Indonesian Maid's Beheading Prompts National Ban On Domestic Workers In Saudi Arabia


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Indonesian Maid's Beheading Prompts National Ban On Domestic Workers In Saudi Arabia


Indonesia will prohibit its citizens from working as domestic servants in Saudi Arabia after the beheading of a maid convicted of murdering her Saudi employer last week.

As the AFP is reporting, the suspension will take effect Aug. 1 and remain in place until the Saudi government agrees to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to protect Indonesian workers' rights, officials said. "We will set up a special task force whose job is to make sure there are no Indonesian workers heading for Saudi when the moratorium is in place," Indonesian Labor Ministry spokeswoman Dita Indah Sari is quoted by the BBC as saying. "We do not want to see any illegal recruitments during this period."

The move comes after the execution of Ruyati binti Satubi, a 54-year-old Indonesian maid who was convicted of murder after confessing to killing her employer, Khairiya bint Hamid Mijlid, with a kitchen knife. The AFP cites Jakarta officials as saying she carried out the killing after being denied permission to return to Indonesia. In addition, Ruyati's family was not informed of her beheading until the day after the execution was carried out, according to al Jazeera.

Rights activists claim there is evidence that Ruyati had suffered abuse while working in Saudi Arabia, and that her own government in Jakarta did not provide sufficient legal counsel to ward off a death sentence. "It is important that Indonesia is sending a strong message to Saudi Arabia," Human Rights Watch Senior Women's Rights Researcher Nisha Varia is quoted by CNN as saying. "That it is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia to execute one of its nationals without informing them."

As the BBC reports, an estimated 1.5 million Indonesians work in Saudi Arabia, many of them as domestic maids. But the case is just the latest is a series of rows between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia over alleged mistreatment of workers.

Indonesian Maid's Beheading Prompts National Ban On Domestic Workers In Saudi Arabia (VIDEO)
The AFP cites Jakarta officials as saying she carried out the killing after being denied permission to return to Indonesia. In addition, Ruyati's family was not informed of her beheading until the day after the execution was carried out, according to al Jazeera.

Wouldn't let her go home? So she killed him.

You've been there HG. Are there no avenues for her to have sought any help with the law in Saudi Arabia?
The AFP cites Jakarta officials as saying she carried out the killing after being denied permission to return to Indonesia. In addition, Ruyati's family was not informed of her beheading until the day after the execution was carried out, according to al Jazeera.

Wouldn't let her go home? So she killed him.

You've been there HG. Are there no avenues for her to have sought any help with the law in Saudi Arabia?

Nope, the foreign workers that come to Saudi Arabia have nobody to turn to in these situations, their passport is kept by either the employer or the agency who is responsible for bringing the maids over, in Saudi Arabia a woman cannot drive or go out of the house alone, so the chance for a maid to escape in Saudi Arabia is very, very slim. They are totally reliant on the mercy of their employer, the police don't get involved in such matters unless someone is dead.These domestic workers are basically slaves in the Kingdom to be honest.
I should also add that its only foreign workers that come from countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia etc that get treated this way, workers from countries like the US, England, Australia that go there get treated alot better than that, they have full access to their Embassies and can leave pretty much whenever they want, however domestic workers from third world countries get no such privileges.
A side note:

Why do they call it "beheading"?

Shouldn't it be deheading?
A slave taking out the owner is karmic justice. Which is probably the reason the Saudi Government moved so quickly. Can't have the slaves get uppity.
A slave taking out the owner is karmic justice. Which is probably the reason the Saudi Government moved so quickly. Can't have the slaves get uppity.

This kind of thing has happened before in the Kingdom, there are American women who married Saudi men and when they arrive in the Kingdom, they are little more than slaves.
The best one's I ever ate were in Beirut, Lebanon. on a charcoal grill, not gas
The best one's I ever ate were in Beirut, Lebanon. on a charcoal grill, not gas

They used to serve shawarmas to us on the base where I was deployed in Kuwait they were catered from downtown, very tastey. The best ones I had was when I was deployed to Saudi Arabia, they had a shawarma stand on base and it was outstanding, I ate from there until the last day I went back to the US.

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