Infidel Justice Waits Patiently


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
It's a simpler matter of connecting dots to have figured out that sometimes, Moslems who don't have membership in the Jihad All-Stars still want to destroy infidels. Sometimes, they even soil our shores by living among us.

Man faces sentence for online

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Federal prosecutors are seeking more than 12 years in prison for a Muslim convert from Brooklyn who pleaded guilty to posting online threats against the creators of the "South Park" television show.

Sentencing is scheduled Friday in Alexandria, Va., for Jesse Curtis Morton, who founded the now-defunct Revolution Muslim website. Earlier this year, he admitted using the site as an outlet for al-Qaida propaganda. He also conspired with another man to deliver a thinly veiled threat to the creators of the "South Park" television show for perceived insults to the prophet Muhammad.

Our pal "Jesse" had long ago reached conclusions about what the Koran and his politico-religious ideology teach regarding the infidel. So have countless others. That's why Islamic terrorism is a worldwide plague affecting all of humanity.

So enjoy your stay (hopefully for decades), in the dar al-slammer, Jesse. Pray to Mecca over the toilet and through the wall toward "C" Block, O you who believe.

Oh yeah… and don't bend over while performing your prayer ablutions, chump.
I'm no fan of the jihad but how do you balance the 1st Amendment with locking up a nut case for engaging in free speech? First they come for the muslems and then they come for you and me.
I'm no fan of the jihad but how do you balance the 1st Amendment with locking up a nut case for engaging in free speech? First they come for the muslems and then they come for you and me.

The free speech issue is a valid point, however, that freedom doesn't apply in the context of making threats aimed at specific individuals. Our pal Jesse was given justice he chose to deny others.

First, Jesse and his ilk threaten the South Park creators, then they threaten you. Are you comfortable with that?
Are you comfortable with that?

I'm not, no. Freedom of speech is something we simply must defend at all costs.

But neither am I comfortable with off-hand racist remarks like:

and don't bend over while performing your prayer ablutions, chump.

I'm baffled by how many people line up to condemn (and often rightly) Islamic intolerance, and in doing so act out much the same kind of intolerance themselves.
Are you comfortable with that?

I'm not, no. Freedom of speech is something we simply must defend at all costs.

But neither am I comfortable with off-hand racist remarks like:

and don't bend over while performing your prayer ablutions, chump.

I'm baffled by how many people line up to condemn (and often rightly) Islamic intolerance, and in doing so act out much the same kind of intolerance themselves.

There was nothing racist about the remark. You may hope to be inflammatory with the "racist" canard but that's misplaced.

Are you suggesting that Moslem is a "race"?.
Hollie -

I am not suggesting that Islam is a race, but I am suggesting that a lof of prejduce against both Jews and Muslims is racist in all but name. I've never bought the excuse that hating Jews was somehow a lesser crime because Judaism is a religion, and I don't buy it with Islam either.

It isn't my intention to play any kind of canard - I simply found your comment unecessarily derogatory, and I think it weakens your argument.
Hollie -

I am not suggesting that Islam is a race, but I am suggesting that a lof of prejduce against both Jews and Muslims is racist in all but name. I've never bought the excuse that hating Jews was somehow a lesser crime because Judaism is a religion, and I don't buy it with Islam either.

It isn't my intention to play any kind of canard - I simply found your comment unecessarily derogatory, and I think it weakens your argument.

I take no issue with religious bullies and haters being subjected to criminal prosecution for overt threats. I happen to find shoe bombers, underwear bombrers, vagina bombers, rectum bombers and those who encourage and inspire them necessarily in need of being removed from where they can cause mayhem and death.
Hollie -

I couldn't agree more.

Any immigrant who enters our countries and then brakes our laws can be deported in seconds flat with no complaint to me.

And any local person can of course be detained and tried, providing their is due process.
Hollie -

I couldn't agree more.

Any immigrant who enters our countries and then brakes our laws can be deported in seconds flat with no complaint to me.

And any local person can of course be detained and tried, providing their is due process.
Thank you. While we may disagree on most things, for this one, brief moment in time...
I wonder how "thinly veiled" the threats were. During the Iraq war the Associated Press was an "outlet for al-Queda propaganda" so I don't see how that becomes an issue..
I wonder how "thinly veiled" the threats were. During the Iraq war the Associated Press was an "outlet for al-Queda propaganda" so I don't see how that becomes an issue..

The facts of the case and the seriousness of the threats resulted in a conviction. If it was you or your family being threatened, what is the threshold at which you become concerned and file a complaint with law enforcement?

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