Indiana 3 year old shoots 2 people

It also isn't about Americans owning guns - but what kind of Americans should be allowed to have one. A simple Gun license test - something like a car-driver license test - would solve these issues - but guys like you just keep turning in circles and excuse themselves with gun security at home (which would/should be an essential part of obtaining a gun license). And yeah - after someone shots some one, the gun should be taken away - why issue one to irresponsible/unqualified people in the first place?

Sure everyone should drive - and upon having caused an accident - including even fatalities - the car needs to be taken away and the owner needs to proof that he can actually start and gas up a car.

Just listen to yourself.
OK then you'd be all for requiring a license to exercise all rights. correct?

If you don't take a test and pay for your First Amendment license, No Free Speech for You
You are lucky. Its always the parents fault. But nothing ever gets done about it.
The guy that got shot is a murder suspect who was on the lose. That kid should get a reward for stopping him before he kills again.

Two skels with one bullet! That kid is already a baller. I hope he joins the good guys when he grows up. If there are any good guys left to join by then.
OK then you'd be all for requiring a license to exercise all rights. correct?
Where did I state that? you idiotic gun weirdos can twist this issue around as much as you want to.
The 2nd amendment gives you the right to bear arms - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?

I am a gun owner myself - and yes I will advocate a for a gun license test anytime, since I have no reasons to fear such a test or not being able to pass it - but gun weirdos obviously are dead afraid by the mere mentioning of it - respectively afraid of having to take and pass a test.

Just read up your own posts - 500 dead are insignificant, but if you stumble upon an abortion you will go all out nuts - headlining that lives matter to you.
Fact is, you don't care about lives - just your idiotic gun ideology - if you even have any firearms.
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I call'em like I see'em
It's called personal interpretation or a personal assumptions - since you can't see me - moron.
And if you had read upon some of my posts - you would know that I am not a boy - but that would require a basic intelligence - which morons obviously don't posses.

Now shoo, shoo off you go, and talk/post to your alike.
Where did I state that? you idiotic gun weirdos can twist this issue around as much as you want to.
The 2nd amendment gives you the right to bear arms - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?

I am a gun owner myself - and yes I will advocate a for a gun license test anytime, since I have no reasons to fear such a test or not being able to pass it - but gun weirdos obviously are dead afraid by the mere mentioning of it - respectively afraid of having to take and pass a test.

Just read up your own posts - 500 dead are insignificant, but if you stumble upon an abortion you will go all out nuts - headlining that lives matter to you.
Fact is, you don't care about lives - just your idiotic gun ideology - if you even have any firearms.
Gun ownership is a right so if you want to require tests and payments for licenses for one right you must require it for ALL rights.

And I said statistically insignificant so if you're going to quote me use the fucking quote function and stop making shit up.

And FYI I happen to believe abortion is a woman's choice.

I have owned and carried concealed since the age of 21 not that it is any of your fucking business
Thats great news. Other kids hqvant been so lucky.

So what? I can't control other people's luck.

And like I said all we have to do to prevent most school shootings is to lock the fucking doors of the schools and don't let anyone in who isn;t supposed to be there.
Gun ownership is a right so if you want to require tests and payments for licenses for one right you must require it for ALL rights.
To bear arms/to own a gun - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?
So you want to purchase ammo? - you need to pass a gun-license test - could be as simple as that.
And I said statistically insignificant so if you're going to quote me use the fucking quote function and stop making shit up.
So? statistically insignificant means what to you? that you couldn't give a shit about a statistically insignificant number of individual deaths - can't wiggle your way out of this mate.
And FYI I happen to believe abortion is a woman's choice.
No, its a women's and the fathering person's choice in the first place (only in case of an artificial pregnancy (e.g. IUI with an unknown donor) it would be solely the mothers choice - and whatever they or she agrees upon, needs to be acquitted/sanctioned by the respective laws. (A normal pregnancy) - and a thus resulting Abortion is nothing else but to murder a future or already existing life - it just proofs again that you don't give a shit about live. - only about your idiotic gun ideology.
I have owned and carried concealed since the age of 21 not that it is any of your fucking business
And now you are afraid to take a gun license test - or why would you oppose such an idea? The 2nd Amendment doesn't give you a right towards owning or purchasing ammo.
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It's called personal interpretation or a personal assumptions - since you can't see me - moron.
And if you had read upon some of my posts - you would know that I am not a boy - but that would require a basic intelligence - which morons obviously don't posses.

