civilians to leave certain areas. In this incident, 14 people were injured, including 22-year-old Momin Abu Tawila...

...But a temporary intensive care ward down the hall is like a different world: cool, quiet and with nurses in attendance. Madleen Abu Tawila, 12, lies alone, her right arm and stomach bandaged. She was home when her cousins rushed there for safety in the morning. Her father, Majed Abu Tawila, says he prayed that morning with his young son.

"He wanted to pray fast and finish, and didn't wait for his daughter. She said, 'You prayed without me, why did you do that?' So he said 'OK, don't worry, take the [prayer carpet] and go pray.' So she took it and started prayed. So he walked all the way down to the garden, to the yard of the house."

That's where he was when his house was hit. He found his daughter just where he'd left her to pray.

His daughter's stomach was blown open; her intestines and other inner parts tumbled out. Majed Abu Tawila tells the interpreter that his daughter "took her stomach back with her hand," and he took her to the hospital.

A nurse says the 12-year-old is stable. Family members thought they were far enough from the border that they'd be safe. But the military is still bombing buildings in Gaza City, too.

So what can they do? Nothing. Nowhere is safe and they can't leave :(

The uninhabited parts of gaza are safe so they could go there, but then that would leave the cowardly hamas terrorists unprotected and their homes in danger of being destroyed. Anyone that can use Google Earth can see for themselves that nearly half of gaza is open uninhabited land. So the civilians could move there while the fighting is going on to minimise civilian casualties.

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