Indian billionaire to invest $2.4 billion in U.S.A.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Your $2.4 billion is certainly welcome here in the US but good luck with your goal of making Americans fall in love with Cricket :)


Jay Pandya is the chairman of Global Sports Ventures, a sports development company with a lofty goal: Help make Americans fall in love with cricket. New sports have attempted to get a foothold in America in the past, but the announcement of a $2.4 billion investment and the creation of 17,000 new jobs makes cricket the biggest new-sport initiative since the launch of Major League Soccer.

Pandya spoke with SB Nation about the genesis of an American cricket league.

How did the concept of bringing cricket to the U.S. begin?

Me and my kids and my wife and the whole family we were out in Australia to watch the World Cup finals in 2015. We traveled 30 hours to get there and when we were at the venues every single day.

Pandya’s children pointed out that there wasn’t just native Australians in the stands, but a majority of spectators were from India and the USA who had traveled for the World Cup.

This realization was the spark needed to begin the new league. Pandya says that he wanted to capture the cricket he saw in Australia and bring that to Americans.


Meet the investor spending $2.4 billion to start a cricket league in the USA

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