Now shoo, shoo off you go, and talk/post to your alike.
And if you had read upon some of my posts -
I've read many of them

you would know that I am not a boy -

Nothing in those posts prove that.


Why are you deflecting from my question bout the funny you gave on my Rittenhouse post?
Why are you deflecting from my question bout the funny you gave on my Rittenhouse post?
I am in no need to deflect from anything - unlike idiotic gun weirdos.


And your answer was:
His buddy bought that gun, kept the rifle at his house,
it's likely his parents knew nothing about it,
To bear arms/to own a gun - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?
So you want to purchase ammo? - you need to pass a gun-license test - could be as simple as that.

So? statistically insignificant means what to you? that you couldn't give a shit about a statistically insignificant number of individual deaths - can't wiggle your way out of this mate.

No, its a women's and the fathering person's choice in the first place (only in case of an artificial pregnancy (e.g. IUI with an unknown donor) it would be solely the mothers choice - and whatever they or she agrees upon, needs to be acquitted/sanctioned by the respective laws. (A normal pregnancy) - and a thus resulting Abortion is nothing else but to murder a future or already existing life - it just proofs again that you don't give a shit about live. - only about your idiotic gun ideology.

And now you are afraid to take a gun license test - or why would you oppose such an idea? The 2nd Amendment doesn't give you a right towards owning or purchasing ammo.

Stupid question since the Constitution itself states that the rights enumerated are not the only rights that people have

And if you need to look up the definition of a term buy a dictionary.

If any other activity has literally tens of millions of instances annually and resulted in less than 500 deaths that would be considered a very good safety record.

And I disagree the woman's body is the only one involved in gestation she does not need anyone else's permission to do whatever she wants to her own body.

And the last question is utterly irrelevant since there is no requirement that forces people to pay to exercise their rights because it is unconstitutional.

So if you want to start charging people to exercise their rights then change the constitution.
I am in no need to deflect from anything - unlike idiotic gun weirdos.


And your answer was:
His buddy bought that gun, kept the rifle at his house,
it's likely his parents knew nothing about it,
Parents separated, living 10 miles apart, and you expect them to know what their 16 y/o son is doing?

You don't have kids, do you?
To bear arms/to own a gun - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?
So you want to purchase ammo? - you need to pass a gun-license test - could be as simple as that.

So? statistically insignificant means what to you? that you couldn't give a shit about a statistically insignificant number of individual deaths - can't wiggle your way out of this mate.

No, its a women's and the fathering person's choice in the first place (only in case of an artificial pregnancy (e.g. IUI with an unknown donor) it would be solely the mothers choice - and whatever they or she agrees upon, needs to be acquitted/sanctioned by the respective laws. (A normal pregnancy) - and a thus resulting Abortion is nothing else but to murder a future or already existing life - it just proofs again that you don't give a shit about live. - only about your idiotic gun ideology.

And now you are afraid to take a gun license test - or why would you oppose such an idea? The 2nd Amendment doesn't give you a right towards owning or purchasing ammo.
And the first amendment doesn't mention computers or electronic means of communications so I guess it's OK for the government to monitor them right?

