Indian, The US and Japanese navies are meeting for exercises near Guam for the first time


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It is time for another war game.



US, Japanese, and Indian warships converged on Guam last week for the 22nd iteration of Exercise Malabar, an annual exercise focused on developing coordination and training to counter maritime threats.

This year's version of the exercise, which is the first to take place around Guam, runs from June 7 to June 16, but as the ships involved gathered beforehand, the Chinese navy was keeping an eye on the proceedings.

Indian ships sailing to Guam were shadowed by Chinese warships in the South China Sea, breaking off only when the Indian ships entered the Philippine Sea.

"We had good, polite conversation. They were there for some time, and then broke off," Rear Adm. Dinesh K. Tripathi, commander of India's Eastern Fleet and head of India's delegation to Malabar 2018, told The Economic Times. "The moment we entered the Pacific across the Philippines Sea, they went back. It was interesting."


The US, Japanese, and Indian navies are meeting for exercises near Guam for the first time, and China is keeping a close eye on them

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