Indian organization to provide artificial limbs to injured in Syria


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Thank you India for your help!


NEW DELHI, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- A leading social organization in India will soon be providing artificial limbs, free of cost, to victims of ongoing violence in war-torn country Syria.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) to this effect has been signed between the "Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS)" and the Syrian aid body - "Saint James the Mutilated (SJM)".

India's BMVSS is famous for providing the artificial limb Jaipur Foot, a prosthesis named after the Jaipur city (capital of western state Rajasthan) where it was developed in 1970. The "Jaipur Foot" stimulates natural limb functions like walking, squatting, sitting, running and climbing.

Speaking with Xinhua, founder and chief patron of BMVSS Devendra Raj Mehta said that an agreement has been signed with the SJM, which is the local partner in Syria, and "now we are awaiting permission from our external affairs ministry to go to the war-torn country and set up a camp there."

He added, "In case we don't get permission to set up a camp in Damascus, we will operate out of Lebanon and treat Syrian patients there."

According to Mehta, the head of SJM Mother Agnes, who provides food to around 25,000 homeless people in Syria every day, personally visited his organization last week and decided to engage the BMVSS for providing artificial limbs to the needed people in Syria.


Indian organization to provide artificial limbs to injured in Syria - Xinhua |

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