Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren’t ‘Good Enough’


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren’t ‘Good Enough’

· Survey reveals most young adults feel frequently overwhelmed by the demands of their work and social lives, with many experiencing adverse mental health effects.

· Nearly six in ten millennials believe many of society’s expectations for them are unrealistic.

Another seven in 10 millennials say that daily chores like going to the gym regularly, maintaining a presence on social media, and making enough money are among the top reasons why they feel overwhelmed from time to time. In all, 80% of respondents even say these worries have negatively impacted their sleep and 79% admit that their overall mental health has suffered.

Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren't 'Good Enough' - Study Finds

This is easy to believe. Parents have not expected their children to perform to the best of their ability, hardly demanded weekly chores and gave them every luxury item the wanted. They received trophies for merely showing up to sports events and again low expectations were the norm. Then they get out in the real world had vave panic attacks. What did we expect?
Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren’t ‘Good Enough’

· Survey reveals most young adults feel frequently overwhelmed by the demands of their work and social lives, with many experiencing adverse mental health effects.

· Nearly six in ten millennials believe many of society’s expectations for them are unrealistic.

Another seven in 10 millennials say that daily chores like going to the gym regularly, maintaining a presence on social media, and making enough money are among the top reasons why they feel overwhelmed from time to time. In all, 80% of respondents even say these worries have negatively impacted their sleep and 79% admit that their overall mental health has suffered.

Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren't 'Good Enough' - Study Finds

This is easy to believe. Parents have not expected their children to perform to the best of their ability, hardly demanded weekly chores and gave them every luxury item the wanted. They received trophies for merely showing up to sports events and again low expectations were the norm. Then they get out in the real world had vave panic attacks. What did we expect?
There is no better feeling than that of having done something worthwhile. Guess they never had it.
Inferiority Complex: 8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren’t ‘Good Enough’

They're right.

Question is, who's going to take care of them when the Boomers all die off having spent all the money they were forced all their lives to contract for?
We are the ones that screwed up the Millennials. We shouldn't act so pompous. We gave them more and more while expecting less and less from them. Shame on the Boomers!
We are the ones that screwed up the Millennials. We shouldn't act so pompous. We gave them more and more while expecting less and less from them. Shame on the Boomers!

Who is this "we" of whom you speak?
We are the ones that screwed up the Millennials. We shouldn't act so pompous. We gave them more and more while expecting less and less from them. Shame on the Boomers!
I thought the Gen x were our children
We are the ones that screwed up the Millennials. We shouldn't act so pompous. We gave them more and more while expecting less and less from them. Shame on the Boomers!

Speak for yourself Jack
I can speak for myself. I expected high grasdes from him and got it. Going to college was a given. Every Saturday we cleaned house.
The only time I wondered what messages I was sending to him was when he and his wife had their first child. He said I could furnish the diapers. I looked at him and asked, " who had this or me?" I never furnished one diaper;
Baby Boomers (myself included) grew up in the unique bubble of post-WW2 prosperity without ever having to learn the hard lessons of life. We thought every problem had an easy solution, an attitude that we passed on to our children. They are now facing their own problems without any idea of how to solve them.
Baby Boomers (myself included) grew up in the unique bubble of post-WW2 prosperity without ever having to learn the hard lessons of life. We thought every problem had an easy solution, an attitude that we passed on to our children. They are now facing their own problems without any idea of how to solve them.
Your're crazy. Both my wife and I wore hand me downs till we got jobs. We worked in pre-OSHA conditions, and I still have scars from that. We thought every problem had a solution AND worked at solving it ourselves. And our kids had to maintain standards in school or work or else. Glad you had it easy, not everybody did.
I think there was a "I'm going to give my children what my parents could not give me" attitude with boomers.
The millennial darling of the democrat campaign, Beto, used to apologize for being white before they laughed him off the campaign trail. I expect insecure millennials are teaching American kids to apologize for their gender as well as their race.

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