So if you are not writing with a quill and ink on parchment and delivering your messages to me via horseback I guess you have no right to say it.
To bear arms/to own a gun - did it mention a powder-horn and musket-balls as well?
So you want to purchase ammo? - you need to pass a gun-license test - could be as simple as that.
Wrong. Something like that happened when the Minneapolis Star-Tribune was forced to have to pay extra on ink and paper. The Supreme Court ruled that the tax was a violation of their 1st amendment right to freedom of the press. Likewise, purchasing ammo would be considered a part of the 2nd amendment because it would be impossible to exercise the right without it.
Stupid question since the Constitution itself states that the rights enumerated are not the only rights that people have

And if you need to look up the definition of a term buy a dictionary.

If any other activity has literally tens of millions of instances annually and resulted in less than 500 deaths that would be considered a very good safety record.

And I disagree the woman's body is the only one involved in gestation she does not need anyone else's permission to do whatever she wants to her own body.

And the last question is utterly irrelevant since there is no requirement that forces people to pay to exercise their rights because it is unconstitutional.

So if you want to start charging people to exercise their rights then change the constitution.
You leave the sole responsibility in regards to an abortion of the child you fathered, to the mother - again you proof that life doesn't matter to you - even a given life that you yourself participated in. You are a totally irresponsible person - who logically wouldn't pass the psychological test that a gun-license test IMO would behold. Because all you obviously care about, is just YOU and your gun ideology.

As for your other silly deflection attempts - the usual known excuses and non-nonsensical arguments forwarded by gun weirdos.

Show me where it states that you have a constitutional right to own or purchase ammo - as for the other non enumerated rights - feel free to show me were it states that ammo is one of them.

As I had stated already - you don't give a shit about other peoples life. - so discussing with you about gun restrictions, I might just as well talk to a blind born person about the rainbow color spectrum. Go and live with yourself - hopefully you are not married and have kids.
Wrong. Something like that happened when the Minneapolis Star-Tribune was forced to have to pay extra on ink and paper. The Supreme Court ruled that the tax was a violation of their 1st amendment right to freedom of the press. Likewise, purchasing ammo would be considered a part of the 2nd amendment because it would be impossible to exercise the right without it.
Show me the constitutional right to shoot a weapon/firearm.
And the first amendment doesn't mention computers or electronic means of communications so I guess it's OK for the government to monitor them right?

So if you are not writing with a quill and ink on parchment and delivering your messages to me via horseback I guess you have no right to say it.
That is why the constitution is constantly being AMENDED - therefore it's termed an AMENDMENT
God just how ignorant and dumb are you gun weirdos?
You leave the sole responsibility in regards to an abortion of the child you fathered, to the mother - again you proof that life doesn't matter to you - even a given life that you yourself participated in. You are a totally irresponsible person - who logically wouldn't pass the psychological test that a gun-license test IMO would behold. Because all you obviously care about, is just YOU and your gun ideology.

As for your other silly deflection attempts - the usual known excuses and non-nonsensical arguments forwarded by gun weirdos.

Show me where it states that you have a constitutional right to own or purchase ammo - as for the other non enumerated rights - feel free to show me were it states that ammo is one of them.

As I had stated already - you don't give a shit about other peoples life. - so discussing with you about gun restrictions, I might just as well talk to a blind born person about the rainbow color spectrum. Go and live with yourself - hopefully you are not married and have kids.
Here's the thing, I wouldn't father a child unless the woman and I both agreed that we wanted to. I and only I am responsible for where I leave my sperm. If I don't want to take the chance of a woman having an abortion I wouldn't get her pregnant. IF I decided to have a child it would be a conscious and well considered decision between me and my wife. Which means I have never trusted any woman to be in charge of birth control and I never believed any woman that said she was on birth control.

Show a state where I don't have a right to buy ammo. Like I said just because a right and in this case a property right is not specifically listed in the Constitution in no way means that right odes not exist and this is plainly stated in the Constitution itself.

Look I am not responsible for every single life on this planet or in this country. I have absolutely no control over what other people do and I have absolutely no culpability in the crimes other people commit. So I see no need to change my behavior with the insane hope that it will somehow change what a person I don't know and never met will do.

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